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her baby


In the luxurious bedroom, on the bed was a couple, a man and a woman making love passionately.

The obese man of about sixty years old was mustering all his strength to forge forward to satisfy the demands of the woman beneath him who was half his age. The woman lived up to his expectation and let out a lustful cry. But no one knows whether she was really satisfied or was just a professional to meet the situation.

In the dark, a pair of cold eyes looked chillingly towards the hot and excited man on the bed.

The owner of the pair of cold eyes, stroked the gun in his hands contemplating whether he should make the move at this time. After thinking for a moment, he turned his head, decided to let the man on the bed indulge in his passion for a little while longer.

Let him enjoy a few more minutes of blessings!

Less than five minutes later, the sixty-year-old man finally climaxed and the woman lying beneath him cried. "Ah! President Ruan, you are very good...I cannot take it anymore!"

"Now you know my strength. Well, let me tell you. Even though I have aged but my skill is still the same as when I was in my prime" The sixty-year-old Ruan Da Peng, laughed proudly, put his hands on the woman's chest and started to rub her breasts.

"Yes, yes! Now Nana knows how great you are"

Nana, the woman grabbed her bathrobes, got up from the bed, with her back towards Ruan Da Peng, immediately her face darken.....forget it!

Nana walked into the bathroom, closed the door, turned on the shower and started to flush her body, humming a song.

Ruan Da Peng was resting comfortably on the bed with his eyes closed and did not realize someone was slowly approaching him. He sensed a cloud of cold air surround him and suddenly opened his eyes. His intuition was right!

There was someone standing beside his bed!

The man was dressed in black, about thirty years old, handsome face and had an extremely cold appearance. He knew this man came with ill intention and was about to shout when a gun was held against his forehead.

"Do not make a sound!" The man said coldly and he shivered.

"You...who are you?" Ruan Da Peng asked and his lips were trembling violently.

"Solitary Wolf"

"No....cannot be"

Ruan Da Peng had heard of the name Solitary Wolf and knew he was an assassin who kills without blinking but did not know why Solitary Wolf was here to seek him out.

Few people had seen Solitary Wolf because it was said that nine out of ten people who saw him, would not be alive and the one that was lucky to escape did not have the courage to identify him. So the appearance of him was a mystery and now Ruan Da Peng had the privilege to see Solitary Wolf in person but he did not feel honored.

The appearance of Solitary Wolf meant death and that would mean Ruan Da Peng would die soon!

No.....he did not want to die!

"You...want to kill me?"

Solitary Wolf looked at him coldly as if he had asked an irrelevant question.

"Don't.....don't...wow!" Ruan Da Peng's face turned pale. "I and you do not have any hatred or animosity between us.....why do you want to kill me?"

"You shouldn't have hindered the way of others!" Solitary Wolf coldly answered.

"Who did I hinder?" Was it the project that he recently tendered for?

Solitary Wolf did not answer but coldly stared at him. His thumb slowly cocked his gun. The sound could be heard clearly in the quiet room.

"Don't kill me, I don't want to die!" Ruan Da Peng climbed down from the bed and knelt on the floor, crying and begging. "Tomorrow is my wife's birthday and if I die, she will be very sad...please do not kill me.....spare my life!"

Solitary Wolf frowned, the hand holding the gun stopped, a touch of hesitation appeared in his eyes.

Should he spare Ruan Da Peng's life for his wife's birthday?

"Dear, do you want to come in and bathe with me?"

Nana's seductive voice was heard calling from the bathroom. Ruan Da Peng instantly turned pale and dared not reply.

Solitary Wolf's eyes squinted, quickly returned to his original cold face. He smiled wickedly, his index finger pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Even if Ruan Da Peng was telling the truth, the day before his wife's birthday, it was still an inexcusable crime to cheat on his wife!

The bullet fired from the silencer went straight into the forehead of Ruan Da Peng before he could even utter a sound. His body like a mud clay doll slowly slumped onto the floor.

"Hello? Dear, did you hear me?"

Ruan Da Peng's legs stiffen, he could no longer hear Nana's call.

Solitary Wolf coldly looked down at the dead body, in a few seconds kept his gun away and turned away indifferently.

He avoided the heavily guarded door at the front and escaped through the back door into the dark alley.

He was just out of the back door when a woman's sharp scream sounded from the house.


