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beautiful stars

Solitary Wolf stepped out Hongye Hot Springs after a refreshing bath. It was close to midnight. He stood under the night sky, unconsciously looked up and found the sky was full of bright stars.

He narrowed his eyes, absent mindedly looked at the sky full of silver shining stars.

For a long time, he had not seen so many bright stars!

In his memory, he had never seen such a shining starry sky.

Many people during their childhood years liked to look at the stars. But during his childhood, he only thought of how to escape from his father's fierce beatings and so he did not have time nor had the mood to look at the stars in the sky.

Perhaps it was that interesting little woman who affected him. Tonight he suddenly had the interest to leisurely look at the beautiful sky that he did not know existed.

He returned to his sports car parked outside the wall, opened the skylight roof, reclined the backrest, laid down with his hands behind his head to look at the night sky.

He looked at the beautiful night sky, unaware of the passage of time.

It was 12 midnight. The guests in Hongye Hot Springs had left and the staff working in the hot spring also were getting off work. Of course, the boss of Hongye Hot Springs, Ye Ruwei would be the last to leave.

She locked the ancient wooden door of Hongye Hot Springs. From her bag, she fished out her car keys and walked towards her little yellow car.

She opened the door, inserted the car keys and started the engine. She was surprised to find the car would not start.

She frowned. Once again, she checked whether she had the right key, gear rightly positioned.

She quickly checked it again and found that the key was correct, the gear position was correct and since it was the case, why did the car not start?

She even opened the front bonnet and checked to see if there were other problems.

Time was already late and there were no lights around. In fact, she had always been driving and knew next to nothing about the structure of the car or its performance. Even after checking, she would not be able to find anything wrong.

Where was the problem?

She turned around to look at her surroundings. The guests and staff had all gone off and on this mountain path, she was unable to call for a taxi, right?

How would she go home? Maybe she could sleep in the restaurant?

Taking a bath would not be a problem but sleeping would be a bit troublesome.

There were no quilts and the winter temperature was low. The mountain air at night was always colder and heavier. She did not want to be frozen into a popsicle.

She was wondering what she should do next when suddenly a low voice sounded from behind.

"Your car broke down?"

"Yes!" She heard a voice, immediately turned around and said excitedly. "There is a small problem with the car..." Ah! How come it was him?

Ye Ruwei was surprised and stopped talking when she saw the cold, icy Solitary Wolf.

"What is the problem?"

Solitary Wolf ignored her surprised expression and started to check on her car.

Actually, he did not want to get involved with her but when he saw her uncertainty, just standing around with a daze silly look, finally he had dug out his rare charitable act from the depths of hell to help her.

"I do not know what is wrong with the car. This morning, it was okay but just now it wouldn't start." Ye Ruwei quickly came forward to answer.

No matter how cold his attitude was, after all, he was her only savior!

"I'll check for you."

He bent over and put his head under the bonnet of the car that Ye Ruwei had opened earlier. With night vision sharp eyes, he looked at the mechanical structure of the car.

Ye Ruwei stood by the side and bent over, taking the opportunity to quietly study his handsome cold side profile.

"You have long finished your bath at the hot springs, how come you are still here?" She asked curiously.

He glanced at her and faintly replied. "Tonight's stars are beautiful and I stayed back to look at the stars."


Ye Ruwei cannot help but look up at the sky over her head. She had not noticed but it was really beautiful!

"The battery may be damaged. I will use the electrical cord and try to jump-start the car."

He straightened himself, strode back to his own sports car and from the rear compartment, took out an electrical cord. He clamped the battery of the two cars using the electrical cord and tried to start the engine, but.....

The car still could not start!

"The engine will not start. The battery is damaged."

"What to do?"

"What to do?" He almost laughed at Ye Ruwei's naïve reply.

"Think of a way to get someone to repair it!"

If not, what can be done? Tell him to wave a magic wand and give her a car?

"But now is the middle of the night. All garages have long been closed and who would come to this remote mountain to repair my car?" She pouted and muttered. "What if..."

She looked at him with her big eyes, full of hope asked. "Are you going down the mountain? Can you give me a lift?"

Solitary Wolf looked at her blankly, did not answer.

"Just send me to a place where I can get a taxi will do. Please!"

Solitary Wolf did not reply, looked at her for a moment then said. "Get in the car!"

He never let anyone in his car especially a woman but because she had helped him dressed his wound, he reluctantly made an exception.....just this once!

