

Procrastination may not just be a sign of laziness. More often than not, it is actually smart, hard working, capable people that tend to procrastinate. They might subconsciously dread the feeling of starting something knowing that it won't end up perfect.

There's also the type of procrastinators who don't want to succeed as then other people will expect more from them. They like to set and keep the standards low.

And there's the type that is afraid of failure. You just don't want to disappoint other people. Sometimes you might even call in sick just to avoid that dreaded deadline.

The problem is however that procrastination just delays the inevitable and doesn't erase it. It could even make the situation worse. There is no fool proof way to overcome procrastination other than directly starting something as soon as you find out about it. You just need to tell yourself, "This needs to be done, I'll do it now and get it over with". If you can't immediately start, create a written time plan of when you'll do it.