Queen Lyn (6)

The Mist Kingdom, Town H entrance.

He's finally arrived here in the town. Ashley sighed, while he understands General Teo's concerns. It doesn't change that traveling here under the famine conditions is terrible. Passing by and seeing villages that were so lively before end up in such a condition, was heartbreaking. They cannot avoid war. It's the fastest way to bring an end to the famine but starting a war would bring famine too. Emergency rations are already being spread but that will end too.

Queen Lyn, the burden on her shoulders is getting increasingly heavy. There's a limit to what them knights can do. King Kazuki, where are you? His thoughts broke off when he spotted a small crowd gathering in the center of town, "Excuse me. Coming through,"

Nobody budged.

"I'm a knight from the castle."

At that comment, people turned their attention towards him.

"It's Sir Ashley."

"Sir Ashley! Please help, my son is.."


Seeing the wounds on the woman's hand, his eyes widened. Dark magic? He immediately rushed through the crowd and there he saw a kid stood in the center. But this child was not normal. He was oozing out the darkness of unbelievable magnitude. How is it possible that the people in the surroundings haven't been--- he paused?

The woman behind him laughs, "You fell for it."

Ashley sees the eyes of the huge crowd turn dark. Damn.



"I really love it. This kingdom and its people that's why I want to protect them."

Allen's eyes widened, he wonders if the woman knew. How right now there appeared to be a bright light around her.

"If I didn't become Queen if I didn't meet everyone. I probably wouldn't have been able to say it. But now I can, I could finally admit it. How much I love this kingdom. When I was still a princess, Many things conflicted me. Do you remember? We often got into arguments regarding the state of the kingdom."

He recalled a few words she said to him.

' But then if we do that, we do not differ from the enemies.'

"I remember. You gave me quite the lecture,"

"Even now, I think the same. I want to change it, royal politics. I want there to be more chances for everyone."

"Lyn. You cannot please everybody."

Lyn nodded, "I understand that. I said I think the same, but something has changed?"

"What is that?" Allen asked.

"The people need someone to rule, to take charge. Even if we enforced more equal laws not based on distinction or rank. Somebody has to be in charge, otherwise, things will descend into chaos."

She really has grown, this person... This person can truly become the Empress. She can truly lead and save this world.

Before he could voice his thoughts out, they heard a pair of rushing footsteps. He turned to the source of the sound and found his second knight Carlo heading their way.

"Queen Lyn, King Allen. Terrible news."

"What's the fuss about Carlo?" he disliked having his time with the girl interrupted. That's why he sent his guard away.

"Sir Knight Ashley who just arrived is wounded."




One room in the mansion.

On the bed, there lay the fourth knight of the mist kingdom. His wounds are severe, if we do nothing, the man could die before the hour is over. He noticed how the woman's face color was pale as she rushed over and bends down. She raised her hand.

"Lyn, you must."

Allen immediately understood what was going through the Queen's mind. He won't let her.

"... No. I will. Instruct everyone to leave the room and not get close. Pupillam."

The head aide appeared puzzled but nodded.


... He sighed. How stubborn, once the other people left. It didn't take long before he heard the Pupillam's voice barking out Lyn's orders. Once the remaining footsteps faded, Lyn turned to the man laying down on the bed.


"Queen Lyn, sorry... I'm sorry." Ashley apologized, his tone weak.

Lyn shook her head, "No, it isn't your fault. I was careless. I shouldn't have sent word to the castle." From the moment she arrived in this town she already had a bad omen, the general's daughter further confirmed that thought. She ought to have been more prepared. What they are aiming for was not Allen during the first attack, but to bring her knights out of the castle. Pupillam is the only one safe since she's always with her, the rest are open to any attack.

"Lyn," Allen said.

"Relax, I won't use a lot."

"I cannot believe that this man's injuries are too severe."

Her gaze softened, "It's okay, I'll be fine." she tried to assure him but he still wore a worried look. She left Ashley's side momentarily and leaned forward to kiss his cheek, "This is of the highest courtesy, I swear I will not overwork myself, King Allen."

".... You truly are a foolish woman. Well, the moment I deem you unfit for the job. I shall do the rest myself."

"Thank you."



4 hours later.

When she opened the doors, she met face to face with Pupillam.

"My Queen--!"


"Is he?.."

Lyn nodded, "He's alright. Please remain with him for a while. I'll only be in my room."

Her aide appeared hesitant but nodded and entered the room she left. For a split moment though she recalled the pieces she figured out, would it be bad to leave them be? As she thought that, Allen called out, "Augustine, Nicolas."

Two men appeared.

"Guard them.."

The two didn't ask for any further instructions. Allen must have already caught on to it. The enemy's real purpose. No sooner had they parted ways from the others though, Lyn felt the remains of her strength vanish. This is bad, she's getting dizzy. She thought she could hold on until she reached her room but; it turns out that wasn't the case.

Before she could collapse, however, Allen scooped her up into his arms, "Allen?"

"Let me assist you."

Lyn muttered a small thanks.

"You really are quite the reckless one."

She laughed, "You mentioned that before.."

"That I did. But I'm amazed to find that you're still the same way now. It seems like your position as Queen hasn't changed you all too much."


She's tired, she wants to sleep. It's warm being in Allen's arms. But this is not the warmth she wants, what she wants is him. Right now she's alone. Even if Allen is beside her, she still feels alone. She doesn't have J anymore, her friend has is consumed by a terrible demon. The longer she delays things, the more risk her friend will be in. Her most beloved person, the one who taught her about the world has also gone. Whose hand can touch hers now, who can reach into her heart and understand? There is nobody.