
Waking up slowly I felt my body heavy as a rock, my senses gradually coming together as I felt a strange taste in my mouth. Even with my eyelids close the place was too bright, making me grimace.

I try to open them too quickly but soon realize my mistake; I could see that the place had most windows covered by curtains, but the few open were enough to burn my eyes, like a too-bright white screen when you are in a completely dark room.

I try once more, slowly this time, getting used to the light slowly, only to see Richard's face up near mine, his body cupping my own close, his arms around my waist and his legs over my own, like a big cuddly octopus.

That brought a smile to my face. Richy as an octopus, a very huggy one, or more like a bear, yes, a tall warm bear with wide hugs.

It was funny and a warm thought until a realized something; that Richard was dead cold, with features pale and his muscles hard as stone.

He… he wasn't dead right?

Then I remember everything that happened in the laboratory, Richard getting bitten by one of those Ghouls things, then the other vampire attacking us… then I passed out and couldn't remember a thing.

What happened? How was still alive?

I didn't know what to do; scream in confusion, cry in sorrow, or simply freeze in place; but I gave myself a mental slap – I'm a Goddamnit doctor for God's sake! I have better control over myself then this, so do not dare to panic!

I half-sit up with one arm supporting me and go for Richard pulse right at the neck – Only to find nothing at all. I go to check the breathing, leaving my finger under his nose, only to confirm that there was no breathing.

Is this the moment that is ok to panic?

Just when I was about to, my eyes bugging out, his arm moves and brings me closer to him, embracing more tightly.

I think it took me a few minutes to be able to think again.

Then I blinked like crazy, as if starting my brain up, and took a deep breath only to feel the strangest sensation ever; of my lungs deflating and not filling up again, of not needing it, of not breathing at all and not feeling the need, not feeling suffocated nor pressure over my ribs.

I, ever so slowly, bring my hand up to my mouth and pass it over my teeth; and find far sharper and longer incisors where my canine used to be.

I pull Richard lips up and find the same situation, the now totally white teeth having an addition of two sharp incisors in the upper line.


We what…?

How is that… how is that even possible?

I start to look around with new eyes, noticing how sharp my senses were, and how… empty my body felt, like… like something was missing, as if a hole was dug deep inside me, taking parts out.

Is it because of the lack of function of my organs? How does that work? My doctor side is twinkling with interest, my curiosity almost overwhelming my predicament.

What stopped working? I did not need to breath; check; no hearth beat; check; and yet my veins were filled with blood, I had a stomach, I think, but he biggest change came from my brain; sharper, quicker, my senses far better than before.


I kept analyzing myself; I could hear everything, but not just that, sounds, colors, everything seemed more… vivid, alive, as if my vision before went through a glass cup; it was almost unbearable for the amount of information that's coming all at once.

I stopped, though, once one of the sounds stood out for some reason, and I learn soon enough why once I manage to focus on it; sobbing, not a cry out sob, but a very low and dry sob, more like spams than a crying, a reflex maybe.

That did not fill me with dread as I thought it would, it filled me with worry, and I did not know yet who it belongs too; but I had a good guess.

I got out of bed, my attention completely swipe out by the sound, going to the living room, barely noticing that we were back at the apartment, pattering my bare feet on the cold floor until I find the source of the sobbing, passing by a worry Luka sitting on the side.

I froze in shock, not knowing what to do with the image that came into view once I pass the couch area.

He was kneeling down at the side as small as one could get, facing the wall, as if trying to disappear on the sides. His hands were over the back of his neck, claws digging the skin and making blood drip all over his back, probably for a very long time as a pool of it accumulated on his feet and dried over his clothes.

I open my mouth, then close it, like a fish out of the water, then I bite my lips down, unsure what to do, when suddenly I jerk with pain that makes me hiss and cover my mouth.


What the hell? There is blood leaking from my lips, making me pass my tongue over my mouth only to find the two pointy incisors peeking over.

Did I just bit myself by mistake?

As if on cue, smelling my blood, Samael turns from his kneeling position, his face barely visible beyond the strands of dark raven hair falling messily.

"D-Dylan…I-I…" I was once more shocked, his whisper, the way he was acting, was so out of his character, so far from the Samael I knew, but worst of all were his eyes, lost, swollen, hurt, wide open as if he had seen a ghost. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean too, I cursed you, I cursed you all, I-"

At that I went closer to him, kneeling in front of him, cupping his face with my hands and staring at his blood teary eyes, knowing I had to be strong for him now and not let my emotions take control as to cry with him as well.


"No! No, don't, I destroyed your lives, I just finished what he started, n-now you are monsters just as I! You didn't deserve this, none of you, especially you, my sweet sweet Dylan, oh my God what have I done to you?" He said the last part as a whisper, sobbing here and there, making me hug him, his keeled form making his arms stay in the hug.

