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So warm!

"Sister Ye, we are leaving first!"

It was after 12 midnight. The part-time worker-cum-student, Xiao Jia and the Obasan (middle age lady) cleaning lady had finished their cleaning duties and were the first to leave. Xiao Jia bid farewell to Ye Ruwei as his classes were scheduled for tomorrow morning.

"Be careful on the road!" Ye Ruwei said softly.

"We know.....bye bye!"

After Xiao Jia and the Obasan had left, Ye Ruwei checked all the windows and door and rechecked the water and electricity switches before locking the door. In a happy mood, she walked out of Hongye Hot Springs.

She stood at the door for a moment, looked around but did not see the black two-door sports car.

Strange! Has he gone?

A strong feeling of disappointment immediately surged from her heart. Ye Ruwei frowned as she stepped down the stairs. She looked around while walking towards the road outside the low bamboo fence. As soon as she reached the road, she saw the black BMW sports car parked outside the low bamboo fence.

So, he is here!

She suddenly let out a sigh of relief, smiled and walked briskly towards the man who was looking up at the night sky.

"Mr. Mu, sorry I'm late and for letting you wait so long!"

Solitary Wolf slowly turned around and looked at her.

"It's not too late"

He obliquely glanced at the electronic clock on the dashboard, it was only a quarter past midnight.

He had thought she would need time to prepare herself when she goes out, like other women, spending an hour to makeup and dress. He did not think she would turn up with a bare face for the appointment.

He stared at her red lips, suddenly reached out and used force to touch her lips.

"Ah, it hurts!" She bore the pain, touching her lower lip with her fingers and did not understand why he did that suddenly.

She really did not makeup, she did not even put on lipstick!

He never paid attention to a woman's makeup but he knew that very few modern women would choose, not to put on lipstick. It was not that they need not care about their appearance, it was just that with natural beauty, all accessories were unnecessary.

"Get in the car!"


"Do you want to see the stars?"

"Oh, yes!"

Ye Ruwei quickly ran to the other side of the car, opened the door and sat in.

"I remember it's near Qing Tian Gang." (a hill near Taipei City)

"Let's go."

He pressed on the accelerator and the car shot forward like an arrow, speeding away.

The night sky was dark blue almost black, looking like a piece of velvet fabric, hanging above the countless bright stars. The stars were like crystal beads placed on velvet, with the rotation of the earth, slowly flowing towards the west. If one watched this in slow motion, the stars could be seen, moving with silver streaks marking their movement.

Ye Ruwei lying on the soft grass, bright red mouth partially opened, her eyes full of admiration focused on watching the flow of the beautiful scenery.

"Beautiful stars...really beautiful!"

The stars she saw were just like in her childhood memories, so impressive that she was almost speechless.

"Really beautiful, isn't it, Mr. Mu?"

She looked towards Mu Zheng who was sitting on the grass, looking in silence at the awesome sight.

"It is really beautiful."

Mu Zheng squinted his eyes, moved by this breathtaking natural beauty, his cold heart seemed to have some small abnormal palpitations.

Could this be what the poet's praised, the good things in life that one should enjoy?

Ever since he was saved from the gates of hell when he was eleven years old, he was trained to be a killer by his savior. He did not care about the changes in the sky over his head because he had become a hard-hearted killing machine. Learning to kill right and speedily was much more important than watching the stars in the sky!

"Mr. Mu....."

"My name is Mu Zheng." He was tired of her calling him Mr. Mu.

"Oh, Mu Zheng. Who don't you lie down? If you lie down like me, you will be able to see the sky more clearly." Ye Ruwei suggested kindly.

Mu Zheng did not answer, still quietly looking at the stars in the sky.

He would not allow himself to let down his guard, even if the little woman was like a small jasmine flower. He would always be on alert. Lying openly on the grass would be vulnerable to a surprise attack.

"Are you afraid that you might accidentally lie down on dog shit?"

Ye Ruwei naively asked and Mu Zheng burst into laughter.

Dog shit? She really has a good imagination!

She seriously stressed. "Do not worry! Just now, before I lie down, I had checked the ground for dog pooh. It is clean here."

She also did not want to go home with the terrible dog pooh smell on her body! If she happened to lie down on dog pooh, he would hold his nose and be the first one to flee. She was not so stupid to destroy this serene atmosphere.

"No." Mu Zheng shook his head. He did not know how to explain the complexity of his identity or background to her.

"I do not know what is giving you so much pressure but since you are already here, it will be nice to relax. A beast will not suddenly pounce out here!"

"What?" Mu Zheng said with a puzzled frown.

"Actually it is like this!" Ye Ruwei's delicate jaded finger lightly pressed on his broad, thin shoulder, saying in reprimand. "Look at yourself. Your whole body is very tense. The moment you reach here, you have been looking into the surrounding darkness. What are you afraid of?"

He was shocked. The surprise in his eyes instantly turned complex.

This simple, naïve little woman had a pair of accurate and sharp eyes that could see through his strict never-slacken guard that took a long time to develop.

Once again, he looked at his surroundings. There was no trace of artificial light or another person's existence except for the two of them. As long as someone comes close, he would know. He was actually oversensitive.

He laughed at the bottom of his heart. Suddenly, his body relaxed and lay down on his back by her side. The sky was indeed clear and much more dazzling.

"Am I right? Doesn't the stars look more beautiful and more appealing?"

She proudly tilted her little nose, the smile on her face was so sweet that it was enough to melt anyone.

Suddenly Mu Zheng's mood changed, his narrow eyes became deep, quiet and were difficult to fathom. His tall lean body slowly moved sideways, closer to her.

