Queen Lyn (7)

In the arms of that person she's always felt a sense of safety she's never had before. As someone born into the elite world, such safety and warmth is something she ought to have discarded. Also, it's a sign of getting attached to another person.

Her thoughts broke off as she felt a familiar presence, so it's time. "Allen, jump," Lyn commanded.

He realized then and followed her words. In the next second crash, explosion. A deadly fog covered the spot where she and Allen had been standing moments ago. When that cleared up, she saw a large hole. Lyn clenched her fist. This attack is too open, if she thought it through, they were able to enter the mansion without much effort. It does not take her long to figure it out. She recalled Carla's expression when she came out of the room from healing Ashley. It seems like; they are right in enemy grounds. Then sure enough..... she glanced over at the direction where Ashley's room was. But this was something she expected would happen.


Back inside the mansion.

Pupillam changed the towel on Ashley's forehead when she felt a deadly presence. They came. It was brief, but the Queen sent a telepathic message to her. Her Queen briskly used it, that not even King Allen noticed. Pupillam raised her blade. She watched cloaked figures alongside some monsters surround her. She heard the sounds of blades clashing from the outside through her door. It's already started out there. Her gaze landed on Ashley. Do not worry, she will not allow you to die.


"For now, they seem to gather their forces to attack in one go," Allen commented.

The two of them found shelter behind some buildings. Lyn slumped down on the ground, panting. This is a bad situation, she hasn't recovered her strength yet. Her thoughts broke off when Allen brushed a loose hair away from her eyes.


"Fear not, I can more than handle this alone," Allen replied with his usual confidence and arrogance.

"I know, that you can and I'd be more than be happy to say, I'll leave this up to you." she trailed off, "But there's something unusual about this situation. I already figured out how they got inside. But how did we not realize? I hate to boast but my magic skill is of the highest caliber and you're not far behind me."

"Lyn, it's because of your female assassin."

For a split second, Lyn thought Allen implied that Miley was a traitor. But after she looked into his eyes she understood. Oh!

"Because she keeps trying to escape?" Lyn asked, a frown formed on her face.

Allen nodded, "I'm unsure of her magic capabilities. But the scenario is her weakening the barrier every time she tried to escape."

Lyn sighed. To think Miley's desire for a fight brought about this situation. The enemy must have researched her knights well.

It was good that the girl was away from the mansion right now. These aren't the opponents she wishes to expose the child too. Lyn closed her eyes and felt a surge of power surround her. Her eyes flashed a darker shade of blue and her hair color changed to a midnight blue color.

"Must you fight?" Allen asked, concerned.

Lyn laughed, "Relax, look I'm blue." she said pointing to her hair, I won't be using much magic."

This did little to ease Allen's concern. But he couldn't persuade her since she spotted one beast from the corner of her eyes. "It's coming, get ready."

Allen pulled out his blade, a bright light covered it as a strong gust of wind wrapped around him. Lyn followed his lead and also drew hers.



After fighting for a few minutes, Lyn saw a pattern in the creature's attack patterns. They are being controlled by someone. She's seen many monsters before, been in countless battles long before she became a Queen. But this is the first time she has seen this type before.

She promised Allen she wouldn't overdo it. But, their present attacks don't appear to be doing as much damage. She closed her eyes once again, and this time when she opened them her eyes flashed red

"Connecting to the forbidden arts..." Lyn started, as a diamond-shaped appeared around her. Black diamonds and silver dangling down, almost like stars and yet a single touch was deadly. "Confirm user identification"

Lyn muttered her name, and a voice replied.

"Confirmed. Identity, Queen Lyn."

"Syncing with the book of the guardians," Lyn said, a transparent screen only visible to her showed up. Several books displayed on the screen. Lyn tapped several, and it rose in the sky and turned to one before landing in her hands.

The pendant around her neck flashed, and the book vanished. The contents from the books flashed in her head.

The blade in her hands now changed from being a plain blade. To one covered in different jewels on it. She lifted her hand up in the air, and black diamonds covered the space. "It's a shame that you mid-tier monsters are being manipulated. But unfortunately, we don't have the time to be dealing with you right now."

They have to find the ones who are controlling them.

She paused and lifted her hand down, no she had a better idea.

"The deadly diamonds that descend from the heavens,"

50 arrows in the shape of beautiful diamonds appeared from the sky as beautiful as they were though. A single touch would turn anything it touches to dust. It was good that her orders earlier lead to clearing the area. She does not have to hold back here. The 50 arrows fell on the ground at her command.