Chapter 33: An dwarf, an elf and a wild lion(?)

Looking around there is a lot of people looking at us interestingly. In particular, there is actually 3 major groups than what the king said. The first one is a very organized groups with different kinds of symbols I was familiar with them for Roselia had a similar symbol in one of her clothing so they might be considered the factions hailing from different religions. Another group are 'people' who have non-human qualities such as elves with their blond and pointy ears, dwarves who carried hammers and demi-humans with animal-like qualities, heck there are some even who are bipedal animals in form even.

Lastly is a mismatch group of people who screams 'adventurers' alongside people with different cultural aspects like someone with an Arabian-like attire and one who wears clothing with Eastern-like origins. I was startled at first of how 'diverse' is the people of our choosing that it made me confused in what to pick. Still I need to pick at least one so that I can have a proper reason. I conversed with Lancer who was also observing alongside me.

[Aniki, what type of teacher should I choose?] – William

[Hmm… Your already proficient with a spear, your sword skills may be subpar but it can be fixed… Oh! I think you should learn the magecraft here? Or magic as they call it?] – Lancer

[Hmm yeah I think I'll go with that.] – William

Nodding I walked to the area where the magic oriented people are waiting. Some of my classmates are already there conversing with their masters. It seems because we are only going to be thought and trained with a more specialized path we will train in the capital but with a bit of more privacy so the secrets from our instructors won't be leaked, especially those from other races or countries. Politics aside when I was approaching the magic side a certain pair of hands suddenly grabbed me to the sci– ok lame joke but a soft furry pair of hands really grabbed me making me have goosebumps.

"You smell good nyaaa~" Came the whisper behind me. What the hell is this koala! A petite girl with orange messy hair with lion-like characteristics like ears and a tail that have a golden ascent suddenly hugged me from behind and kept on sniffing on me.

"Uhhh can you please let me go?" I asked politely. But the next thing that happened made me freeze. Multiple cold gazes suddenly were directed on me making me flinch. I traced back the gazes and was startled a bit.

'What the hell I won't question that Veronica and the girls (Lost Banshees) are staring at me like that but there's a weird E-cup nun in heat here! Someone call the guards!' I screamed internally when I looked at the heavy breathing girl looking at me with a dangerous look. Aside from her beautiful face with golden smooth hair the thing that stood out from her is her dangerously well-developed body being hugged by a nun-like clothing. She even was rubbing her body against that staff of hers! Oi, the knights beside her do something! Don't look away!

"Hmm? The demi-human girl over there, don't cling too much on him your bothering him." Suddenly the weight behind me was suddenly gone confused, I looked behind me and saw a beautiful woman. Tall and lean she have a natural like green hair akin to the beautiful leaves of trees while her sharp green eyes looking at the girl she is holding by the scruff of her neck while reprimanding her seems natural.

The thing that stood out of her is the long bow strapped at her back alongside her sharp long ears signifying her typical origin of an elf. Looking dazed at her beauty I look at her and I finally have gotten a much better idea but before that…

"Uhhh old man will you please stop holding my hand for a bit?" I looked at the short bearded old man tracing the callouses in my hands and murmuring softly. Aside from his short stature and bearded face he has ears that is slightly pointy and with the huge hammer in his back alongside a flagon made out of unknown leather I can only think of a dwarf.

"Hmm ahh sorry kid I just noticed I just noticed your aura a bit. You felt like a warrior but you can't hide the traces of a blacksmith on yah you know." He said with a grin. What the hell! For my dark history to be dug up. This guy is impressive! (A/N: See chapter 4 & 5)

"Stop right there dwarf I know what you are thinking but he has already the blessings of the fae it will be a waste for him to be stuck in a stinky and smoky smithing room." She said with an annoyed look.

"Haa!? What did you just say long ears? Men should show their strengths in hammering new weapons I fear this kid's will turn into a flower vase if I left him to you." The dwarf retorted angrily.

"What did you say drunkard shorty? The thing that is scarier if he turned into a muscle brain like you if he keeps hammering every day." She suddenly looked angry and that graceful visage was thrown out of the window.

"Gaoo~! Stop nyaa~ boy smells strong nyaa must teach ways of warrior nyaa!" The Lion-like girl suddenly barged in suddenly in their conversation. What the hell! You trying to roar or kill people with your cuteness!? I retorted mentally.

[Ahhh crap you should stop them bozu~ your mind is shaking already the fish nearly escaped.] Lancer said with a tired voice. Oi you fishing again!? What the hell is the connection of with my mental stability with you fishing there! Those who own Reality Marbles will cry if you turned one into a fishing spot you know!

"Uhh excuse me can you please stop for a bit? You guys are making me confused for a bit." I stopped them for a bit before this turned anything worse. I already noticed that a lot of people have been paying attention to us.

"Ahh sorry boy it was impolite for talking with such barbaric tone." Breaking out of stupor the lady elf bowed down for a bit and apologized. No nee-san it was fine~! I said embarrassingly.

"I think we three have the same purpose so we won't beat around the bush." She said after calming herself, I don't know if it was a hallucination but I felt I saw her blush for a second there.

"Young hero will you choose from us three whom will instruct you in a path?" She said with a smile.



I want to step on him

"Hmmm~ this heroes have really strong potential in their fields~ but I need someone to teach with a strong blessing from Lumos-sama or the Pope will be angry~" – ???

*notices James*

"Ohya~ that handsome boy over there have a strong divine aura~ must be the one with a holy sword~. But I heard there is a demigod this time~ let me sense him~… Found him! He is over t–heok! What is this feeling" – ???

*notices William being clinged*

"His beast-like smell leaking from his sweaty body, that look that feels like a kicked puppy~ Ahhhn~! I understand this feelings bursting from my body~! I want to step on him badly~! <3" – ???

'She's at it again…' – Knights