He did not turn his head and continued walking into the dark of the night.

Solitary Wolf walked through the long alley, towards his black sports car parked at the end of the alley. A smiling light, gentle voice floated through the night wind.

"Settled so soon?"

Solitary Wolf's whole body stiffen, quickly took out his short gun, narrowed his sharp eyes, like a radar scanned his surroundings to locate the person hiding in the vicinity.

"I'm here!"

Fan Tian Yi opened the door of Solitary Wolf's black sports car and casually waved at him.

"I'm cold. Do you mind inviting me to come inside to take a seat?" He lifted up his pair of freezing hands and sneezed.

"You are already sitting in the car without invitation!" Solitary Wolf answered without any warmth.

Seeing that Solitary Wolf was still clutching his gun, Fan Tian Yi quickly said with a smile. "Do not get tensed up, put down the gun!"

He was not here to specifically to provoke Solitary Wolf!

"Why are you here? Want to stop me from killing Ruan Da Peng? Unfortunately, you are too late. He is already dead"

Solitary Wolf saw that Fan Tian Yi had no intention to spring a surprise on him, carefully put down his gun but kept himself alert.

"I know! Ruan Da Peng was rich but corrupt and had cheated a lot of people of their hard-earned money. Eliminating him is also good. Killing one corrupt official means one less"

"So, you are here to specially thank me?" Solitary Wolf stared weirdly at Fan Tian Yi.

Solitary Wolf really hated to deal with this guy. It made him felt like he was rolling in a mud pool, covered with smelly mud.

"Of course not!" Fan Tian Yi pushed his glasses on the bridge of his nose and smiled. "I came to talk to you about your trade....."

"I'm not interested!"

Before Fan Tian Yi could finish his words, Solitary Wolf had rejected him.

"Do not refuse so fast. Why don't you listen to what interesting news I want to sell to you?"

"No matter what news you want to sell to me, I am not interested!" Solitary Wolf opened the car door and sat in the driver seat. He looked coldly at Fan Tian Yi, indicating that he should leave the car.

"You are a difficult man to communicate with!" Fan Tian Yi touched his nose and said. "How about this. In order to show my sincerity in doing business with you, I'll send you a picture as a sample. What do you say?"

"I don't want anything from you!"

They were both sworn enemies and no matter what Fan Tian Yi wanted to send him, he was not going to take from him.

"Otherwise, you can take a look! You will not suffer any loss by taking a look. I personally guarantee that it is definitely not an obscene picture" Fan Tian Yi laughingly took out a photo from his shirt pocket and shoved it in front of Solitary Wolf.

"Please, take a look!"

Solitary Wolf impatiently turned his head, glanced at the photo sideways, with the intention to just take a glimpse only but as soon as his glance fell on the photo, he could no longer take away his eyes.

There was nothing special about the colored photo. It was just an ordinary photo showing a young, beautiful woman carrying a four-year-old little boy in her arms. The showed the two of them smiling happily.

Solitary Wolf stared at the little boy in the photo and was shocked by the similarity between him and the boy.

Looking at the picture, he had the illusion that he was looking into a mirror. The difference was only in their age and the little boy was the spitting image of himself when he was young!

But the little boy's eyes were so pure, unlike his childhood, he had experienced pain and fear.

How could there be a child that looked so much like him! Is it ...

"It's such a beautiful picture of the mother and son, is it not? If you really like it, I can sell you more...Hey! Solitary Wolf....!"

Fan Tian Yi had not finished talking when Solitary Wolf kicked him out of the car.

Solitary Wolf closed the car door with force, started the engine and roared away in his car.

"Hey, what is the matter with you?"

By the time, Fan Tian Yi got up on his feet, he met with a cloud of dust.

"Pooh! Pooh!" Fan Tian Yi used the back of his hands to wipe off the sand on his mouth, angrily muttered. "Don't want to buy, don't buy. Why push me off the car? Well! If you come back to seek my help to investigate the whereabouts of the mother and child, then I'll make you pay double for it!"

It was well-known that he, Fan Tian Yi always remember any wrongs done to him!

He let out a cold humph and angrily walked down the wintery cold street in desolation.

As he drove on the northern expressway, Solitary Wolf looked straight ahead coldly, his right foot on the accelerator, speeding down the deserted road.

He could not believe that 'she' dared to hide his child from him.