"Thank you"

Ye Ruwei breathed a sigh of relief, quickly removed her bag from her car, afraid that he would go back on his words, immediately sat in his two-door black sports car.

Once in the car, Ye Ruwei let out a string of sentence.

"I'm sorry to trouble you! As soon as we reach the foot of the mountain, I'll take a taxi home...."

"Sit tight. Put on your safety belt!"

The man reached over in front of her, helped her to fasten the belt, pressed on the accelerator and drove off.

His thin lips habitually pursed, cold with icy eyes staring in front. His big hands easily controlled the steering wheel like a toy.

Ye Ruwei could not stand the silence in the car and ignored his cold expression, started to talk hoping to break the silence.

"Uh.....can I ask....what's your name?"

Name? Solitary Wolf sneered.

He had forgotten his name long ago. He only knew that his hands were covered with blood, a cold-blooded murderer who does not even blink when he kills, Solitary Wolf!

"Yeah, your name! Everyone has a name and I am sure your parents would have given you a name"

Parents? Thinking of his tragic, miserable childhood, Solitary Wolf's lips tighten.

It was quiet for a long time in the car. She thought he would not answer when suddenly his cold voice said.

"Mu Zheng"

"Ah?" She was stunned.

"My actual name is Mu Zheng, but now nobody calls me by that name"

"Then what do they call you?"

"Murderer, Executioner, King of Hell, Exterminator. You can choose to call me whatever you want!"

'Are you...joking?"

Ye Ruwei froze then let out a laugh.

He could really joke. For a while, she thought he was speaking the truth!

Solitary Wolf swept her a glance and pursed his lips.

He told her the truth and this woman thought he was joking!

He pressed the electric button, with irritation, to open the side window for a smoke. The cold winter wind immediately blew into the warm compartment of the car.

Ye Ruwei hunched her shoulders, her hands embracing her thin body, gritted her teeth to prevent them from chattering.

So.....so cold!

"Are you cold?" Mu Zheng realized she was trembling and asked.

"I? Not.....not cold....." Her teeth were chattering, her body involuntarily trembling.

"Tell me honestly if you are cold. I'll not kill you!"

He turned the steering wheel sharply, parked the car by the roadside, took off his black coat and roughly threw it over her.

"Put this on!"

"No.....no need! I only..."

"I told you to put it on!"

"But you..."

"Do you want to get off here?"

He faintly knitted his eyebrows and Ye Ruwei saw that he was at the end of his patience, quickly shook her head.

"No.....I certainly do not want to get off here!"

"Then put it on!"

Mu Zheng impatiently stared at the front of the windscreen, feeling disgusted at his weakness.

His hand clenched into a fist, his heart wanted to dispel his abnormal feelings.

His hands that normally held guns to kill actually took off his coat for a woman. When did he become a man of such great compassion?

"Get off!"


"There is a taxi at the back driving towards us. You can take the taxi down the mountain!"

When Ye Ruwei heard his words, she turned around and looked at the rear. A car was traveling towards them and a bright red sign 'for hire' was on the roof the car which was quite conspicuous in the dark night.

She did not know why she suddenly felt at a loss and before she could say anything, Mu Zheng had got down from the car. He stood in the middle of the road and waved at the taxi to stop.

He went over to the driver's side and spoke to the driver. The driver looked at Ye Ruwei and then nodded his head.

Mu Zheng walked back to Ye Ruwei's side, coldly said. "I have spoken with the driver and you can go to the taxi!"


She bit her lower lip, pushed the door opened, got off and looked at him again. He still looked indifferent, without the slightest intention of letting her stay. Even if she was thick-skinned, she would be too embarrassed to stay behind.

She bit her soft lips, lowered her head and walked slowly towards the yellow taxi that was waiting for her.

After she got into the taxi, she was going to turn around to thank Mu Zheng and say goodbye but he had already got into his car, speeding past her.

On the way down the mountain, she had been thinking of a question.

She.....was she really annoying? Why did he refuse to spend even a minute with her?

Throughout the journey, the driver had been very quiet then suddenly he asked.

"Miss...is that man your boyfriend?"

"Him? No....no! We're just...friends"

Are they friends? Ye Ruwei was skeptical.

"Fortunately" The taxi driver grinned and smilingly said. "I was thinking that it would be a pity if such a beautiful and delicate girl like you, to have such a ferocious man like him as a boyfriend"

"Miss, you don't know how fierce he was just now. The moment he came over, he asked for my name, my car number and also threaten me that if I don't send you home safely, he would skin me alive and nail my skin on the wall as fresco. I knew he was not joking! Do you know how terrible his eyes looked when he stared at me? My hands and feet were limp. What does he do?....so scary..."

