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Ye Ruwei

The Boss is in love!

Every employee of Hongye Hot Springs said so.

Looking at her flushed face and her constant slight sweet smile, were indications that she was in love. That day, Xiao Jia had come across her and Mu Zheng kissing, so her employees all knew about her falling in love.

Although Xiao Jia had told her, that compared to the cold indifferent Mu Zheng, she had invested more of her feelings into this relationship than him but she did not mind. She had always thought that feelings were immeasurable and could not be weighed on scales as feelings were subtle. Even if everyone said that she was on the losing end, as long as the process made her feel happy, so what?

Recently the weather had warmed up. Ye Ruwei had instructed the chef to introduce a new series of spring menu and was in the midst of picking the new dishes when another worker-cum-student, Xiao Liao suddenly ran to her side and ambiguously winked at her.

"Sister Ye, brother-in-law has come!"


Ye Ruwei looked up and saw the familiar silhouette walking towards the counter. She pretended to give Xiao Liao an angry look, patted him and said.

"Don't talk nonsense! Just now there is a table that ordered some dishes. Quick, help to serve the dishes."

"Yes!" Xiao Liao gave a mock salute and on seeing Mu Zheng coming in, dashed into the kitchen.

In fact, Xiao Liao was very afraid of Mu Zheng because he always had a cold indifferent look on his face.

Ye Ruwei smiled at Xiao Liao as he disappeared into the kitchen and she walked out from behind the counter to greet Mu Zheng.

"Mu Zheng, you are here."

"Mm....." Mu Zheng nodded, looked in the direction of Xiao Liao and said. "Busy?"

"No!" She shook her head quickly.

She was very happy to see him. For the last three days, he did not come and she was wondering why he did not appear.

"You want a dip in the hot spring?" She smilingly asked.


Ye Ruwei grinned, intimately pulled his arm and accompanied him to his exclusive private pool.

Ever since she fell in love, she had reserved this special pool exclusively for his personal use.

Ye Ruwei looked at his cold face and said. "You just finished work? You look tired." Every time he came to the hot spring, she had always felt that his mood was not good.

In the eyes of others, he was always cold and indifferent but she was able to distinguish the slightest difference in his expressions and even could feel his mood swings.

"It's okay." Mu Zheng's mood was really not good and lazily answered.

"You....what are you doing recently?"

She could not be blamed for being curious. Although they meet more often now but to her, he was still a mystery.

She knew he worked for Du Zhengxian but did not know what he does as he never talked about his work.

"Busy with work." He really did not explain in detail about his work.

Ye Ruwei knew that he did not like to talk about his work and was considerate not to ask anymore to give him some private space.

When they reached his exclusive pool, Ye Ruwei suddenly remembered that yesterday, she had bought a new towel for him, quickly said. "Yes! I bought a new bath towel for you. Wait for a while, I'll get it."

She hurriedly ran off but this time, Mu Zheng did not wait for her. He took off his clothes and walked into the misty pool. By the time she came back, he was comfortably relaxing in the pool with his head resting on the rock, squinting his eyes at her.

"I'll put the towel here!" His half-naked body made Ye Ruwei feel shy, with lowered head, put the towel on the cabinet top and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute." He looked at her shy, pretty face, Mu Zheng suddenly wanted to tease her.

"What is it?" She stopped and dared not look back.

"Come here!"

"What.....what is it?" Ye Ruwei only dared to turn sideways but did not dare to look directly at him.

"Come a bit closer!" He leisurely ordered.

"Actually...what is it?" She kept on looking at her toes jutting out of her sandals and did not even looked at him.

"I lost my towel."

"Ah?" Ye Ruwei moved her eyes along with Mu Zheng's line of vision and saw a white towel floating on the water.

"Can you please retrieve it for me?" He asked gently.

"Oh, okay!" She hurried around to the end of the pool, squatted down and picked the towel out of the pool.

"Here is your towel." She considerately handed over the towel to him.