'She' thought it was alright if she stays hidden? No matter how he would find 'her' even to the extent of turning over the earth, he did not care!

Let 'her' wait for it!

"Ha....jiu!" (sneeze)

In the midst of reading the contents of a letter, Ye Ruwei's body suddenly turned cold and could not help but sneeze.

She rubbed her red nose and did not know whether she was having a cold or otherwise.

"What's wrong?"

Qi Wei stopped working, lifted his eyebrows at his competent secretary that the former chairman of the board of directors had transferred to him.

She was a good secretary, capable, careful and gentle. When he just took over his father-in-law's company, she had helped him a lot. If not for her, he would definitely be like a handicap and badly bruised from the heavy workload.

"It's nothing!" Ye Ruwei quickly shook her head and asked. "President, the letter you want to send to Mr. Benton's letter of United States.....are these the contents of the letter?"

"Yes. Ah....the Hong Kong shipping company, Mr. Zhou will be coming to Taiwan. Remember to send someone to pick him up from the airport."

"Yes, I remember."

"And the last point..." Qi Wei bent over and retrieved a gift-wrapped box from under his desk and handed it to Ye Ruwei.

"A few days ago, when I was on a business trip to Singapore, I bought this at an airport duty-free shop. I find it interesting and bought it for your son"

"President, why did you..." Ye Ruwei was moved and felt embarrassed. "This is too costly! President also has a son, why not....."

"My son is too young and will not be able to play with such a complex toy. Your son's age is just right and this toy is right for him"

"Then, thank you, President" Ye Ruwei accepted the gift gracefully.

"Your son is called Qi An, right?" Qi Wei suddenly asked.


Ye Ruwei began to feel uneasy and did not know why the President suddenly asked about her son.

"In fact, it's nothing but I just happen to be upgraded to 'father' status. I feel awkward taking care of children and in future, I may need your help and hope you will give me some valuable advice." Qi Wei said bashfully.

Ye Ruwei breathed a sigh of relief. "Of course, if you really need my help, I will certainly do my best for President."

"Thank you! You can get back to work. Prepare the letter to Mr. Benton of United States and remember to fax the letter before you leave."


Ye Ruwei left the President's room, holding the box and went back to her place. She placed the box under her desk and switch on her computer, ready to start work.

After typing two sentences, she thought for a while, could not help but pick up the box under her desk, tore off the wrapping paper and took a look at the toy.

After tearing away the wrapping paper, there was a transparent PVC box. Inside the box was a silver beam gun used by space warriors, colorful, innovative style with many cool new features. She had read news reports about the popularity of this toy which caused a wave of panic buying when it was launched in the market.

She knew her son would love this toy but...

Ye Ruwei frowned and looked at the silver beam gun in her hands.

She did not like the gun!

She opened the PVC box, put the sliver beam gun back into the slot of the PVC box and carefully sealed the box.

She did not want her child to develop from childhood, a killing instinct with ferocious personality. She did not want her child to have his hands full of blood, his whole life bearing the stigma of a killer. Just like his....

"Secretary Ye!"

Sun Yu Han with one arm holding her white, fat baby son and the other hand carrying two lunch boxes, walked into the President's office.

"Mrs. President!" Ye Ruwei quickly pushed her chair backward, got up and exclaimed. "Why are you here?"

"It's already noon. I came to have lunch with Qi Wei. Because of the company, he has not been home for a week!"

"Yes. It's really hard on the President. The old President should have given President some time to adjust before the old President left."

"My father had planned to retire early and wanted to officially hand all the work over to his son-in-law. My father wanted it this way."

It was not that Sun Yu Han did not understand her father but she is only his daughter, what can she say? It was really hard on the President!

"The President is now in his room but he has an appointment at half past one in the afternoon with the President of Jun De Industries."

"I know. I will not hinder his afternoon appointment."

Sun Yu Han held her babbling, shouting baby son, smiling, walked into Qi Wei's room.

Ye Ruwei watched Sun Yu Han carrying her baby leave and could not help but think of her four-year-old son, Ye Qi An.

She opened the drawer, took out her son's photo with a proud and pleased smile, silently looking at her greatest pride...her baby!

At present, her only wish was to work hard, save some money, give her child a good and stable living environment. The rest, she did not want anything more.

That romantic love, she had long given up! Maybe it would be best not to think about it...