A God Needs His Goddess

"You have a minute to explain yourself." Yan Qing Shan's voice was biting and cold. A far cry from the warm, mellow one from a while ago. Her eyes bore to him piercing with questions.

Zi Jue sighed in defeat. He raised both of his hands but still with his usual indulging smile solely for her. The scenario was reminiscent of a confrontation between a wife who found out her husband was lying to his teeth about her new haircut. Except the circumstances were a lot graver since the man in question was facing a loaded gun. It would also be slightly comical, as well if it weren't for the fact that the fragile peace of the underworld hang dangerously in balance. Whatever the result would be, the scales would be tipped and things would never be the same after tonight.

"Ah, Shan er. We really are made for each other. I have yet another proof that you are meant to be my wife. A god needs his goddess, after all. You don't need to point a gun at me, baby. I'm on your side."

Zi Jue's teasing tone belied the astonishment he was feeling. It seems Yan Qing Shan ran deeper than he thought. He didn't even doubt her one bit. As far as Zi Jue knows, she was only that adorably cold woman who likes drowning herself in books and staying at her library. It was only recently that he had seen other aspects of her personality. And all of it was especially cute to him.

But the more he thought about it, if he could hide his identity as Hades she was capable of doing so, as well. Her being Izanami was quite fitting, truth be told. And this badass side of her, he didn't hate it one bit. In fact, it made her even more attractive to Zi Jue's eyes. It was a massive turn-on for him. He knew he chose the right person in Yan Qing Shan.

'My wife is f*cking amazing!'

"Oh, Hades is on my side? At what cost? On what grounds?" Yan Qing Shan mockingly replied. A mischievous smile painted Zi Jue's lips. He slowly approached her, his steps slow and calculated, disregarding the fact that the gun was still pointed at his direction and there were four people poised to strike at him any moment. Housekeeper Liu was about to block him in his worry but the deadly side-eye Zi Jue gave him was enough to put him off. He could only watch as his boss slowly walked to his possible death.

"Cost huh? It is very easy to buy me off, Lady Izanami. And there will be no additional conditions whatsoever. What is mine will be yours afterwards." Zi Jue slurred purposedly. His voice like warm milk and honey. So seductive, chills ran down Yan Qing Shan's spine.

Her eyes narrowed slightly at his words. An inkling forming in her mind. She wanted to smack his face at his timing and at how he was making light of the situation. But it also gave her another assurance. It gave her another belief that giving them, their relationship, a chance was the right decision. Zi Jue was on her side. All she needed to do was allow him to do so.

"You only need to marry me and there will be no need for further negotiations. I'll give you the entire Underworld as dowry." He said with a smirk. Yan Qing Shan was tempted to roll her eyes at this shameless man. Despite that, she couldn't deny the tickling and giddy feeling that was flooding her heart. She chose to scoff at him instead and answered with her own comeback.

"Oh, I thought I was already your wife." Yan Qing Shan said while lowering her gun. She was going to punish him another way. Using her gun would create too much mess. The blood would spoil their appetites.

"You were the one who kept insisting that we weren't married yet. But I'll take that statement as a yes. You are not allowed to take it back." Zi Jue pulled her to him the moment her gun was back in its holster. Yan Qing Shan felt him exhaling deeply as if relieved. She knew there was that foolish smile in his face again. The smile that she was starting to love.

"You are not absolved from doing a proper proposal though. I expect the whole enchilada to be served at the right time." Yan Qing Shan harrumphed as she settled her chin at the crook of his shoulders.

While the two were caught up in their own world, the reality that their companions were in, was shattered and rearranged even before they could utter a single protest.

"Can anyone please explain to me what the hell is happening?" Akane's fierce voice broke the enveloping shock amongst the people. She directed her eyes to the Ace nearest to her and kicked him hard on the shin in frustration. Luo Chen who was gripping his book tightly as he observed the incredulous scene suddenly dropped to ground, keeling over in pain.

"Bloody hell! What did you do that for, you midget?!" He snarled at the person who kicked him in his deep, cello-like voice. His eyes stared accusingly at the girl in the onesie. A switch seemed to have been flicked when Akane heard the word midget. She sauntered dangerously nearer to Luo Chen and held him in the collars.

"You're the f*cking midget. You're entire family are f*cking midgets. Oi, Ami I'm taking this disrepectful brat as my slave. He needs to know that someone like me is capable of making him cry for his mommy like a true blue midget. You can't do anything about it." Akane's fuming voice roared throughout the garden, taking the couple in surprise.

Yan Qing Shan looked in surprise at the scene unfolding. A small laugh came out when she saw the pitiful state of Luo Chen. It seems he made the dreadful mistake of pointing out Akane's height.

"Ah, I'm so sorry Luo Chen. I can't help you with this one." She turned to her fellow bibliophile who haven't completely realized that he was about to suffer for the following days of his life.

The tensioned air slowly diffused into a more tolerable one.

"Everyone, shall we all sit down and discuss what needs to be discussed? We have quite a long talk ahead of us." Yan Qing Shan turned to them, a slight smile still lingering in her lips though her tone was serious. She maneuvered herself and Zi Jue to the seats and gestured for the others to do the same.

The others didn't need to be told twice. They settled to their seats. Housekeeper Liu took over the cooking so Ning Xie Zhi could join the discussion. He was glad for it but regret came fast when the strange yet pleasant vanilla peppermint scent invaded his nose. He turned to the source and was met by the beautiful smirking face of Mamoru.

The moon slowly ascended in it's place in the night sky but along with it was an impending shift that will take the world by storm.