Chapter 67: A lewd Oni swallow the Hero! (NSFW!)

Author's Note: An NSFW chapter finally! This is my first time writing something like this and with my lack of personal experience (sorry for being a virgin ok!), there might be some discrepancies and I am only using my stock knowledge about the things I saw and read in the dark side of the internet so please don't blame the author for his lack of imagination!


"The hell you mean of taking responsibility!?" I said in a fearful way while trying to pry off the vice-grip in my waist.

"Mou~!! You made me remember some unpleasant memoriies~ So take responsiibility~ byy accompanyiiiing this biig shish tooniight~" She said while her yukata slowly loosened.

"I-Im not ready for this!! [Aniki! Help me!!!]" I said trying to ask some back up.

[Go get laid. Better to experience it now than later right?] He merely said and forcibly blocked me from talking to him. In despair, I tried to move some magical energy but I was shocked that I am having a hard time gathering my magical energy.

"Why can't I gather magical energy!?" I cried out.

"Fu~ fu~ fu~ an oni's sake is one of their weapons you know~ big shish had already put you in her grasp when you first shmelled it~" She said triumphantly while trying to undress me.

'Are you related to Shuten Douji or something!?' I mentally retorted while trying to fix my garments from her perverted hands to no avail.

"Now~ now~ let thish big shish take care of you~ hamu~" She said and lewdly play bited my ear.

"Kuuuh~ D-don't do this Theresa-san… I am not your husband!" I said trying to bring some sense to her.

"Truue~ butt~… you look exactly like him no~?" She said cutely and licked my chest. Te-te!? Where did my shirt go!

"Ha!? I'm 16 years old I should technically not look like your husband right!?" I complained. I don't look like a middle aged dude ok!

"Noooope~ hee look exactly liiiiike yooou~ hhheee dooon'tt havvve that beeautiifulll green eyes off yours thoughhh~." She said and started rubbing herself on me.

"As I sa-mmmmphh!!" I tried retorting when she suddenly kissed me in the lips and the taste of sake engulfed my senses. She quickly destroyed my defenses and her tongue played with mine in an expertly manner.

"Puuhaaa~ shuut uuup~ alllreadddy jeeesh yyoouurrr shtarrtinng tooo act liiike my hushband when wee first did it~. Shtupid codes of knigghts~ ittt tunnnee down the exshaitment if youu act indeshisive at this moments yaa know~!!" She said and finally took off my pants.

"Ha~ ha~! What was in that sake!?" I said shocked, my libido suddenly uncontrollably raged ignoring my innate resistance and made my silent spear into a spear that pierces the heavens.

"Fuwwaaa~ biig~!! Hnn? As I shaid an oni's sake is one of their weapons riiight~? Fumu~ fumu~ it's already readyy~" She said while poking my little bro that angrily stands up while being restrained by my underwear.

"Shall~ we take it~ to mmy rooom~" She suddenly announced and grabbed me in a princess carry.

[Muu~ William-kun's rock solid will is gooinng strong huuh~ let this Ruby-chan help yoouu~] Ruby's voice suddenly echoed in my head and I secretly rejoiced when…

"Ahnn~!!" The lewd Oni moaned in pleasure when my left hand suddenly moved without my consent and groped her big breasts.

'Soft… No what the hell, Ruby!!!' I screamed internally but the stupid thing did not reply, only the sound of her giggling echoed in my head.

"Mouuu~ shoo imppashient~ well we had arrived annway~" She said and suddenly throw me to her bed.

"He~ he~ shall we begiin~" She said and started kissing me. As if all my struggles before was a lie, she quickly broke down my will amidst the kisses and the rubbing and I started reciprocating her affection. We broke our contact a few seconds later to catch our breath.

"Puuhhaah~ hehe~ Was I the one who took your first kiss~?" Hearing her words, I blushed and nodded embarrassingly. Seeing my expression, she looked triumphantly and noticed the hard object poking her thighs.

"Fu~ fu~ you want some attention riiightt~?" She said and finally took the last piece of clothing I had and marveled a bit of its then started stroking it slowly.

