I was able to step back and stay between my humans and Saguine, but even stunned his mind was sharp as he had the ghouls surround us.

Nothing seemed to change in our dire situation even after our fight. Fucking hell.

We still had silver bullets, a wounded human who knew how to shoot, a not wounded human who did not know how to shoot, me with just one sword as the flamethrower was damage on the fall on the stairs.

Saguine was too quick for bullets; even for me, I would only be able to hurt his limbs, max. But the ghouls; they would get hit pretty good, but no point with Saguine there as, in the end, he was the real trouble.

I could stall him though?

Gosh, I always hated those character who sacrificed themselves for others in the movies, always found them to be stupid and dumb and… damn, what did those two humans did to me to even consider that? Made me more stupid for sure.

But of course Saguine wouldn't wait for us to decided what to do next.

One look at him and I knew he was furious as I have never seen him before; his lips up in an animalistic snarl, his eyes clouded with murderous intent. When he spoke, it was as if his words were embedded in poison:

"Sa-ma-el, you naughty, naughty boy, now you made me really, really angry. But I'm kind, and will give you another chance if you come with me now."

I hiss back at him. He sighs.

"So be it. Samael, hold the humans in place."

Before my eyes could even widen and my brain process what he had done, my hand dropped the sword down and grabbed Richard and Dylan by the back of the neck; and not very kindly, forcing them to stand straight, which was painful for Richard.

As I force their throats they were unable to speak, an each away of chocking with my grip. I fight back his control, so much that my hands start to shake and my muscles spasm, but I'm only able to lighten the grip just a little.

"Stop it, Saguine."

"No, Samael, is too late to beg now. You have done it yourself."

"So this is how low you have fallen now? This?! Breaking your own rules! What about all those speeches, all that; we are not slaves but sons, we were a family? It was all for naught?!"


"Morals? MORALS?! LOOK AT ME SAGUINE! LOOK AT ME!" I try to calm down, trembling with anger and for fighting his control. "Look at me, Saguine, look at what you are doing… you are no different from any of the ancient ones…"

"Don't you dare compare me to them!"

"And why not?! Wasn't you who said that they were vile creatures who only used their children and enslave all? Who forced you to…" I swallow. "And yet… you do this to me? You are the kind to bend your morals as you deem fit?"

At that moment he looked really hurt, as if pained him to do this, but all pity vanish when I remembered what he already had done with me.

Guess time numbed his morals, could numb it even from the best of men; it was just a matter of time.

Would I become like that one day?

"Samael…" He said my name with so much passion and sadness… "I'm sorry, I'm really am, but you give me no choice."



My mouth closes, making me clench my teeth in anger, feeling my tongue heavy.

"Come closer."

I do as told, dragging my feet forward as if they heavy tons, my muscles trying to obey the command as my brain forced them otherwise. Still, nonetheless, I ended up staying in front of him, bringing two struggling humans with me by my side.

I'm… I'm sorry, Richard, Dylan, for dragging you with me to this mess… fuck, Goddamnit, I cannot even say it anymore, it was too late for even that.

I steal quick glances at them, seeing Richard bleeding more with the movement and starting to pass out, and the scary look on Dylan's face as we get closer and closer to Saguine, his fear engraving in the air and making the ghouls snarl at him, eager.

And yet, once he caught me looking, those widen eyes soften, as if… as if there was still hope in them, hope in me.

That made me shiver; don't know if for the responsibility, or for the… trust that that one look held.

I stay still, looking at Saguine with a mix of anger and sadness as he does the same, stroking the side of my cheek, stopping his fingers over my wound and pressing I down, making new blood drip from the almost healed cut.

He brings it to his lips, licking it up, savoring it, always making eye contact with me, as if pondering what to do.

"You seem really found of these two humans… I should make you kill them, slowly, commanding you to drink from them little by little, dragging through days, until the day I would make you watch them die, that way you would never dare to get attached to those… creatures ever again."

Cold fear started to freeze my insides and panic threatened to overcome my thoughts; not once I doubted that he was capable of such a thing, especially against humans.

For him they were lower than cattle.

"But I know you, you are a rebel by nature, and by all means ou will try to mess things up, even if your only option is suicide, just to despise me. So is simple; I'll just kill them now."

At that, before I could even react, his hands fly up towards both of them, penetrating skill like a needle, any muscle resistance futile against his strength.

As if in slow motion I hear my humans gag, then cough up blood, their chest being ripped apart by the creature before me who still manage to have a soft smile on his lips.

And that was the last I coul take. The last drop.

I simply broke down.

And attacked him.

I could feel my vision turve as blackness overtook it, objects being highlighted in silver like a warm vision of a snake as I manage to let go of my humans and went straight to Saguine shoulders, ripping apart flesh and bones without mercy and pulling his arms out as my feet came up to push his torso back.

He felt down, wiggling in pain like a fish out of the water as I throw his arms to the side, power boiling in my veins. His always so well kept figure now was all dismantled, his hair a mess and his vest covered in blood as his bloody eyes that held no power over me stared me down with a new found anger:


Yes, I had.. I could feel it in me, boiling from being awaken, the power, so much power…

"Funny, isn't? Your own actions made me this, awaken me even. The same plan, the same laboratory you left me in to "teach" me made this to me, made me into what you hate the most… an ancient."

The ghouls throw themselves at me, but with an invisible hand I held them down midair, without but of a problem bend their bodies back, snapping their spines like twigs. Even so it wasn't enough, so I keep squishing them down, cracking their bones until there was only a pile of flesh and smashed white bones in it.

They did not try to approach me again.

At that I pull my humans back on my arms and jump back, using my newfound powers, I detach the flamethrower from me; which, by the way, bend the nuzzle of the weapon when I felt down the stairs; and telekinesis threw the tank to his side, at the same time pulling Dylan gun out and shooting at it.

"Good bye, Father"

What I saw last was the livid look on Saguine's face as the ghouls threw themselves at him, trying to make a flesh barrier from the explosion that shook the entire building; but I did not stay to watch, I jumped out of the window and into the other apartment, breaking walls and glass all the same.

I see my reflex quickly, my Asian features, my raven black hair, but mostly my eyes; the center was a dark red, but now it was surrounded by a sea of blackness, like the devil's eye.

Could be considered as one.

You see… the vile blood belongs to an original vampire, and only a few who survive and manage to drink an original's blood can became a ancient one.

And, beyond the first ones, the creators themselves, there was none stronger them us.

I hiss at nothing, feeling the power boil in my veins, feeling my senses sharpen as if in a new transformation all together, as if being reborn as a new vampire, my telekinesis making me feel things as if I had an invisible hand over it all, almost a palpable sensation that I could feel with my eyes closed.

A grunt makes me go back to the present; and to the more urgent task at hand.

The fresh blood plus all the noise would attract new hoards so I start moving once more, thinking about what to do, analyzing their bodies at the same time.

And it wasn't good.

Richard had been bitten by one of the ghouls and the poison had already started to take effect, making him very sick; and probably in one of them once he dies.

Plus the chest wound that Dylan had too, Saguine being almost able to grip their hearts out, managing some damage nonetheless, breaking bone and flesh, making blood gush out in rivers.

I had to do something.


So that's what I did.

I couldn't lose them, not now, not ever.

I wouldn't lose them.

They were mine.