Chapter 4: Something Extra

As Rai open his eye he see a white room that look like the one where he met God. He look around and sure enough, he see God sitting on a throne in the middle of the room. He walk in front of God as before but before he get to speak.

"Don't bother talking, this is just a recording that I stuff into this book so I can give you the rest of your wish." God told him.

"Last night when this book arrive at your location it should have given you back all and I mean ALL your memory, must have been a fun process." God said as he smirk. "You already got your second wish granted since it's tied to your soul, if you haven't bother to check before you should do so after you got out of here. Your third wish have just been completed, so now you are here to complete your first wish and for something extra."

"..." Rai 'I wonder what the extra thing is.'

"First thing is your wish. I'm going to download the manual of your first wish directly into your brain. I'm going to enjoy this and it's going to hurt like hell for you hehehe. Get ready." God said as he point his finger at Rai and release a ball of light.

"WHAT?! WAIT" Rai yelled but it was too late and "AHHHHHhhh…. nothing happen, wasn't it suppose to hurt?"

"BWAHAHAHAHAHA you should have seen the look on you face. Too bad I can't be there in person but I bet it was funny. Anyway if you are wondering why it didn't hurt, that's because I seal the information you didn't need yet." God

'This God is a bastard' Rai thought

"If I didn't seal the all the information then you will most likely go brain dead afterward. Right now your spirit power is too low so you can't access anything. You can only access the manual after you get your first ring since you don't really need it until then." God

'At least he is a considerate bastard' Rai

"Now for the extra thing you all been waiting for…

To Be Continued..














"Just kidding I'm that mean" God said while looking passed Rai

'What is he talking about?' Rai thought while checking and seeing nothing behind him.

"Just ignore what I just said Rai. Anyway, I don't want to see you die in your first fight to get a spirit ring since you will be my entertainment for the next couple of decade, so i'll give you this" God said as he pointed another finger at Rai and a ball of light inter his body.

"This will allow you to upgrade your spirit in case you get a bad spirit. Even if it's true that there is no trash spirit in the Douluo world, there can still be a trash start to an adventure so this will help you avoid that. If your luck is really that bad, then at most you will get a bad start." God

'Ha! su** for you, I have TWIN SPIRIT, and this will just make me more powerful WAHAHAHA' Rai

"Now, to activate the power you have to shout 'Moon Prism Power Make Up' then say the name of your spirit" God said while trying to hold in his laughter. Which stop the mad laughter in Rai's head instantly as black line drop over his eyes.

"This is the last time you will see me so take a GOOD LONG LOOK." God said while smiling smugly. "That is unless you become as powerful as a God King of that universe and travel to my sector of the multiverse. But still if you die, then you die, I won't be able to help you anymore so best of luck to you and goodbye." God wave his hand and send some wind that picked Rai up.

"WAITTT!!!!" Rai yell as the wind carry him through a door that appear out of nowhere. As the door close everything turn black. Rai then open his eye and find out that he is back in his room but the book that was supposed to be in his hand is not there anymore.

'I hope I don't really have to say that embarrassing line and it's just another one of that God's joke.' Rai think while he continue to get dress. He wouldn't want to make the people that took care of him since his father die wait too long.

'But on the upside, I don't have to struggle as a baby or learn a new language from scratch' Rai thought as he finish getting ready. He then walk out the door while thinking about what he is going to do for the next few years when he is waiting to unlock his spirit.

"OUCH" Then a rock with a paper hit him on the head. Rai look around to see who threw the rock finding no one he proceed to glare at the rock. He then see the paper on the rock, took it and saw that there is a message in english on the paper.

[Dear Rai,

There is something I forgot to tell you. Don't share your secret training manual with other people. While nothing like the world ending will occur even if you share the manual. It will prevent other from reaching their true potential or might even just stop them in their tacks forever. None of that will happen to you of course since the manual is tailored specifically for you.

Love God.

P.S. This message will self destruct after you finish reading this part]

"What!" Rai said shock as he throw the paper with the rock away. Instead of exploding, the paper just turn to light particle and disappear.

Rai just look at the disappearing paper then… "GODDDDDDDDD!!!"

[Somewhere in a white room.


Rai shake his head as he make it to the old couple house.

To Be Continued For Realzy