"Kuuhh!" I moaned suddenly when her warm hands started caressing it amidst her excited gaze.

"Ha~ ha~ such a cute and feisty little friend we have here~. Let this biigg sish take yoou to something niicee thenn~ hammu~" She gently said and suddenly swallowed my little brother whole.

'W-warm!' I cried out mentally when she started her blow job. I instinctively grabbed her head and slowly thrusted inside slowly. She kept looking at me with an upturned expression and observed my face and kept changing her pace every time I had a change in my look.

"Lick, hamu~, filsh good right~" She said while my little brother is still in her mouth. Nodding instinctively, I noticed that she actually had started using her breast and had been rubbing it at its base. Feeling the soft skin, I suddenly felt something was coming and instinctively grabbed her head and thrusted roughly at her mouth.

"C-coming!" I shouted when I fired my load in her mouth. Feeling strangely refreshed and shocked at the amount I released, I mentally compared it before when my only companion was my right hand and my computer and was startled with the amount I had fired. What shocked me the most is how she still continued sucking it and sucked clean of any white stuff.

"*gulp* *gulp* Tashty~ been a long time since I haad thaat~ hmmm~ sheeing how harrd youu still arre~ shall we taaaakee tthhhe main dish~" She said and stood up. Grabbing my spear, she aimed her soaking wet crotch at it and in one motion, she skewered herself and raised a cry full of pleasure.

"AhhhhnnN~!!!" She moaned and shivered uncontrollably. I, who was shocked at the strange and warm feeling in my lower part was startled when I felt a torrent of liquid gush out and engulfed my lower member.

'Did she just came!?' I said startled with the revelation when she started thrusting her butt in a cowgirl position in my d*ck in a rough manner.

"Ahhh~ More~ more~ more~!!" She repeatedly cried out while fondling her breasts roughly. Roughly holding her soft but cheeks, I helped thrusting into her eliciting a joyful cry from her.

It took me a bit longer this time to felt the sensation of orgasm while she had countless once.

"Kuuughh!!! I'm nearly there Theresa!!" I said while roughly fondling her ass.

"Ahhnn~ , Haa~ Call~, me Sake-chan!! Pleash!!! Ahhn!! Call Nnnn, mee Sake-chan, ne~ ne~ ne~!!" She repeatedly cried out amidst the carnal pleasure.

"Ugghh...Sake-chan!!" I cried out when the walls enclosing my little member suddenly constricted it roughly and with the sudden sensation, I fired my load accidentally inside of her.

"Ahhhhnn!!! Dannna-shamma~(Husband) Feelsshh good!" She cried out coming at the same time with me. Out of breath, she slowly landed to my chest and tried to catch some air.

"Ha~ ha~, that was amazing…" I said shocked at the first sexual experience I had when I suddenly noticed a huge increase of magical energy in me. Shocked, I recomposed myself and planned to ask for some details to Lancer about it but I must take care of this situation I have first.

"Fu~ Fu~ my little William seems to be amazing even in bed~" She said when her eyes regained clarity. Seeing her cute face, I instinctively kissed her passionately for a few moments while we are still connected.

"Puhaa~ ha~ ha~ You do know that I am not your husband right?" I angrily berate her while secretly scolding myself also.

"Noope~ your my husband noww~. You have beaten me in a life and death duel already and we had sex so you are my husband now~" She said and forcefully snuggled to me.

"Ha~!? What kind of logic is that?" I retorted reflexively.

"Oni logic." She smugly replied.

"… *sigh* I had only known you for a day and this happened?" I said marveling at the strange twist that happened.

"Well feelings will develop later down the road anyway~ it's much better to break down the walls quickly right?" She said as if saying something logical.

"…You do know that there are some more sensible steps in this right?" I pointed at her nose in amusement.

"Whatever~ I still want more~ shall we begin round two~?" She drank a mouthful of sake again and seductively said while my little brother was suddenly energized by the sudden massage it felt.

Smiling wryly at her, we did it again for six times till morning came.