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a killer

Lunchtime was about to end, the silent, empty big reception hall, once again warm up.

The staff, after their lunch break, together with the visitors, merged into the spacious, clean hall, giving a lively active atmosphere that warmed up the cold winter.

Suddenly, there was chaos all around, the noisy atmosphere became still, all the people in the hall with their mouths opened, looked in the direction of the door.

A man in tight-fitting black clothes, wearing dark sunglasses, his face expressionless, walked with smooth, silent quick footsteps towards the reception counter.

No wonder everyone was taken by surprise. A person dressed like him should not appear in this type of office building in this business district.

The receptionist from afar had seen him and immediately smiled and asked. "Please....please, can I help you?"

"Is Ye Ruwei in?" The man in black coldly asked causing the receptionist to involuntarily shiver.

"Ye.....Secretary Ye? Why do you need to see Secretary Ye?"

"Do I have to tell you?" The man asked coldly.

The receptionist trying to stop her shivering, clenched her teeth and once again squeezed a smile. "Then...do you have an appointment?"

"Appointment?" His narrowed his eyes into a squint and the receptionist almost screamed with fright. "I'll tell you once again. I want to see Ye Ruwei. Tell me which floor she is on!"

"She.....she is on the 9th Floor. The President's Secretary's Office."

In order to save herself, without thinking, she let the man know of Ye Ruwei's whereabouts. Even if she was dismissed because of this mistake, it would be better than to lose her life!

"Thank you."

The man in black turned indifferently to the elevator. Everyone made way for him and in the elevator, he pressed the 9th-floor button. The elevator quickly arrived on the 9th floor.

He walked out of the elevator, just as a beautiful young woman carrying a child passed him by.

His sharp eyes turned around, accidentally found a man standing in front of the elevator, staring at him.

He recognized that it was his formal rival in the past.....nicknamed 'Vulture'....Qi Wei

Why was it referred as 'past'?

Because, in the past, the Vulture's right hand was shot by him which ruined Vulture's career. Vulture who liked to interfere with his missions could no longer hold a gun and could only retire early and become an ordinary businessman.

The man in black took a big step forward and swept past Qi Wei who was instantly on guard.

"Do not be nervous. I am not here to give you trouble!"

He could not stand to see Qi Wei's cautious look and reluctantly explained.

Qi Wei was surprised to hear this. "You are not here to look for me?"

Although he did not know why Solitary Wolf came but his intuition was particularly keen. He did not feel the murderous aura of Solitary Wolf and so he was sure Solitary Wolf was not on a killing mission.

Solitary Wolf, the chief killer of the dark forces came here, not to kill, then what was his purpose for coming?

Qi Wei thought for a moment, immediately followed behind Solitary Wolf.

He had to see what Solitary Wolf was up to!

He followed Solitary Wolf to the end of the corridor and was surprised to see him push the door open to enter into the President's Secretary's office.

Could the person, Solitary Wolf was looking for, was the responsible and gentle Secretary Ye?!

"President, just now Chen Jia Enterprise called and requested for your appointment time to be changed to three o'clock in the afternoon."

Ye Ruwei was working on her computer with her back facing the door. When she heard the door opened, she thought that Qi Wei had come back after sending off his wife. So she immediately updated him on the changes in his appointment.

"President?" She heard the door closing but did not hear any reply. Ye Ruwei turned her head around and looked.


She jumped up in shock and accidentally knocked over the cup on the table. Instantly the water splashed on the table. She looked on as the water gradually spread, still in shock. She did not know whether she should first wipe the spreading water or turn around to hurry away.

Finally, she chose to wipe the water to prevent the water from flowing to the keyboard.

"You.....why are you here?" She clenched the towel in her hand and asked stiffly.

"I am looking for you!"

Mu Zheng stared at her, with his usual lonely eyes showing unspeakable complex emotions.

Recalling the time, he has not seen her for five years!

"Leave.....please go away!"

"What did you say?"

He walked towards her but every step he moved towards her, Ye Ruwei would move backward. Mu Zheng was dissatisfied and frowned. He caught hold of her hand and pulled her in front of him.

"Do not hide from me!"

He pinched her chin and forced her to look into his eyes.

"Let me go....." Ye Ruwei turned her head, closed her eyes, afraid to look at the cold face that made her confused.

"What did you say?" Mu Zheng's eyebrows knitted.

"Let go! Mu Zheng....Please let go! I beg you not to appear in front of me...I cannot see you!"

"Why can't you see me? Give me a reason. If you can convince me, then I'll never appear again!"

"I cannot tell you. Please leave...leave...."

"You are so anxious that I should leave, is it because of this child?" He took a picture from his pocket and handed it to her.

"How did you get this picture?" Ye Ruwei asked fearfully.

How could he have a picture of Qi An? Who gave it to him?

"He is mine, right?"

Solitary Wolf was hundred percent sure that the child was his! The child's appearance was a spitting image of him when he was young.

"No! He is not your child!"

Ye Ruwei desperately shook her head, sad tears, drop by drop rolled down her face.

