This is Basically an Underworld Convention

Yan Qing Shan wouldn't doubt if the sound of a pin drop would be heard within the silence that blanketed the entire garden. It unnerved her so she tried to free herself from Zi Jue's embrace. She felt her cheeks heat up when she realized that this now normal scenario between the two of them was quite an unexpected surprise to the others.

The burning smell of meat wafted in the air. This helped the stunned people to recover from their reveries. Yan Qing Shan saw Ning Xie Zhi fumbling around. He reached for the tongs that was at the other end of the grill because the one in his hands fell to the ground in his shock. He clumsily flipped the meat, trying to save their dinner from becoming a sorry piece of charcoal.

"Jie, you should seriously put out a notice first before you drop f*cking bombs on us. And this is no ordinary bomb. This is nuclear shi*t." The pretty bishounen said in a sheepish tone, obviously trying hard to lighten the situation. Which he failed at doing.

"Ami, who is this?" Aki asked coldly. He and Mamoru glared at the audacious hands wrapped around the waist of their little sister. Yan Qing Shan awkwardly coughed and was about to answer. However, a certain devil beat her to it and spoke with that everlasting gentle smile that gave people the chills.

"Her husband." Zi Jue replied in a curt but annoyingly confident tone. She furrowed her brows at this and swatted his arms. Yan Qing Shan put her hands to her hips and glared at him.

"We are not married yet." She refuted him. Zi Jue looked at her with a mock hurt expression. Sighing pitifully, he once again tried to cage her in a possessive hug.

"That's where we'll end up anyway. What's the point of refuting it now, baby girl?" Zi Jue said in a serious tone which Yan Qing Shan just ignored as he exasperatedly stared at him. She shook her head and turned her back on his irritating yet handsome face. Yan Qing Shan directed her eyes to Aki and the others.

"This is Zi Jue, Aki-aniue. You could say that he is my boyfriend since we are now officially dating." She explained matter-of-factly.

"Officially dating with the intentions to marry." Zi Jue supplemented her statement. Yan Qing Shan merely slapped his arms at the uncalled for support but did not refute his words.

"Your boyfriend? Woah, Ami. I didn't know you were capable of dating. I guess there no more surprises in this world." Yui spoke in her sultry alto for the first time since they arrived. Yan Qing Shan rolled her eyes at her.

"I'll explain it to you later." She dismissed with a wave of her hand. With a slight tug on Zi Jue's sleeve, Yan Qing Shan gestured to the four.

"I want you to meet my brothers and sisters. They were the ones I grew up with back in Japan. They were adopted by Jii-chan like me. This Aki, Yui, Mamoru, and Akane. I trust them with everything. So, you better be nice. I'll tell you more about them later. I know you have questions." She introduced once again. Yan Qing Shan haven't mentioned anything about her time in Japan to Zi Jue. Hence, her last sentence. Thankfully, he has enough IQ to understand her point. He no longer gave them that typical smile of his but a more geniune one, albeit slight.

"It's an honor to meet the people my wife acknowledges. Her family is my family as well. It's a pleasure to have you here." The two women merely smiled at how Zi Jue placed himself. Even Yan Qing Shan chose to ignore his antics. However, her two big brothers had differing opinions. They glared at him as if he deserved to be skinned him alive.

The forgotten Housekeeper Liu stared at them in amazement. Such guts to glare at the smiling devil deserved his commendation. However, he still couldn't help but silently light some incense for them in his head, as well.

"That statement goes for you too Aki and Mamoru. Be nice to him. He is the one I chose." Yan Qing Shan added. Aki sighed and chose not to speak. She removed aniue from his name. It was enought to point out how serious she was. The four of them knew she was no longer speaking to them as a sister, but as a master instead. When Yan Qing Shan saw them accede to her words. She then dragged Zi Jue to face the other people left waiting, the Aces.

Nevertheless, Yan Qing Shan felt the thicm tension that seemed to magically appear around them. She couldn't help but squint as she registered their strange expressions. They looked at her and Zi Jue as if their souls left their bodies.

'What happened to these people? They're even worse than when Aki and the others arrived.'

She wondered to herself. What Yan Qing Shan found even stranger was the abrupt change in Zi Jue. She felt an icy, cold air emanating from him. Even Housekeeper Liu at his back seemed to have turned uncannily serious.

Yan Qing Shan was glad that her hearing was ever so sharp. If it wasn't then she wouldn't have heard that crucial one word. All her questions were answered when she heard the softest of whispers, laced with an undeniable shock, coming from Qin Jiran.


Her back straightened as she slowly looked up at the man clinging to her. These new people in her midst, they were already part of the Chinese Underworld under Hades' faction. Qi Xia informed her of that the last time they talked. They were part of its inner circles, especially the hacker Zeus. They were bound to know what and how Hades looks like.

Yan Qing Shan's eyes sharpened as she stared questioningly at Zi Jue. A realization dawned upon her. She moved abruptly away from him amd drew out the tiny pistol inconspicuously nestled at the pocket of her red leather jacket.

"Hades? Is there something you're not telling me, my dearest?" Yan Qing Shan asked, her voice scathingly frosted over as she cocked the barrel in Zi Jue's direction.

The four guardians rushed to her flank while Housekeeper Liu facepalmed and grumbling internally at the discreet signal his master gave him. Zi Jue directed him to stand down, and ever so calmly stood in front of Yan Qing Shan's gun.

Housekeeper Liu wanted to desperately smack his master awake when he even had the courage to smile lovingly at the ferocious and doubtful woman in front of him. How henpecked was he really?

"Master, ah. Please stop embarrassing me.'


As Yan Qing Shan stood in a precarious face-off with Zi Jue, the Aces were embroiled in an emotional turmoil of their own. So much so that they failed to notice the escalating danger of the situation.

'Hades! Why was Hades here?!'

'Hades and Izanami are dating?!"

'Yan Qing Shan didn't know Zi Jue was Hades?'

'Does Zi Jue know that Yan Qing Shan was Izanami?'

'What in the world is happening?!'

'Is this really a barbecue party? This is basically an underworld convention!'