Status Update, Decision and Training with new power


{Congratulations Host, on killing a Wind Wolf}


{Rewarded 100.000 exp for killing a Martial Grand Master Level 1 beast}


{Rewarded 40.000 bonus exp for killing a beast if 4 realms higher}


{Rewarded a total of 140.000 Sp}


{The Set has evolved to the Rank 4 Assassin Set}

After a few minutes, he woke up again and sat straight. But to his surprise, although he was wounded, his wounds were only light and he couldn't feel much pain. After which he thought ``That was one hell of a fight alright´´.

After which he started thinking about his first fight battle as well as the life and death situation and how he had finally somehow won this battle against an opponent who was so much stronger than himself. He then decided to first heal his injuries and asked the 'System' how to heal himself.


{Host can buy a Rejuvenation pill to heal the Host's injuries as well as to restore his energy from the System Store}

'Hmm Ok then System buy it'


{Right Away Host}



Rejuvenation Pill

Price - 10,000

Confirm - Y/N


He tapped on the Yes option to confirm it and then it was placed into his inventory. He then opened his inventory and took the Pill out. Without much thought, he swallowed it a whole. As it was an instant effect type pill, his injuries were healed in a few seconds. After his injuries were healed, he decided to once again take a bath in the river nearby. Once he was done, he put on the Assassin set.

And remembered that he had heard quite a few System calls. But before doing so he took a glance at his mirror image on the clear river. He thought, ``This Assassin Set looks rather good, way more amazing then the Sentry Set as it was really plain skin color and it feels like it has become even stronger. As expected of an evolution type set´´. He then thought of checking his Status first before anything else and said ' Status ' in his mind and asked System to show only the Updated Information.


Name = Tian Chen

Age = 18

Cultivation = Martial Grand Master Lvl1 <0/200.000>

Sp =150.000

Equipment : (Rank)

(Evolution type)_(Limit Rank 12)

1 Assassin Blade (4) = Offensive boost 4x

2 Assassin Hood (4) = Voice detection by others decreases by 4x

3 Assassin Shoulders (4) = Offensive speed boost 4x

4 Assassin Armor (4) = Defensive boost 4x

5 Assassin Leggings (4) = Movement speed boost 4x

6 Assassin Shoes (4) = Movement speed boost4x and ability to step on air


After seeing this, all he could only think of was that this System is really broken. After this battle, he now clearly understood his power and after remembering things about these kinds of worlds, he knew that he needed the power to survive and to protect himself and those who he will want to protect.

So he made a firm decision to first train and get stronger here until he was strong enough to do whatever he wants. After making his decision, he remembered that he had a lot of Sp so thought of buying something so he said 'System'.


{Yes Host?}

'Is there any art or something that can help me master all types of weapons as well as to allow me to use them with energy rather than requiring an actual weapon?}




{An art has been found that meets the Host's description known as Formless Weapon Art}

'Hmm, to think that it actually exists. Ok then tell about this art in detail.'



Formless Weapon Art : (Rank 12) An ancient art that helps the user achieve a complete master over all types of weapons while allowing the user to use one's energy to form the weapons one has mastery over. The weapon/s formed can be used with all the elements.

Additional Bonus = Helps one gain elemental affinity and resistance with all the elements.

Warning = Required one elemental affinity as well as resistance to reach 100% in order to learn and master.

Note = Although this art allows the user to have an elemental affinity and resistance with all the elements, the maximum affinity one gain will not exceed 70%.

PRICE = 100,000 Sp


``Wait, is this for real? Hmm, although expensive but this is an interesting art and might be really useful in the future.´´

'System, Buy it.'


{Congratulation for Buying the Formless Weapon Art for 100,000 Sp}


{Current Sp remaining = 50,000}


{A new art found in the inventory}


{Do you wish to learn it?}

'Yes, learn it.'


{Formless Weapon Art leaned}

After learning it, he finally understood the miracles of this Art. So without wasting much time, he used the art to start mastering his very first weapon, which was a long blade which looked really similar to a Katana.

A few moments later -

He soon found a Martial Ruler Lvl Beast not far from here while searching for an opponent to start his training. As soon as he found it, he used his new speed to attack the beast. But this time, rather than using his original weapon, he used his newly learned art to make a katana like a blade with his energy which contains the characteristics of thunder and lightning.

Soon in a short while, they both started battling. After just a few moments, they both had exchanged hundreds of blows after which the Martial Ruler Lvl beast fell.


{Congratulations Host for Killing a Martial Ruler Lvl beast}


{1.000.000 Exp rewarded}


{1.000.000 Sp awarded}


{Congratulations Host for Leveling up to Martial Grand Master Lvl 2}


{Congratulations Host for Leveling up to...Lvl 3}


{Congratulations Host for Leveling up to ...….Lvl 4}

'Wow, this new art is really something and to think it is so strong. Alright, it's decided then, let's start training while gaining mastery over at least 2 more weapons other than a blade.'