

Everyone has probably already seen one of those questions where you need to decide which group of people will die. Those questions can definitely be hard but there was never any sense of realism. It was always either kill A or kill B.

Thus I've taken the liberty to up the stakes quite a bit. An out of control train is barreling down the tracks towards 5 workers. You just happen to be in a position, where you are able to make the train change tracks. However if you do, you will endanger 4 other workers.

This is not as simple as 5 workers vs 4 workers. If you make the train change tracks, you will be that reason that 4 innocent people just died. Those deaths will be on your hands. 4 people that still had their whole lives ahead of them. 4 people with friends and family.

You either watch 5 people get run over, or you save 5 people whilst killing 4 others.

What would you do? There is no alternate option.

What If it was 10 vs 1. Or a friend vs 10 strangers. (The first person/group is the one in direct danger)