"Don't be silly Sammy, you saved your lives! I'm not sure what happened, but I know for sure that I'm not dead, nor Richard, and not you and, believe me, as a doctor I truly know what the dead looks like, and they cannot speak, they cannot touch, they cannot do the things you-we do!" I tighter the hug, hearing his sob harder with the contact; or my words, not sure. "We knew the risks of going there, in the middle of a land full of zombies for a slight hope, and yet we went farther than we would ever have because of you!"

"B-but I…"

"No buts." I say, starting to stroke his silky hair, feeling like a cat was purring on my lap. "You saved your lives, period."


We stay like that for a while until his sobbing subsides, but for some reason I knew that that was not all of it; and if he doesn't tell me now he would keep it inside forever, corroding him.

"That's not all, is it?" He tenses, but our hug plus the stroking makes him calm down, even more when somewhere in the middle I started humming to him a soft lullaby.

"I'm just… scared, you know?"

"Of what?" I scowl.

"Ha, so many things… but the biggest one was to lose you both, so much that I-I didn't even think, I just made you two in what I'm, hell, I didn't even know how to do that, only some can, but it was probably the vile blood that made it possible, which goes to the other fear I have of it changing me even more on the inside, making me, making me in a beast, a bigger monster. " He snickers." I can feel the power growing in my veins, and it… it scares me…"

"Uhm… What is this vile blood?" He wiggles in my embrace, but doens't seem eager to let go, instead he starts to hug me back, resting his chin on my shoulder as I sit on his lap, now on the floor.

"The Vile blood is what we vampires call the originals blood. The originals are the first vampires in existence, the strongest, greater, the creators of the family lines."

"Family lines?"

"Well, now that both of you are part of it, might as well say it all. "He slowly starts to stroke my back, more to calm himself that I was truly there, not a mere creation of his mind. "There are special characteristics to each family, unique powers in the strongest individuals, that can only be achieved by being from that family; for example, if original A has the power to make fire out of his hands, then his decedents may have that power, but only that power. On the other hand, if you are from that line, but takes original B blood, you will not gain anything, rather, you will die for the bloods will fight inside you for dominance."

"Then how did you…?"

"Well, in some cases you can survive, but that changes your family line; so instead of belonging to the A family, now I'm part of the B family, and so are you two."

"But since when… where did you get that? And I didn't you take your original's blood?"

"Well, two reasons; first is very, very rare to find an original's blood, and second most don't care about their families and simply wander around, making it very difficult to know which blood we have in us, though we used to have stronger bonds in clans and such. And I don't know how but the laboratory had it, so they used it." He shrugged, calming down more by the time I kept the conversation up.

"And what happens now? You have A or B power?"

"I have the power from the one I consumed, in the example the B one, and become an ancient vampire. Vampires tend to get stronger with time, some are born stronger than others, the blood that changed them making a huge difference too, but an original blood works differently; they are like a cheat, jumping a few steps and making you stronger than most. I think only the original's and the purebloods can rival, even more from the ancients that survived, which makes them stronger by default."

"I see…" There was too much to take in, especially once I started to think not as they but us. Us. Vampires. This was my reality now.

Strangely I wasn't as shocked as I thought I would be. Perhaps I knew this would happen the moment I met Samael… Or expected even.

My focus is captured by a squishy liquid that my fingers encounter on the back of his neck, and bringing closer to me I can see that is Samael's blood that stains the tip of my fingers, making me back off in surprise; but surprised not for the blood itself, but for the fact that I did not feel repulsed by it, or rather, attracted, eager.

My vision turned red as Samael face came to view and he smiled, then smirked, his brain probably working in his dirty ways again. That made me sigh in relief, but the move brought the smell of his blood to my nose, making me clench my teeth hard as my vision blurred to focused only on the blood. Somewhere Samael voice sounded, muffed, but the words reached me somehow:

"You can have a taste, cupcake… We three belong to each other now, flesh to flesh, blood to blood, for eternity…"

His velvet voice eluded me to try, shyly licking my fingers, until my tongue touched the liquid and my mouth exploded with billions of sensations, making me push my fingers deeper to suck them dry until there was nothing left.

A smell caught my attention, however, making me look at Samael, puzzled, as he smirked, looking down only for my eyes to follow and see a budge on his pants. This smell was driving me crazy.

"Sammy, what, what is this…?"

"You can smell my arousal sweet Dylan… but don't worry, you are a new born, the sensations are still too strong for you to take in, so I won't do anything… yet."

My eyes moved from his lips to the red tears that tainted his white skin, making me start licking them without even noticing what I was doing, the taste overtaking my senses and numbing my brain, only stopping until I was a little more satisfied, having Samael hug me again as he stood, carring me and bringing me back to the bed, covering mine and Richard bodies, lulling us to sleep.

The last thing I saw was a very sweet smile on Samael lips and a very warm light on his eyes as he pets me to sleep, saying:

"I'm so lucky to have you both in my life…"