Chapter 32: The instructors

Waking up I looked at the sleeping form of William in his bed, shrugging at his look I opened the door outside.

"Good morning William – sama~." A maid happily called out. Three days had gone bye from that mysterious incident, the people who were at that time is still tight lipped so without a choice I continued my daily practicing. It seems the instructors will finally choose the students of their choosing. The girls servants had quickly entered the palace as maids and such and quickly spread a network in the capital. Thinking how they acts like a spider weaving its home I walked to the dining room accompanied with the maid. She is actually Rosa a member of the Lost Banshees, they kept switching so as to avoid suspicion but people already noticed how the maids are more respectful to me.

"Do you want me to take care of your problem down there William-sama~." Rosa said sensually. Tired of her repeated sexual harassments I ignored the weird stare in my back and continued to walk. Arriving at the dining room some of my classmates are already eating. Nodding and greeting them, I sat at my usual chair and ate the food already put in the table.

"Hey William is Tenryuu still sleeping?" Called out Lee Hyun, for the record it seems they became best buds also.

"Yes the guy was tired from training yesterday." I answered, after the girls became my servants a fire lit up in his eyes and started training endlessly. Yamada wanted to be strong enough to impress the 50 new girls it seems while Laila a member of this 'new' girls kept on teasing him so his training got harsher.

I ate my food silently but suddenly a pair of soft hands embraced me from the back. "Good morning William~." Came out the voice of Veronica. I already had gotten tired of her antics so I practically ignored her but I knew the next thing going to happen will make me have a lot of head ache.

"Veronica-sama will you please return to your seat and eat your fill? William-sama is getting bothered." A voice came from the side and I looked up. A pretty girl in maid clothing approached us and looked at Veronica with cold eyes. For the record the girl is Roselia she actually disguised herself because her face is kinda famous and dangerously beautiful.

"Ara~ ara~ I'm just charging my daily Williamium~ you know~ Look William is not even not bothered by me~ right William~" She said sensually. What the hell is Williamuim is it a fking new discovered element? I retorted mentally.

"Please its early in the morning can you guys just get along?" I asked them tired of this repeated antics.

"No!" Came both their reply. Looking at each other they looked at each other with cold eyes and sure as hell I felt some sparks there. Ignoring the bloodbath, I resumed eating while hearing the snickering of my classmates. Looking up the bastards avoided my stare and resumed eating, sighing I conversed with Lancer so as to ignore the 'war' ongoing.

[Aniki seems the instructors are coming today.] William

[Hmm~ I guess it can't be avoided huh… Are you really sure you wanna train under them?] – Lancer

[Yeah I'm sure, I know that the Heroic Spirits like you are really strong and have the appropriate role of being like that but I need an alibi if I suddenly gained such strengths.] – William

[Yeah~ yeah~ can you stop those two before this place turned into a bloodbath? You really have such luck to get targeted by this kinds of women ya know~] Lancer said. Same to you, bastard a THOT even chases you so your much worse, I retorted. Looking at the girls whose aura is starting to turn into a Stand I separated the two and let them calm down a bit.

After eating having those two calm down I quickly have done a bit of warm up. We were later called out to gather in a courtyard that even Yamada was forced out of his bed. Arriving we noticed that the King and Leticia is already there alongside that prick Grand Commander who made a thumbs up. Seems the guy heard my 'woman problems' and started to tease me. Sighing I noticed the other people behind them and noticed them segregated in groups.

The king coughing to get our attention called out.

"Heroes I'm sorry for the delay but there was an incident 3 days ago and the instructors that have arrived participated in it. But for today they and you can finally choose who will train and instruct you in the necessary path you must take…" The king drawled on it seems there are three types of instructors we are going to choose, a Non-magic combat type, a Magic combat type, and an auxiliary type of training. It may be few but some of my classmates have an auxiliary oriented skill like building structures, making volatile potions, etc. Finding that the king finally finished his long speech he finally noticed our blank stare cultivated to the maximum in the modern world and finally left us in our own devices. Now then… what to choose~.




"Tch that stupid maid is at it again." – Veronica

"Eh~ seems you got stopped again Veronica~" – Classmate

"Shut up Annie I won't get blocked like that easily." – Veronica

"What will you do then~" – Annie

"Hmp~ I have such great body surely William will choose me~" – Veronica

"Fu~ fu~ yeah2x your chest is amazing for your age Veronica*fondle* sadly it will be taken by that dense guy" – Annie

"Ahn~ stop it Annie~! Mou! If you keep doing that~ Hmm~ I'll do this~!" – Veronica

"Hnnn~!! That does it~!" – Annie



"Big sis did that insect still kept on pestering William-sama?" – Rosa

"Hmph of course that wench keeps on annoying him it's starting to get on my nerve… If she was not a Hero, it would had been much easier for her to disappear." - Roselia

"To serve William-sama to the upmost and remove such insects… we need backup~!" – Rosa

"Ara~ such a great idea Rosa~ call out the girls later tonight we need a meeting~" – Roselia

Countless strange laughter emanated at the servant's quarters echoed out later that night.