"Thank you!" He pretended to take the towel and pulled her hand together with the towel towards him.

"Ah...." She quickly knelt down but was not dragged into the pool.

She let out a shocked breath when suddenly a pair of wet hands burst out of the water. Before she even had time to scream, hot and humid lips had landed on her lips and lashed into her mouth.


She rolled her eyes, sighed weakly and then closed her eyes, put her arms around his neck and wholeheartedly received his fiery kiss.

This is the time that she could really get close to him and could feel his enthusiasm and care for her.

Finally, Mu Zheng was satisfied and loosen his hold on her. Ye Ruwei immediately, like a fish let off, fled from his arms quickly.

She swept him an angry glance, hiding her red swollen lips behind her hand and hurried back to the counter.

Back at the counter, she put down the hand covering her mouth and Xiao Jia who was standing in for her at the counter, immediately exclaimed. "Sister Ye, you have been bitten by an insect? Your mouth is swollen badly!"

Ye Ruwei's face flushed red and was so embarrassed, did not know how to answer. At that time, Obasan who was taking out the trash heard Xiao Jia. She laughed loudly and slapped Xiao Jia on his head.

"Silly Xiao Jia! Have you ever been in love?"

Xiao Jia with a red face suddenly realized that the insect was Mu Zheng!

Even if there was no moonlight or stars on Yangmingshan (name of a famous mountain near Taipei where Yangmingshan National Forest Park is located), it was especially quiet, even if the sky was not beautiful, they would still go there to enjoy the night scene.

Ye Ruwei snuggled in Mu Zheng's embrace, thought of Xiao Jia's words and could not help but laughed.

"Why are you laughing?"

Mu Zheng lifted his eyebrows, looked down at her and smiled.

"I was thinking of Xiao Jia. Today, he said...." She smiled and told him the joke. "Xiao Jia is so cute, right?"

Mu Zheng humph and did not comment.

To him, Xiao Jia was only a fledgling little feather that not important to him. But on several occasions, he had seen Ye Ruwei and Xiao Jia were quite close, sharing smiles and talking with harmonious feelings, his heart felt a little discomfort.

"You like that kid?" He asked trying not to look jealous.

"Of course!" Ye Ruwei answered. "Xiao Jia is a good boy. Hardworking and diligent, why shouldn't I like him?"

"You like him?" Mu Zheng felt his face sink and wanted to ask her.....what about himself?

He hated the feeling of jealousy that he had, making him so silly but could not stop himself from feeling jealous of Xiao Jia.

Ye Ruwei turned her head and chanced upon his cold, unhappy expression. Suddenly a thought came into her mind and asked. "Mu Zheng, are you jealous?"

Could not be! Jealous of a little brother who was seven to eight years younger than him?

"Do not talk nonsense!" Of course, no matter what, he would not admit it!

"It must be true! You're really jealous, right? You...."

"Shut up!"

Mu Zheng was angry, immediately covered her lips with his. That was the only way to stop her from talking.


Just like in the past, Ye Ruwei quickly melted into Mu Zheng's embrace and completely forgot about their conversation.

Unfortunately, the weather was not good. Just as they were immersed with each other, the sky changed, with sounds of loud thunder and suddenly big drops of rain fell. Unable to avoid the rain, the both of them were drenched to the skin.

"It's cold!"

Although the weather had gradually warmed up, but they were wet through, causing them to shiver with cold.

"Cover up with my coat!"

Once in the car, Mu Zheng gave her the jacket that he had left in the car and quickly started the engine and heating. As she lived nearby, he intended to send her back.

"Still cold?"

Along the way, he kept turning around and asked.

"Not cold." He was obviously worried and that warmed her heart.

On reaching her residence, Mu Zheng took out an umbrella and sent her to the door. She stood in front of the apartment door, bite her lips for a moment and decided to ask him.

"I have a clothes dryer, do you want to come up and dry your clothes?"

Mu Zheng knew why she was hesitant when she asked this question. They knew what would happen if he went up.

