Dangerous Assassin (1)

4016, Mist Kingdom Town

Getting delayed in this town may be the opportunity she needed. If it's in a place like this, it should be easy to escape. For the last few days, Miley had gone around with the Queen and didn't complain once. But she used the chance to carefully observed her surroundings and made friends with a few guards. This town isn't guarded well as she thought.

King Allen tagged along because of this right? Just in case something were to happen. Advisor Pupillam should be busy with assisting the Queen. Ashley is still recuperating from his injuries. Even if King Allen's guard doubts the king's guards would care too much about her escaping. The Queen herself is preoccupied with King Allen's recovery.

Miley frowned as she recalled the head advisors words, she hopes it won't become a problem. She dismissed it as the head advisor being overly concerned. But rumors are forming with the servants in this estate; it won't be long before it reaches the castle. Miley understood how dangerous rumors could be too; it would be bad if something were to happen. She shook her head, right now the most important thing is using this chance to escape. She should be grateful that the Queen is so preoccupied with King Allen; otherwise, she won't get another chance.

The only issue is, she turned to the man who was with her.

"I believe this bonnet would suit you Madam Mikey."

They left her with the most troublesome one: the fourth knight, Lan.

The Queen said they've been working hard the last few days and gave them time to go around the town. Miley wanted to use this chance to escape, but she got paired with someone annoying. If it was the head advisor or one of King Allen's people, she could lose them quickly.

"What bad luck." Miley murmured. She wasn't sure what she was referring to at first.


"About Ashley, he came as extra help when word of the first attack reached the castle. Only to be the next victim."

"But, his sacrifice was praiseworthy. Did you know he walked into that trap because people knew of his kindness? While many see it as a sign of weakness, there are those who will praise and trust him, like the villagers who got brainwashed. They all went by to thank him for not attacking them while they were not sane."

Miley sighed, "The Queen allowed something like that? Those people attacked him."

"But it is guarded heavily."

"That's not the point... I wouldn't want to see the faces of the people who attacked me."

"I see where you are coming from; however, it was Ashley's request to the Queen."

.... Miley said nothing to that and murmured. If he knew that, shouldn't he have said something sooner? Her thoughts broke off when she felt someone attach something on her hair. Out of instinct, she pulled out her blades.

Lan chuckled, "Look, perhaps this suits you a lot more, than the bonnet I mean."

"Huh?" His words confused Miley for a split second when she saw her reflection in a nearby mirror.

The something that attached to her hair was a gorgeous hair ornament.

"Excuse me, I'll pay for that, and she will wear it out."

"What--" Miley's sentence fell short when he placed his hand on her mouth. He removed it a second later, and Miley realized right away. He used magic!

"You have good tastes, young man." The shop keeper commented, "I'm sure it must please your girlfriend."

They aren't dating! She wanted to scream but she couldn't until he unlifted the spell.


Once they were out of earshot from the shop, Lan undoes the spell, she angrily dragged him to the alleyway and shouted, "What was that for?"

"What are you talking about Madam Miley?"

Lan wore his usual perfect and composed smile like nothing happened. Miley wanted to tear that smile from his face directly. Even though it was only for a moment, not being able to talk. Having her right to speak taken away directly in front of her is. She clenched her fist.

"Just now." she murmured.

"Ah yes, about now. Why don't we do it for real?"

She looked at him puzzled, what is this idiot speaking about now?

"Will you become my girlfriend, Madam Miley?"

Miley froze in shock before she calmed herself down, "One I'm 14, I'm too young. Two, what's the catch?" Miley questioned him. There's no way he genuinely harbors any feelings for her. While romantic love is a subject she doesn't understand, she knows this man has no feelings for her.

"Ah, you catch on quick. I'm looking for someone who can chase away the pesky fiance my parents have chosen for me."

"Aren't you an elite... Getting engaged with someone you don't know should be normal?"

"But, I dislike her," Lan said coldly.

Miley shuddered at his cold words, Lan still wore his usual smile, but his words were bitter and filled with indifference. So this is his real face? Does the Queen know how scary this person is? She shouldn't keep such a dangerous man by her side. Miley was about to escape when he grabbed hold of her wrist and pushed her against the wall.

"Let me go," Miley said and glared at him.

"My reply?"

"What reply, you know my answer. I'm only 14; do you think anyone will take your supposed feelings for me seriously?"

"Our ages are not too far apart."

"Your three years older." Miley retorted back.

"Like I stated, not too far apart."

What is with this man? Why is he so insistent on this issue? Just now, the speed he displayed is on a different level than the one she saw in the jousting tournament. While it's normal to hold back your abilities in those tournaments, this was on a different scale; she eyed the man suspiciously.

"Why are you holding back your abilities?" Miley directly asked. She can use this chance to divert her attention and escape to the castle. When she gets back, she will ask the head advisor to switch guard duties with her. Miley no longer wanted to be left alone with this person.

"Ah, are you trying to change the subject? How clever, but stupid at the same time too." His grip on her wrist tightened, "You see Madam Miley, I know a lot more about you than one would think. So it's best not to test my patience."

He knows? That she was about to use a unique spell to escape?

"What do you want from me?" Miley asked.

"Did I not just say it? Become my lover."

Miley shuddered at those words. How scary, he is too persistent.