Chapter 66: Theresa’s past

After the fight, the people did not disperse. Instead, they held a party inside the inn. I tuck Theresa in the bed guided by the original owner (the owner was in the market buying some stuff apparently). The winners of the betting celebrated and reserved the whole inn, while the losers let themselves wallow in the booze and let themselves get drunk. Apparently the odds were against me so the winners bought themselves a lot of cash. Well Yamada who pooled in a lot and did not even hesitate is still the greatest winner.

What he did not expect though is that I did not used all my strength made him panic for a bit but seeing me won in an unexpected move, he quickly retired in his room and started reading that book the instructor gave us. The drinking party lasted till it reached midnight and I who only ate and did not drink was asked by the owner to properly arrange the totally wasted and down drunkards in a more sensible manner in a room.

"Haaa~ so tired~…" I said after washing myself with the water from the well the inn had at the back. Opening the back door, I smelled another kind of alcoholic drink one I was very familiar.

"Sake?" I accidentally blurted out.

"Hmmm~? Oya~ seems you haven't sleep yet Wiiliam-kkuun~" Theresa's drunk voice suddenly was heard in the inn. In panic, I saw her drinking from a gourd while wearing a loose yukata. Her hair was loosened and with her blushing cheeks she looks totally like a woman just drinking out of spite.

"Assshh I thouuught~ yooouurr onnnee off 'eemm~" She said deliriously while gulping down heartily from the gourd. Seeing the sake flowing accidentally spilling out of her mouth slowly flow down from her neck to her cleavage looks totally lewd.

"Ahhh~ Theresa-san~ please stop your already drunk!" I said and tried to pry the gourd from her hand but her abnormally strong hands did not even let me move a single finger.

"Whatever~ *gulp* *gulp* Oi! Answerrr meee yooouurr onne of 'em right!" Her personality suddenly changed after another gulp from that gourd of hers.

"Like I said I don't know what you are talking about! Come, go back to sleep your disturbing the other people you know?" I said trying to drag her instead out of her chair, yet I spectacularly failed also.

"As I shaid~!! You two are descendants of Heroes rwight!?" She said something startling making me pause and look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Bingo~!! As I thought~ Sake-chan's mind is still as shmart as alwaish~" Seems she suddenly got another misunderstanding. Wait…

"Sake-chan? No wait isn't your name is Theresa?" I tilted my head in confusion.

"*gulp* *gulp* Nwoooope Theresa is just an alliace~ Sake-chan is Sake-chan~. By the way I'm an oni." She said after gulping some sake again from another gourd she pulled out somewhere.

"Te-te~ As I said stop drinking!? You're even mixing your race from another one!" I said while trying to stop her from drinking again.

"Mouuu~ you don't believe me~! *Bang!* *gulp* *gulp* You want this big sis to prove it you ya~" She said while bashing my head with one of her gourd and drank another mouthful. But this personality changes is starting to tire myself out!

"Lookiee here~" She suddenly grabbed my hand and softly brought it to her forehead.

"W-what are you tr- Eh?" I embarrassingly tried to pry my hands off her but when I touched her forehead. Instead of soft skin, I felt the texture of silk. Then as if an illusion was broken, I noticed that I was holding a band of silk tied to her head that have some symbols embroidered to it. Accidentally activating my structural grasp, I instantly learned what it's purpose is.

"This is?!" I said looking at her in astonishment.

"He~ he~ shurprised~, Thish magical twool is a byproduct of my tribe's shawans~. It helps me huwiede my rwace while hwiding it's apwuerance also~" She said trying to act cute.

"*gulp* *gulp* Now then~ lemme show it you ya~" She said standing up and approached the counter. Using the chair as a pedestal, she tried to fiddle something underneath the counter from the other side.

'W-what amazing view! Wait loincloth!?' I said and embarrassingly avoided my gaze from seeing the tantalizing sight. I did not realize that the yukata she wore had such a short skirt and with her well-endowed figure…

Let's just say she is the perfect product of maturity alongside the white loincloth perfectly enhanced the visual impact, that the few seconds I saw it stuck to my memory eliciting a laugh from Lancer.

