9 Months of training and Tribulation Part 1

3 Months later -

Just like that, it had been about 3 months since he came to this world and started training. After 3 months of training, he had grown a lot stronger than before and in this timespan, other than gaining complete mastery of 100% over the blade style of the Formless Weapon Arts, he had also gained a 25% mastery in the sword and spear style.

Although he didn't know what this level of mastery meant when compared to the people of this world, he decided to check that out later. Currently, he was fighting against a peak emperor level beast in the middle of the inner area of the forest.

He was now able to block every move with ease that was thrown at him by the beast with his left-handed energy blade with its power and his speed whereas the beast wasn't able to block all his attacks and was heavily injured but, this didn't make the beast slow down at all. And it had been only 10 minutes since they engaged in battle.

Although 10 minutes might not be long for others but to them, this was a really long battle as they were both really fast and were having a speed attack battle where the one who was faster would be the one who could deal the final blow and kill their opponent.

In the end, Tian Chen was faster due to his bloodline and his elemental power of lightning, which allowed him to finish it with a 'Flash Thrust'.

As soon as he did, the beast gave out a loud ROAARRR!! and fell to the ground with a THUDD!. Then he heard the System speaking,


{Congratulations Host for killing Stage 9 peak Emperor Lvl Beast}


{1,000,000,000 exp gained}


{1,000,000,000 Sp gained}


{Peak Martial Emperor Lvl Cultivation reached}


{Auto Cultivation option unlocked}


{All requirements to enter the Titled Saint realm met}


{The heavenly tribulation which test's a cultivator's ability to become a titled cultivator or not can be initiated at any time}


{WARNING - The Host is suggested to enter secluded cultivation and try to understand and find the path he wishes to take in order to become a Title saint Lvl Expert}

'Hmm, very good. But System, what is this Heavenly tribulation test? I mean I know what a Heavenly tribulation is but a test. Also, are there any consequences of not passing?'


{The Host's worries are understandable}


{Actually, after becoming a peak Martial Emperor level Expert, a cultivator gets 2 choices for his/her future cultivation path which is proved through the Heavenly tribulation test.

1 - To become a Titled Cultivator

2 - To remain Martial Cultivator}

``I see, so there are 2 types of paths a cultivator can take after reaching the peak of Martial Emperor huh.´´

'So System, tell me more about those 2 types as well as the 'TEST' you just mentioned'


{To become a title cultivator, one has to pass the Heavenly tribulation which tests one's ability and capability. Those that pass and become a titled expert, have double the power of a cultivator of the same realm from those that do not pass the test and remain Martial Cultivators. Also, those that become Titled Cultivators, have the chance to reach the peak of existence and they do not need to cross a heavenly tribulation a second time while those that remain in martial cultivators, will need to cross a heavenly tribulation every time they enter a new major realm}

'Is that so, then titled cultivators must be really rare right?'


{Yes Host, they are really rare but that they do exist. And that is why about 95% of the majority of cultivators is a martial cultivator. Also, one loses the right to become a titled cultivator once one reaches the age of 50}


{The Host is currently only 18 years old and meets all the requirements to become a title cultivator. But before that, it is suggested that the Host take a bit of time to prepare and enter secluded cultivation to find his own path of cultivation while having a deeper understanding of his powers and element}

'That makes sense. ok, System I wish to enter comprehension state right here to set up a defensive formation to make sure no one dares to disturb me.'


{Understood, 1.000.000 Sp will be deducted to set up a defensive formation of the strongest kind}

And after finishing preparations, he sat down right there cross-legged and started focusing on his power and while removing all distractions. Soon in a few seconds, he calmed his state of mind started to focus on comprehension and understanding while losing track of time.

6 Months later -

After entering secluded cultivation, time started passing by at an extremely fast pace and soon 6 months had passed.

In these 6 months time, he had gained a complete understanding of his powers while allowing him to grow 20 times stronger and faster than before and was nearing the time to end his secluded cultivation.

After a few more days passed, he suddenly opened his eyes which seemed deep and void of anything, when he had just opened his eyes, a sudden wave of energy was released which although extremely small in quantity but just as terrifying to make all those that felt it tremble in fear.

After a few moments had passed, his eyes returned normal and got up to do some stretching his body after being in a sitting state for 6 months.

After stretching his body, he clenched his right fist while thinking`` This secluded cultivation was really beneficial for me as it has increased my power by 20 times. Good thing that the system advised me of doing this. I guess that it is about time to challenge the so-called 'TEST' but I don't want others to know about my power right now, after all, it will be way better to show them my power while they feel helpless against me when needed with a surprise hehe.´´

'System I wish to attempt the Heavenly Tribulation here but I do not want others to know about it so can you form a barrier of sorts to hide this?'


{Right Away Host}


{1.000.000 Sp deducted}


{System Barrier activated}