
Justice Warriors

Every generation has had "justice warriors" who feel entitled to the gratification of helping what in their minds are lesser, weaker or oppressed people.

Just a while back, a thing called freak shows existed. Think of shows where the main attractions are humans with very wierd and unique aspects. Some of which can definitely be considered as extreme disabilities.

Eventually, freak shows were boycotted and looked down upon due to being "exploitative" of disabled people. Some of the "exploted" were however being paid very handsomely. They also were able to negotiate their terms of appearances and could choose between salaries or shares of profits. [Keywords obviously being "some of them"]

Some of freak show workers also weren't exactly capable of other types of work. For them, the boycotting basically ruined their only source of income and destroyed their lives.

An comparable situation would be if people started to complain that Only F@ n 5 is "forcing" their employees to do degenerate actions.

Of course there are many real examples of stupid justice warriors I could give, but I'm sure you guys can think of some of them.

I'll just try to avoid another shadow ban incase some butthurt people try to mass report.