Once the taxi driver broke his silence, he talked endlessly. Ye Ruwei was able to hear his first few words but was unable to absorb what the driver said after that.

She did not think that he, who had displayed a nonchalant attitude towards her would actually threaten the taxi driver to ensure her safety!

Can this prove that he was at least a little concerned about her?

She looked down at her hands, her emotions were chaotic.

She wanted to see him!

He...will he come again?

"Sister Ye, the male public pool has been cleaned!"

The bathing pool was scrubbed clean and bright by Xiao Jian, brushing the sweat from his forehead.

"Oh, thank you!"

Ye Ruwei answered absently mindedly.

She stood behind the counter, her long glossy black hair naturally flowing down her back, a few strands of soft gentle hair falling on the side of her cheeks, her slender white fingers were continuously tapping on the calculator. Every now and then she would look at the door without losing her concentration on her work.

It was 11 o'clock! It was already so late, he would not be coming, right?

Her mind was in a mess and accidentally pressed the wrong key. Working on her calculation for half a day, all had gone to waste.

Looks like everything had to be recalculated again!

She sighed, turned back to the first page of the accounts book, ready to start all over again.

At this moment, outside the ancient wooden door, two dazzling headlights were gradually coming closer. She looked up and saw a familiar car body. Originally, feeling depressed and with tightened facial features, instantly she relaxed.

He came!

Seeing the familiar figure in a total black outfit, one hand inserted in the pants pocket, walking indifferently into Hongye Hot Springs, she immediately put on a blooming smile.

She had waited for the whole night and finally, he came!

"Mr. Mu, you are here" She ran out from behind the counter and greeted him with a gentle smile.

"En." Mu Zheng nodded indifferently, grudgingly answered.

"As usual, you need a special personal pool for today?"

"Mm..." Mu Zheng reluctantly gave a monosyllable answer.

"Then.....I'll lead the way"

She picked the key off the wall and led him to the bath that he could find with his eyes closed.

"Thank you for your help that day. My car has been repaired." She smiled and looked back at him.

"Do not be courteous. It was nothing." He lightly answered.

"I would like to thank you for your help, so the next time, please come a bit earlier. I would like to treat you to our Hongye Hot Springs signature dish of kaiseki..."

"No need!" His defensive instinct had always been very strong. Never eat or drink outside food. Besides, he felt that he did not help in any way.

"Ah?" His refusal was too straightforward and she could not help but felt embarrassed.

Her poor embarrassed expression made him a little apologetic, his rebuff had been extremely cold.

In order to erase that uncomfortable and hurt expression on her face, he blurted out. "I will not eat but stargazing is not a problem!"

"Stargazing?" She opened her eyes wide and was astonished.

"Yes, look at the stars!" He angrily growled and wanted to bite his own tongue.

What was the matter with him? Why was he trying to coax a woman? God knows he had never spoken to any woman nor dated anyone!

Just as he was thinking to withdraw his words, she excitedly nodded.

"Okay! I know there is a place where you can see the beautiful stars. We can go together."

Suddenly she felt shy and her cheeks flushed a bright red. This was the first time she had this kind of excited feeling in her heart.

In the past, there were suitors who pursued her but she had always refused with the excuse that she was busy with her studies. Why did she immediately agree in front of this cold and indifferent man?

Could it be....she likes him?

Without looking at her, Mu Zheng knew that her face was flushed red, presumably, her whole body was red too, right?

He could not help but smile. His long eyes took in her whole graceful figure, a pair of condensed eyes gradually grew hot.

He was indifferent but he was also a man. A normal young and strong man with normal desires, would occasionally also need a woman to release his desires.

He coldly smiled at the bottom of his heart, telling himself, why not?

In the past, the women his Lord had gifted him, he had never touched. But now it was the pleasant and shy her...he did not mind making an exception.

"I'll wait for you at the door." He said.


Ye Ruwei had thought he would regret and did not think he was really willing to go with her to see the stars.

"The stars there are really beautiful. You will not regret it."

When she was a child, her father often took her and her brother to that place to see the stars. She was deeply impressed with that place where she had seen the most brilliant and beautiful night sky.

"I believe so." Mu Zheng muttered to himself.

He believed she had enough enthusiasm to meet his hot desires.