"There~" Along with her cheerful yet free spirited shout, a powerful Bounded Field suddenly engulfed the whole inn, covering it from any form of prying eyes.

'Such amazing craftsmanship!' I secretly praised noticing that even us that are inside it did would not notice it unless you have the monstrous senses to back it.

"He he~ William, aish I thought~ you were hooldin' back riighht~" She said giggling while looking at my astonished look.

"Haaa~ ok ok~ I was holding back so please stop drinking already. It's already midnight!" I started begging her already to stop, seeing she is already in her third gourd which is as big as a damn liter sized carbonated drink. Where does she pull out these things anyway!?

"Nooopee~ Befffore I *hick* show you my rweal look~ listen to mmyy stowie ok~?" She said pointing at my nose in a bossy tone.

"Ok, ok I will listen! Just stop drinking already!" I said and finally took the gourds in her hands and leave it aside.

"Hmpph~! Good~, weeelll ittt's a looong looong tiiimee agggoo~. Inn theee east thhheeere liiveed a trribee of oni~…" She started narrating amidst her drunken monologue. I listened quietly while trying to understand what she is saying amidst the delirious words…

(A/N: This would be William's translation when trying to understand the story of the drunk big sis so thank him properly ok :3)

A long time ago. There was a tribe of oni who lived in the east. Unlike, their other kin's they were friendly and lived quietly amidst the peace at the mountain they stayed. They had, a kind and beautiful princess the daughter of the head of their tribe. She was doted and taken care of by her people and her siblings. She grew as a powerful warrior, beating her father once in a duel. So she was hailed as someone who will bring glory to their tribe. Yet, as if all happiness must end… A catastrophe happened in their tribe.

The humans learned of their existence and they thought that the tribe were similar to their kin, atrocious and man-eating monsters. So they fought, it took a year and almost all of the tribe's members were slaughtered and the only once left was just barely enough to guard their mountain. The princess father was also killed and the only living family she had was her elder brother, for she is the second born of her siblings of four.

The humans retreated due to the huge amount of casualties alongside the fear that the onis hid more of their numbers. So they asked for a solution to the lord of their land, the lord knowing that his forces is inadequate also asked for their emperor.

But the emperor was hard-pressed, for they are busy defending their borders from the demons and the traitorous humans inside their land. So without a choice, he did something that did not do of the other emperors before him. He asked the foreign humans from the west for assistance.

The humans from the west sensed the opportunity to learn and trade from the enclosed and mysterious countries and empires in the east so they graciously sent someone. A hero from another world one who was not born from them but will represent them perfectly. But when the hero arrived and saw what happened, he did something that all the leaders and even the oni tribe did not expect.

In the middle of the damn battlefield, the hero proposed to the princess amidst the blood and gore. The guy said it was love at first sight, the princess embarrassed alongside the shock she had angrily berated and scolded him in the warzone also. But she thought of something…

The princess knew that this is also a chance for her dwindling tribe to survive so she proposed a duel. If she won, the tribe will be spared and the humans will never attack forever. If the hero won, she will accept her proposal and will marry him. It was a win-win scenario for her, for even if she loses the survivability of her tribe will still be guaranteed to be safe. So they fought.

It took them three days and three nights for a conclusion to be found and amidst the unrelenting battle they learned from each other by communicating with their fists and their blades. The princess also started to fell in love with the hero amidst his unrelenting and courageous passion. So she let herself to lose in the end. The human's and her tribe that was observing their battle had actually learned and befriended each other also so in the end the two races had also find peace and cooperated as two allied groups.

The oni princess married happily with the hero, amidst the blessing of the two races and quietly left the east and traveled to the west to stay there. Her brother rose as clan head and wished also for her happiness.

Arriving at the place they would call home, it took them four years to bore a child and it was a boy with the features of his mother. The two couples were happy at their child and took care of him properly.

The hero, who's duty of slaying the demon king was left unattended was called by his allies so he left them when the boy reached the age the age of six. The oni princess now a loving wife, took care of their son instead and turned him into one amazing warrior while disguising their selves as humans.