She had hidden for five years and in the end, he was still able to find them! What should she do? She did not want to see her child get hurt!

"Why do you refuse to admit that he is mine!" Mu Zheng confidently said.

"No, you are wrong. He is not your child!"

"Why do you deny and why are you so frightened. Do you think I will hurt my own flesh and blood?"

Mu Zheng got angrier, held her shoulders and shook her until she felt dizzy and nauseous.

Five long years of missing him, the fear and agitation that was always in her heart, she could not take it anymore. A wave of darkness overcame her, her legs soften and almost fell to her knees on the ground.

"Be careful!"

Qi Wei who had been eavesdropping outside the door quickly rushed through the door and held her up before she fell to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Solitary Wolf saw Qi Wei holding Ye Ruwei. He was furious and brandished a hand knife towards Qi Wei, snatching back Ye Ruwei.

Ye Ruwei who had always been weak, could not bear the sudden movement, rolled her eyes and fainted.

"Ruwei!" Solitary Wolf shouted, caressing the face of the already fainted Ye Ruwei.

Qi Wei lifted his eyebrows. It was difficult to associate the man in front of him, with eyes full of fear, to the cold, murderous Solitary Wolf that he knew.

Ye Ruwei was oblivious to her surroundings as she lay in the familiar embrace, feeling at peace in the infinite darkness.

In these five years, she never had a good night's sleep. She could now deeply indulged in such happiness, sleeping and was not willing to wake up.

She saw herself in a dream.

Remembering five years ago, it was also such a winter...

Five years ago, Hongye Hot Springs.

Cold wave was here again.

According to the weather report that morning, the minimum temperature of freshwater was about ten degrees Celsius. Hongye Hot Springs in Beitou was located higher in the mountains and their freshwater temperature was not much different. It could be due to the numerous hot springs around and thus Ye Ruwei did not feel cold.

She wore a white sweater with a pair of blue jeans, with a vibrant appearance like a beautiful, lovely little daisy.

She took a bamboo broom and swept the leaves that had fallen on the ground from the two trees that were standing outside the door. Seeing the beautiful red maple leaves, she picked up a few leaves and lovingly put them between the pages of her book.

It was winter now and there should not be any maple leaves around. But Taiwan was located in the subtropical region, where winter would be warmer than other countries and so beautiful red maple leaves could still be seen in winter.

She had studied in the United States for many years and naturally had seen maple leaves. She had always disliked the maple leaves there as they were too large and some varieties of the leaves were even larger than her face. She still favored the small maple leaves from the two trees for their meticulous beauty and the size of the red maple leaves were just right. The red maple leaves were like the evening sunset, so beautiful that it was impossible not to keep a collection.

She swept the leaves into a dustpan, her cheeks flushed and her transparent, supple skin showed a tinge of rosy pink.

Hongye Hot Springs, the hot spring restaurant belonged to her parents, who had migrated and she had taken over the business for less than a year.

She remembered a year ago, just after she had returned from Los Angeles, her parents told her that their whole family was migrating to Australia.

She had just returned from overseas and did not intend to leave Taiwan for the time being. She was also reluctant to leave Hongye Hot Springs, where she had grown up. So, she begged her parents not to sell the place and let her continue running the business.

Her parents also did not want to sell the restaurant that they had built up for the past 20 years. So they had granted her request to stay on in Taiwan to continue operating the restaurant.

In order not to disappoint her parents, she worked hard and a year later, the restaurant was doing quite well.

Over the past year, she had met a lot of people and all kinds of strange guests gathered a lot of knowledge and also broaden her horizons. She really liked the job!


From the corner of her eyes, she saw someone enter the door, immediately looked up and smiled to welcome the guest. As soon as she saw the person, her eyes widen.

It's him! Someone whose name she did not know, a cold man.

She had actually noticed him for quite some time.

He was a frequent visitor for the past six months. He would come alone, two to three times a week, each time late at night. He would stay for an hour or so and would leave before the closing time, twelve o'clock.

Another reason that attracted her attention was not because of his above average looks but his solemn, aloof, gloomy temperament.

He was always cold, aloof and would not take the initiative to speak unless necessary. She did not know the origin of the man, but her intuition told her that he must have a complex story behind him.

She did not realize that she had stopped all her actions, staring at him until he stopped in front of her. He lifted his eyebrows at her, then only did she come to her senses and found herself staring at him foolishly.

She suddenly blushed, felt embarrassed and wanted to dig a hole to bury herself.

The man did not express any opinion regarding her disgraceful behavior nor did his expression change but instead said lightly. "As usual."

The so-called 'as usual' was actually a personal hot spring pool overlooking the foot of the mountain with the night scenery that he utilized every time he came.

There were only a few of this special personal pool, the price was more expensive than the normal baths and in addition, very few people would request for these type of pools every time they came in except for the man.

"Okay, please come with me!"

Ye Ruwei quickly put down the bamboo broom and removed a key for the special personal pool from the wall. Quickly she led the way along the ancient red brick path towards the most remote and quiet personal pool.

"Today you....seems like you are later than usual"

On the way to the special personal pool, Ye Ruwei tried to break the silence, looking for topics to talk to the silent man following behind her.

