Chapter 34: Choosing the instructors

"Uhh~ before I choose can you guys introduce yourself first?" I asked them politely albeit with a confused look.

"Ah my apologies my name is Liliana Fl– *cough* Liliana a teacher of the Terrasia Academy and a traveling elf." Raising my eyebrow when I heard her omit something I nodded politely. People have secrets and I don't want to dig it up anyway.

"Gahaha~ you embarrassed or something long ears? Nice to meet ya kid names Rangka Stonerage." Ignoring the sudden banter of the two I heard a gasp when he mentioned his surname, tracing the direction of the voice I noticed a man who looks like a blacksmith who widened his eyes. Oi! Don't look at me with those hungry eyes dude I might misunderstand! Ignoring those I suddenly left again someone hugging me with their soft body.

"Nyaaa~ names Roanya nyaa~! Shaman Warrior of the Lion Tribe nyaa~" The plushi– I mean Roanya introduced herself while making another sniffing session. Aside from thinking I smell like catnip but really Roanya? Did the girl's parents just fuse the words 'Roar' and 'Nya'?

"*cough* Will you please stop clinging to me for a bit miss Roanya? Ah I also forgot to introduce myself, my name is Mikado William a person from another world." I removed the koala who have a blissful look from me and introduced myself. When they heard my name they suddenly freeze and making me have a confused look.

"Wait did you just said Mikado William?" Asked Liliana. Nodding she suddenly grabbed my hands and with shining eyes she told me.

"Will you please become my disciple? No even if I just teach you the general knowledge of magic is fine!" She barrage me with questions quickly. Too close! Your chest is miss! Your chest! I protested mentally.

[Ahh! Control yourself bozu! Tch a big one escaped.] Ignoring the protest from the old foggey inside me I pushed her a bit away with a flushed look.

Looking at her confusedly it seems Rangka noticed my look and laughed.

"Hahaha~! Kid you did not know? Your kind of famous now, 'son of a god from another world' is what they called you around~ various oracles was sent from temples and even tribal shamans should have heard of you." He said while Roanya nodded with shining eyes, crap it backfired on me fast. Looking at the people around me with shining eyes I quickly dragged the three in a corner before I get swarmed with them.

"*sigh* So what else did the rumors about me that spread" I sighed with frustration.

"Hmmm well they said that your dad was a bit overprotective and even freaked out even the God of War, also they said that your father is a God who is skilled with almost anything and has even an authority with the ball of light above us, the sun. Long ears here seem to excel in light magic that's why she is really interested on you." He said with a grin and drank a mouthful from his flagon.

Nodding at his reasoning I asked them their reason why they are interested in teaching me also.

"Well you seemed to have done blacksmithing work before, aside from my curiosity from otherworldly techniques I don't want such talent to go to waste." He said while grinning cheerfully.

"Nyaa~ Roanya feels you will become strong warrior nyaa~ Heard that you fight like a beast nya~ so Roanya wants to teach how to fight like a strong beast nya~. There's no ulterior motive nya~" She said cheerfully. Oi why are you avoiding my stare there is actually a catch right!

Sighing and massaging my temples for a bit I suddenly heard Sapphire's advice suddenly.

[William-sama I suggest that you take the three individuals in front of you as instructors] Sapphire said with her usual tone.

[Hmm? Why is that Sapphire?] I asked.

[William-sama possesses the Class Cards and has the Inheritance Unique Skill. Ignoring the extra class cards you have the 7 Standard Class so William-sama can learn multiple unique abilities. A necessity of more individuals to act as instructors to act as a proper alibi. The Divine Spirits of this world is the only one who knows your unique skill of inheriting knowledge aside from Yamada-sama but they will hide it properly in fear of the Divine Spirit Lugh so you still need a proper reasoning for acquiring abilities.] Sapphire said.

Nodding I looked at the three individuals who are looking at me with shining eyes and said.

"Hmm how about I ask you three to teach me." I said while grinning.

"Ehh..?" They looked at me confusedly.

"Well as Rangka-san said I need my talents not to go to waste and I believe learning new things from you three will be the best… Also I don't want to see people fight for me because of such weird reasoning." I said while scratching the back of my head embarrassingly. Dumbfounded the three looked at me and suddenly laughed.

"Gahahaha~! You're an interesting kid you know! He said while slapping my shoulders in a strong manner. Strong! No wait how can you reach my shoulders!? Ignoring my mental retort, he drank another mouthful of what I can surely smell is alcohol and said.

"Yosh! I'll train you properly alright before this long ears might brag I thought you something better." He said with a gruff. Hearing the insult Liliana smiled and said.

"I'll teach you properly how to handle light magic as a proper magician should be, alongside the magical theories and knowledge necessary to be a full-fledged magician." She said with a smile but the next words she said made me stumble a bit.

"I'll teach you also how to use a bow, you seemed to be keenly interested when you keep looking at my bow." She said with a playful smile.

"Nyaaa~! Roanya will teach William how to fight like a strong beast nya~ being one with nature nya~!! Roanya will teach how to call the ancestral spirits of nature nya~" She said while making a cute fighting pose.

Looking at the three who have the glint of competitiveness I bowed at them and said.

"Please take care of me!"



Yamada's new instructor

"Hmm! You the boy over there?" – ???

'Ohh a pretty lady~!' *cough* "Y-yes?" – Yamada

"I saw how you move yourself and that aura of yours you a martial artist?" – ???

"Yes!" – Yamada

"*nods* Good want to train under me?" – ???

"Disciple greets master!" – Yamada

"Good you have proper attitude we will fix that perverseness of yours alongside teaching you to become a proper martial artist" – ???

"Ehh?" – Yamada

"You think I won't notice how you look at my breast? Go pack your bags in 15 minutes where leaving quickly to train. If you become late even by just one second he he~" – ???

"Yes!!" – Yamada