And they were still thinking indecisively whether they should let this happen so early.

Mu Zheng looked at her. Their eyes met in the darkness and between them, they could feel unspeakable delicate tenderness.

Mu Zheng's heart skipped a beat, his heart shook and unconsciously nodded.


He stretched out his hand and held her soft, creamy little hand. They intertwined their hands, walked one step at a time along the narrow staircase, towards her residence.

Standing in front of the door, Ye Ruwei stretched out trembling hands to open the door, then stepped into the house.

She heard the door behind her closed, locked, his warmth gradually closed in and then suddenly behind her neck, Mu Zheng asked in a low voice.

"Are you sure?"

Ye Ruwei took a deep breath, nodded her head.

"Will not regret?" He must reconfirm her decision.

Once they start and if suddenly she regrets, then he might not be able to stop.

Ye Ruwei shook her head.

"Think clearly, it may be too late if you regret later."

Mu Zheng did not understand why he had to confirm again and again with her. Initially, didn't he want to play with her, just to pass time? Now that she had taken the initiative to invite him into her house, why was he acting like a gentleman asking for confirmation?

Ye Ruwei's answer was turning around to face him, placing her hands behind his neck and snuggling into his embrace.

"Since you are willing, I will not be able to stop!" Mu Zheng growled loudly, bowed his head and firmly kissed her on the lips.

"Mu Zheng....."

Ye Ruwei timidly grasped his back, her heart beating so fast as if it would jump out of her chest.

Although she was willing to give herself to him but she had no experience and inevitably felt fearful.

But Mu Zheng did not give her time to feel much fear. In a blink of an eye, she was lying in bed, with her clothes diminishing piece by piece.

"I'm afraid....."

"Don't be afraid."

Mu Zheng took off her last piece of clothing, squinting at her smooth, flawless, snow white body and her crimson flushed face.

He could not help but sigh. "You are beautiful!"

This is his first time praising a woman. For him, a woman is a woman and beauty was never a matter of importance.

Du Zhengxian kept a number of enchanting prostitutes with good looks and superb skills, specifically to serve them, the killers. When he really needed a physiological release, he would occasionally touch those women but he never felt that they were beautiful. He only treated them as items that would satisfy his hunger or thirst like food or drinking water.

Ye Ruwei was not like them. She was sexy, abundant but had no experience in the art of seduction. He really found Ye Ruwei to be beautiful, fresh, refined and so beautiful that made him loved her with affection.

He looked at her, her eyes closed, long eyelashes slightly trembling, red and tender mouth slightly opened, with a weak and pleasant look, really made emotions stirred at the bottom of his heart.

Their passionate prelude was interrupted. Ye Ruwei could not help but opened her eyes with chagrin, looking for the source of the sound.

"That is..."

"My cell phone!"

Mu Zheng turned to get off the bed and from his pants on the ground, took out his phone and pressed the answer button.

He did not have relatives, no friends and the only caller was from the Lord.

"Wolf." He answered.

He turned around and with his back towards Ye Ruwei, who was looking at him with curious wide eyes, whispered his own code and quietly waited for the other end to respond.

"Yes, I know."

He finished his conversation, picked up his clothes from the floor and started to dress.

"What is it? You have to go?" Ye Ruwei wrapped herself with the quilt and asked in puzzlement.

"I have something on."

"But your clothes are not dried yet."

"It does not matter. I don't have time." Du Yingxuan suddenly called to say that her father had wanted to see him.

He wondered, what could be the matter for Lord to look for him in so late at night.

Ye Ruwei looked the bedroom door opened and closed, her heart had a strange intuition.

She felt Mu Zheng was hiding something from her and that thing would affect their relationship. But no matter what, she did not want to break off with Mu Zheng!

She really loved Mu Zheng!

She bent her knees, turned and look out of the window. She did not know when the big thunderstorm had passed. The half moon that appeared behind the clouds was like a beautiful young girl behind a veil. Would their future be like the sky after a thunderstorm, clear and crisp?