The man did not speak, not a sound came from him and Ye Ruwei was overcome with embarrassment. When they reached the pool, Ye Ruwei wished him an enjoyable bath, quickly turned to leave.

When she turned around, unexpectedly she caught a glimpse of a wound on his arm. The wound was about five centimeters long, like a scratch left by a sharp object. The blood around the wound had turned dark red.

"Ah! You are hurt" She exclaimed.

The man raised his right hand, looked down the back of his arm and his eyes suddenly darken.

He almost forgot about the wound!

It was tonight while he was executing the mission and shot the target specified by the Lord, he was scratched by the son of the target.

He remembered that little boy, after seeing his father killed, angrily picked up a knife and rushed to attack him. The little boy looked like an irrational little beast!

Should be less than twelve years old?

And he was almost the same age, presumably, now he should also understand the cruelty of the world.

His heart tightened, put his hand down, curved his mouth and said. "Just a small wound. It's nothing."

"Small wound? You are bleeding!"

Ye Ruwei really could not believe that someone would actually not care about their own body. Did he want his blood to flow like a river to consider it as serious?

"Wait here. I'll bring the medical kit to help you disinfect. Otherwise, it will fester and there will be inflammation."

Ye Ruwei did not wait for him to answer, turned and ran back to the counter.

Solitary Wolf looked at her slender figure running away with lifted eyebrows. In fact, he could have ignored her but he did not know why, he stood obediently, patiently waiting for her to come back.

Not long after, Ye Ruwei carrying a white medicine box came running back.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!"

Ye Ruwei looked at him and smiled. She placed the medicine box on the side antique octagonal coffee table, took out the cotton and a bottle of iodine.

"Stretch out your arm."

Mu Zheng obediently held up his arm to let her clean the wound. He looked at Ye Ruwei standing on tiptoe, carefully wiped his wound with cotton and applied iodine, blew lightly on the wound.

He stared at her and thought she should really work as a nurse. A gentle and loving woman, in today's society, was becoming a rarity.

Ye Ruwei applied iodine, dried the wound and then pasted on a plaster and it was done.

"Okay!" She nodded and smiled with satisfaction.

Mu Zheng knitted his eyebrows, stared at the plaster.

He did not even remember that he had ever pasted this thing in his life!

In the past, his injuries were several times more serious than this, and if he were to paste plaster on his injuries, he would have long turned into a mummy!

Moreover, if people saw him, the frightening assassin Solitary Wolf using plaster to cover his wound, then he would die with shame.

"Get rid of this stuff!" He pursed his lips and tried to pull it off.

"No!" Ye Ruwei exclaimed, quickly stepped forward to seize his hand. "If you tear it off now, you may tear open the wound as well. It would be better to tear it off tomorrow morning."

Her response was instinctive and without hesitation. Mu Zheng was surprised for a moment, he involuntarily lowered his head, looked at her white, delicate hands and was shocked by her cool, soft touch.

All along, he was not used to having physical contact with people but this once, her touch did not make him feel disgusted nor awkward.

Watching him staring at her hand, Ye Ruwei was shocked by her own actions.

"I'm sorry!" Her face flushed, quickly released her hand and stammered. "I'm afraid your wound will open up wider. I was nervous...really sorry!"

"It's okay!"

Mu Zheng lightly shook his head, his eyes staring at her. At this time, he finally realized that she looked beautiful!

"Please take your bath!" Ye Ruwei shyly suggested to him.

"Uh" Solitary Wolf lightly humph, turned towards the pool, twisted his neck twice, intending to take a comfortable bath.

"Please slowly enjoy your bath in the hot spring. Remember, do not let your wound get wet."

Ye Ruwei politely shut the door for him. The moment the door closed, instantly she blushed, turned and ran back to the counter.

So embarrassing! How could she act so foolishly in front of him? He must have thought she was a crazy woman!

In her life, she had never been so disgraced!

Oh! She really cannot wait to jump into the hot spring pool and drown herself.

Mu Zheng heard the sound of fleeing footsteps outside and he lightly smiled.

Interesting little woman!

He did not know how long he had not seen a girl blush. It was difficult to imagine in this open society, there were girls who still blush.

That girl would not know his true identity. He was a killer with hands full of blood, where people walking down the white or black path was afraid of him. He had come to bath in the hot spring to clean himself because he had just recently ended a life.

Mu Zheng took off his clothing, exposing thin and healthy long legs. He walked into the large rock pool, looking for a comfortable spot to sit down. He laid back on the rocks, eyes closed and let the hot spring water soothe his tired body and mind.

He did not know when did he develop the habit of taking a hot spring bath in the mountains after completion of each mission. On recollection, this habit had started many years ago.

Once by chance, he had passed by this area and was attracted to the elegant Japanese garden scenery and after trying once, he had become a frequent visitor to Hongye Hot Springs.

In fact, he did not like to kill. He hated the smell of blood which was why he wanted to take a hot spring bath after each mission.

Perhaps he subconsciously hope that through the hot springs, the sulfur would wash away the smell of blood....