Chapter 25: Training

In the morning everyone gather together as they wait for Yu Xiaogang. Xiao Wu is chatting happily with Tang San, Mubai is trying to court Zhuqing, and Seika and Rongrong are trying to get Rai's attention while Oscar and Fatty stare at them in jealousy, or in Rai case, they glare at him.

"Today will be the first day of your special training." Yu Xiaogang said when he got everyone's attention. He took out a bowl and added. "but first lets play a little game. Who will be able to break this bowl."

Fatty said that the game was to easy. Then Yu Xiaogang told them that they will try to break the bowl only their spirit power, no skills or physical contact. Fatty scoff at this and said it will be easy. Only to blow the bowl away without breaking it which make everyone laugh.

Before Mubai can go, Rai ask "can I try first?" stopping Mubai.

"Sure, go ahead" Mubai reply.

Rai then went up to the bowl, look at the bowl, then proceed to glare at the bowl until it shatter apart. "Got it." Rai said smirking making the rest mock Fatty some more before Yu Xiaogang brought out another bowl "I'm surprise someone other then Tang San can do this. Anyone else want to give it a try?" Yu Xiaogang said even if he doesn't look surprise.

This time Mubai went up thinking it will be easy only to make the bowl jump a little without causing any damage. Taking the chance, Fatty also make fun of Mubai as they start to bicker back and forth.

Oscar went to try after Mubai and couldn't break the bowl so he ask if it was a fake one. Yu Xiaogang ask Tang San to try and Tang San broke the bowl easily. After Tang San's turn, everyone try to break the bowl with only Xiao Wu succeeding.

Yu Xiaogang told everyone to make a feast for the teacher and counter everyone argument by saying that if they don't do it, they should leave. Yu Xiaogang give everyone something to do and took Xiao Wu and Rai into a forest for their own special training.

"Since you two already got good enough control, I want you two to get started on creating your own spirit skill." Yu Xiaogang said. Before they can even start training, they hear someone shout that Fatty blew up the kitchen making Xiao Wu run away to have fun.

"Is it ok to let her go like that." Rai ask

"With her talent it doesn't matter. What I want to know is how you got so good at your spirit control." Yu Xiaogang

"Oh, when I was small, sometime I like to crush leaves with only my spirit power for fun. Also my tool spirit help give save most of my spirit power spirit power I when using spirit skill. Later I notice that as I can crush more leaves at the same time, my spirit skill gets stronger and I have less wasted spirit power. I then practice that until I have little to no spirit power wasted." Rai said as he mix some lie with truth.

"I see, so have you created your own spirit skill yet?" Yu Xiaogang ask.

"Yes. I call it Godspeed and Lightning Step. I run my lightning power through my body to boost my speed and for Lightning Step, I do it in short interval to get a burst of speed." Rai answer.

"I heard you use a blade as your primary weapon?" Yu Xiaogang

"Yes, I use this." Rai said as he took out the blade Grandpa Homura give him. "My first spirit skill can channel lightning spirit power into the blade making it sharper, tougher, and have lightning propertity." Rai

"Since you already have close combat and movement skill cover, until the rest finish their training, I want you to focus on creating a range spirit skill. I believe you can do it yourself so I will go check on the other. Ask me any question if you need help." Yu Xiaogang said as he left Rai to work on his spirit skill.

'Range spirit skill huh.' Rai thought to himself. 'What should I create? I'll just try condensing my spirit power outside. Wait, it will be better to condense my lightning spirit power, that will make it more powerful.'

Rai then condense a ball of lightning in his hand with lightning flying off of it in every direction. "huh? looks like chidori, but I don't want another melee skill. I can use the blade for pricing/slashing and Devil's Right Arm for power. Speaking of Devi's Right Arm, I haven't use it in a fight yet.' Rai thought as he continue to try to change the shape of his lightning ball.

'I'll use the next time we go to the Great Spirit Arena then. Now as for the shape, I can do an arrow but that is too small for my liking. So something bigger, a spear then.' Rai thought as he start to lengthen the ball of lightning while also trying to contain the lightning so electric arc don't start flying everywhere like the chidori.

After getting it to about 7 ft in length and a nice thickness, Rai start to shape the tip of the spear to look like an arrowhead. 'That should do it. Now I just need to practice summoning my spirit power in this form until I can do it quickly. Then I can try to condense as much power into the spear as possible.'

'I should also tell everyone that I have twin spirits. It's starting to annoy me that I can't use my full power when fighting. Tang San don't talk about his because his hammer is from the Tang clan. Also because his father and master told him not to.' Rai thought as he continue to try to condense lightning spear 'But I have no reason to hid it from my friends here. I just don't want spirit hall to know and my friends will keep it a secret so I don't have to hide it from them.'

Rai then frown as he thought 'The downside to this is that more people know about my twin spirits the more chances someone might accidentally leak it. That will probably make Spirit Hall and other power focus on me and Shrek, they might even come to create trouble to force me join them or prevent me from getting stronger. Heck spirit hall might try to outright assassinate me if I ever turn them down.'

'But on the upside, I don't have to hide my power from my friend anymore and can go all out in a fight. With Grandmaster knowing about it, he might be able to help me traim more efficiently too.' Rai thought as he sigh. 'I guess I will take this training time to decide if I'll tell them or not. If not, then I can always tell them when the new Shrek Academy thing happen. By then Shrek will have enough power to stop other forces of power.' Rai then got back to focusing on creating his spear faster.