"You.....what do you want to do?"

Ye Ruwei quietly swallowed saliva. Did he intend to kiss her?

"Kiss you."

As soon as he had spoken, he kissed her on the lips. Before she could utter a sound, his tongue was already in her mouth seeking hers.


She closed her eyes helplessly, too weak to withstand his mad plunder.

Her lips are so sweet! Are women's lips so sweet?

This was not the first time, he had touched a woman but this was the first time he lost control of himself. Mu Zheng held her small chin, eagerly sucking and kissing, hungrily devouring her red lips until she cried out in pain.

"Painful?" Mu Zhen unconsciously stroked the red and broken skin on her soft lips.

Ye Ruwei nodded. Why did he bite her lips until the skin broke on their first kiss?

"Sorry!" Mu Zheng sincerely apologized. He was never easy to lose control of himself.

"You reek of blood." This was just a normal complain but in the ears of Mu Zheng, it had a different meaning.

"You are disgusted with blood?" His eyes turned cold.

"Of course." Who likes to be bitten?

"Let's go back!"

Mu Zheng suddenly got up and walked towards the car parked by the side of the road.

"Mu Zheng?" Ye Ruwei in a daze quickly got up and followed behind him.

He continued to take big strides forward without looking back at her.

Ye Ruwei blankly followed his footsteps, did not know what had happened.

She vaguely felt he was unhappy and could be said he was angry but she did not understand why he became angry suddenly.

Could it be because she said she did not like blood?

Looking at his back view, she found out that this man was hard to understand!

She really did not know what he was thinking!

At this moment, if she was clear-headed, she should not have carried on with this man. She should have withdrawn and not put her feelings into this relationship with such a cold man but the smart one was always the most stupid!

She foolishly gave all of herself to this man and did not even enquired about his past. Her whole heart, pure and flawless was lost to him and also at the same time, she had chosen the painful path...

"Mu Zheng!"

A week later, in the middle of the night, Ye Ruwei finally saw a familiar tall figure walking into the small garden of Hongye Hot Springs. She immediately smiled and walked towards him.

"One person, special personal pool." Mu Zheng did not even look at her and walked along the red brick path leading to the individual pools.

"Mu Zheng....."

"Do you want to do business?" He stopped for a moment, his eyes vaguely showed a tinge of impatience. "If you do not want to do business, I can go to another place. Anyway, there are a lot of hot springs around here. There are other places that I can go to!"

"This is a hot spring restaurant. Of course, I want to do business but I want to talk to you about that night."

"It's well, I can go to another place."

Mu Zheng immediately turned and walked in the direction of the door.

For the first time in his life, he was afraid to face a person, especially a woman!

He hated to get involved with this little woman because he realized that she had the ability to influence his emotional changes.

A killer cannot have feelings! He had always been cold and heartless, with little or no emotions. From the moment he was determined to follow his Lord, he had abandoned his human innate feelings.

The more contact he had with people, the more difficult it would be for him to accomplish his tasks. The only important thing in his eyes was how to successfully complete the missions given to him rather than to care about useless things.

But he found that in front of this innocent little woman, it was difficult to hide his true feelings. She was like a powerful solvent, easily dissolving his cold, indifferent exterior. In front of her, he was like strands of loose threads. It was so difficult to face her even with his years of habitual indifferent attitude.

And therefore, he chose to escape from Hongye Hot Springs and did not want to continue to face her!

"Please do not go! Mu Zheng....."

As soon as Ye Ruwei heard he wanted to leave, she panicked and lost her sense of proportion, intuitively reached out to pull his sleeve.

She had waited for a week and finally today, she could explain to him about the misunderstanding but did not think that he did not even want to give her the opportunity to explain before he left.

Mu Zheng did not expect that she would be so brazen to pull his sleeve. He was slightly stunned for a few seconds, then coldly said. "Let go!"

"No, no. Listen to me. That day, what I said was just a joke, absolutely not intentional. Don't get angry..."

She was so agitated and anxious that she was about to tear up.

Mu Zheng saw several employees and guests who were leaving, cast them curious looks. He frowned and then pulled her to the back.

"Come with me!"

The back of Hongye Hot Springs, there was a natural small pond, surrounded by green ferns and leaves. A bamboo pipe carrying spring water was directed to the pool. Spring water continuously fills up the pool, giving a simple, quiet, soothing atmosphere. When she had time, Ye Ruwei loved to meditate here.

Once they reached the pond, Mu Zheng turned his back to her and did not say a word. After waiting for a long while, Ye Ruwei could not help but speak.

"Mu Zheng, are you still angry?"

Mu Zheng slowly turned his head and looked at her.

"Are you afraid that I'll be angry?"



"Because.....I care about you!"

Ye Ruwei said, with her head lowered, revealing a shy intoxicating flush.

She knew that if she did not speak her mind this time, she would lose Mu Zheng and she did not want to lose him! So, even if she was regarded as an unrestrained woman, she would not regret her confession.

"Care?" Mu Zheng slowly pondered over the word.

'Care' for him was a very novel word because since he was born, no one had ever cared about him.

In the eyes of his parents, he was a product of his parent's irresponsible, careless encounter. They never valued his existence and even hoped that he would disappear to save the responsibility and trouble he brought them.

And he was also very clear that in the eyes of his Lord, he was just a murder weapon. No one really cared about him, Mu Zheng...except for this shy little woman with pink cheeks.

The cold, heartless man became soft and was surprised to find a warm feeling channeling through him.

What is that? So warm!

Always used to being alone, suddenly he was eager to have a gentle and tolerant embrace to warm his lonely heart.