I am Kim Taehyung

"I see that you have learned how to grow wings, Taehyung, too bad you're about to die," said Lisa as she pushed Taehyung with great force. Luckily one of the kidnappers saw the act in time and rushed to catch him before he fell. To think that things couldn't get worse.

Lisa drew a Beretta Pico out of her medium-sized side-purse, aiming with shaking hands at Tae who's eyes grew wide from shock. Never did he expect that Lisa of all people would be walking around in broad daylight with a fully armed pocket pistol at her disposal. He grew with curiosity as too who exactly was this woman.

"Any last words Tae, before I blow your eyes out.....don't worry about Jungkook, I'll be sure to keep him company, and to keep his bed warm for him at all time...you were indeed such a foolish child, I gave you a million hints trying to tell you to stay away, but you never listened. Now your death will be on your own hands.....at least have a smile on your face, you will be going to meet your long-beloved parents, I'm sure they must be waiting for you in heaven."

5.....4...3.....2...1 Bang!!!

Dead silence was all that could be heard.....

"Eomma...Appa..... can you hear me....hello...anyone."

Tae saw himself in a parallel place, his surroundings were blank, nothing in plain sight. He wonders what happened, no Lisa and no kidnappers. Was he dead...is this what being dead feels like, nothing but silence.

???"Tae...Taehyung is that you?"

He turned around to see two figures approaching him. As the figures drew closer, he could make sense of it. There weren't figures they were people....his people.....his parents. 15 years had passed since hi last saw them, tears built in his eyes as he saw them clearly because they were closer. He sobs his tears away, but couldn't contain them as he ran to them, nothing stopping him, wanting to hold them so tight that they would never leave him.

"Eomma.....Appa!!!!" He fell at their feet crying. That was all he did, he cried.

"My sweet son....it's been so long". The soft, caring voice of his mother hit his eyes are he looked up to her with his wet eyes, slowly the lowered themselves to his level, sharing the gift of family love. The love between parent and child.

"Eomma, Appa, why did you leave me. I'm all alone in this world, I have no one, everywhere I go people are always trying to hurt me, take the things I care about away from me. I am broken without you. I don't wish to take this suffering anymore. I want to stay with the two of you, I want us to be united again and to live as the family that we were.....please take me with you...please I beg of you". Tae said as he held his parents tight.

It was indeed 15 years since that horrific accident, but not once did he forget how his parents looked, felt, or spoke.

"My son, we didn't leave you...we have always been there with you, we go everywhere with you. Not once did we part ways with...we were always in your heart and you were always in our thoughts". said Tae's mom as she gently placed her hands on his chest.

The pulled each other into a tight hug, giving all their bearings away and enjoying the once in a lifetime experience. After what felt like 5min, his dad spoke in a serious yet gentle tone.

"Now my son you have to go back now...I know that you are against this, but there is a danger that only you can fight, you have to go back and fight for your love...Jungkook. Although we may never be able to meet him physically, we can see his heart and its pure and full of love for you...Now go now my son...until we meet again".

"Goodbye my love, we are always with you...have no fear".

With a soft kiss on his cheek from his mom, he regained his consciousness, seeing himself on the floor. He looked aside and saw a pool of blood, but it was not his blood rather it was one of the kidnappers, he took the bullet for him, he actually risked his life to save him. He felt tears build in his eyes. He looked up and saw the second kidnapper wrestling with Lisa, both of them on the floor showing fits of power.

"T...Tae run!! Get away from here!!! Quick!!!" said the fighting kidnapper.

Instinct kicked in at that very second. Tae got up to leave, but he did, he saw a phone of the other guy sticking from his pocket, as quick as lighting he grabbed it and ran, sparing one last glance at the man who saved his life.

"I will never forget you...Thank you". He said as he made a run for it. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him, where he was running he did not know since the area was a rather dense forest, trees covered him in every angle. All he knew was that he had to get out of there... and fast.

He ran and ran and ran, he was exhausted, he needed to get help and fast. He had to call someone, remembering that he had that phone from earlier, he hoped that there was a signal for him. Just as he was about to dail a number, when he heard a gunshot 'Bang!!!!' it echoed in his eyes. He prayed that is wasn't the man who saved him, but at the same time, he wasn't going to take the chance of finding out.