The boy grew up with the similar personality of her husband, a cheerful and passionate man. He was curious of the outside world so he asked her mother when can he go out and see the world. His mother, concerned at the safety of her son tasked him that only beating her and reaching the age of fifteen will she let him go.

So the boy trained, he trained so hard and with passion till he reached the age of fifteen. The husband in those few years had returned in his campaign which had failed while bearing a curse. The curse was eating away her husband's strength and weakening him and with his weakened body, he and her had a hard time in creating another child.

They took care of the boy and taught him while they waited for some news about the promised cure the compatriots of her husband said. While her husband had grown weaker even when his wounds had healed the curse persisted till his fellow heroes finally had a way for it to even weaken the curse when the boy reached the promised age. But they would never see each other for a hundred years. Knowing this, her husband planned to let his wife and his child to enter a similar procedure but will only do it so they would stay beside him.

She alongside her son knew of it and they planned to do it. But the promised duel must continue on, so they fought while her husband watched. It was a hard pressed battle, her son had actually learned how to use the unique magic his father had and they were in a tie. She knew how her son wanted to see the world and in fear of hurting him she was pulling her punches. So in the end, she lost.

The son, happily reached his adulthood amidst their blessing. They all knew that he would delay his adventuring for a hundred years but that did not stop them from celebrating by traveling to a nearby city. But as if a curse… another tragedy happened.

People with bad intentions learned of where the family stayed when they realized the identity of the hero when they entered the city. They learned that the boy who had the blood of a hero and a powerful oni will surely be talented, a perfect candidate to become their weapon.

So they stormed the house, knowing the hero is weakened from the curse. The hero wanted for the safekeeping of his family, used himself as a shield while they escaped. But the enemies were numerous and strong, they relentlessly pursued the two while the hero's fate is unknown.

They both knew that one of them must leave and stay as a distraction. But her son, made the first move and shove her away while putting something into her mouth.

The son merely gave her mother a sidelong glance full of love and met the pursuing enemy. While, her who is paralyzed strangely due to whatever thing her son shoved her was being swallowed by the nearby trees. The only thing she could do is helplessly watch her son's back till the tree's slowly closed into herself.

When her consciousness finally returned, she was shell shocked that it's been 95 years that had gone by. She literally grew out of a giant tree and in her panic returned to their home. The only thing that was left was a rotting cottage invaded by the foliage alongside a hidden chest underneath where they usually slept. Her son had actually left his diary there and it wrote that the thing he made her swallow is a birthday gift from her husband and that it was a prototype version of the 'cure' given to him. It was merely given to him as a fail-safe before at the times of their campaign by the elves if their lives might be in danger.

She learned from the latest entry that her son had actually survived and left his diary a few months ago in case he might not return. So she waited there for a year, but her son did not arrive. It was written in his diary that if he did not return for a year, something may had happened to him so she quickly embarked into a nearby town and started adventuring while disguising herself.

Fast forwarding to the recent years, she had grown famous as the adventurer with the alias of 'The Ogre' and yet even with her expanded connections, she did not gain any news of her son while she kept returning to their home.

She did not even find any traces from those 'unknown' enemies as if they never existed.

So a year ago, she finally accepted that her son might had perished also and retired herself into this village.

"Annndd thatts myyy stowie~" She said clapping happily, but her tears did not stop from flowing out.

I also was crying while listening to her and hugged her in comfort reflexively. She suddenly froze in shock and look at me with an upturned eyes.

"There~ there~" I said to her softly and caressed her hair while she started wailing at my chest. She started cursing and other unintelligible language amidst her cries till she quietened down.

"Are you ok now?" I said while rubbing the tears out of her cheeks.

"…Take…"She murmured something suddenly. While her cheeks suddenly slowly blushed uncontrollably.

"Hmm?" I said questioningly.

"I said~… take responsibility~!" She said when her eyes expressed an unfamiliar emotion and with one hand grabbed my waist and the other removed the silken band in her head.

"Ha!?" I raised a startled cry while seeing her blond hair slowly turned pitch black and her now pinkish-red eyes looked at me amorously while she licked her lips lewdly.