Queen Lyn (10)


It did not take them long to reach the camp he set up. Kristy murmured something about being too organized for his age, but he did not listen. War? They have raised the flags? It has only been a short time since he left the kingdom and yet a lot has happened in that time frame. It's unlike the Queen to come up with this decision; she even hesitates to fight against enemy kingdoms and tries to find a peaceful solution first. So how could she raise the banner against her best friend? It makes little sense to him.

"Sir Arkwright, and Madam Kristy too."

The other soldiers bowed in acknowledgment.

"Was there a message from Queen Lyn?" Arkwright asked.

"Yes. A personal letter too."

Arkwright followed the solider inside the tent. There he saw a letter placed in the center of the table and instructed the soldier to leave. Kristy strolled inside as well, and Arkwright read the contents.

Dear Arkwright.

I realize this may be sudden, but I raised the kingdoms battle flags. I know this may alarm you but please do not listen to outside rumors. This is not out of greed but more of a personal issue. General Teo asked this as a favor after winning the jousting tournament which was held.

Your Queen


Arkwright deeply sighed, "War, I'm sure she wanted to avoid it. But the pressure from the general, the others and the fact that we cannot afford to wait must have pushed her."

"The Queen is kind, kind. Though she has a cold appearance, she's too friendly. But that's a weakness during these times. She has to harden her resolve whether it's her dear friend or someone else close to her who betrays her. As the queen, she must prepare herself for anything." Kristy said.

He didn't reply and recalled the expression of the man who attacked him less than an hour ago — an appearance filled with hate. Arkwright could tell from the man's clothing, that he's a mere civilian too.


"Allen?" Lyn murmured, " Pupillam fetch the healer..." Her sentence fell short when he grabbed hold of her wrist.

"Do not fret; I am all right."

Lyn shook her head, "You've been out for almost a week; you are not all right."

"And I see to it; you've been caring for me?"

"Don't flatter yourself!"

She wanted to cry. But the others were still around. While she dislikes the royal teachings and avoids them as much as possible, there are specific ones she wanted to follow.

"Leave us," Allen instructed. The others seemed stunned but sensing his tone all scurried away. Pupillam bowed and muttered something like taking care of her to Allen before she followed the others out.

Lyn did not hesitate to lecture him.

"You idiot, why did you do that? Did I ask you to protect me?."

"Don't be foolish, dear Lyn. Whether you ask or not, it's out of an instinct for me to protect you."

"... Because we used to be betrothed? Can you still not avoid the shackle of the past?"

She too may still be attached to him, because from the moment she was born, she was raised to be this man's wife. If even she's still having such thoughts, then what about Allen who is still...

"I wonder what it is myself, but I know that this desire to protect you have nothing to do with that shackle."

"Then, you're saying this is of your own free will?"

"That's right."

Lyn said nothing, and for a while, there's silence, "Do you still love me?" she asked.

Allen nodded, and she clenched her fist.


"But fear not, I won't do anything. I only wish to remain by your side and protect you until that man returned. That's the main reason I came."

She couldn't hold back her tears then.

Allen spoke no more and patted her hair, he's unfair.



Allen's room.

For the next few days, Lyn exchanged a few more letters with Ark and Kristy. When she heard about the random attack towards them the day Allen regained consciousness, it alarmed her, and she immediately sent the word back to the castle. Many disagreed with her sending more people to the head knights aid. General Teo persuaded them. It's a good thing he remained behind after all.

They remained in the same mansion, but we have punished the owners of the residence. She did not want to treat the girl who got married recently in too much of a harsh manner, so she ordered her to be in house arrest in a smaller residence at the edge of town. For those who are accustomed to luxury, that's already enough of a punishment. Besides it's not the girl's fault, it's mainly because of her father. That man is still missing.

"Allen? Sorry did I wake you?"

"I wasn't sleeping."

Lyn laughed, "No, you were."

However, he stubbornly shook his head, "You've been working a lot. Rest."

Lyn smiled, "I'm all right, just reading a few letters now."

"From your head knight?"

"Yes..." she trailed off, "It seems like the consequences for raising the banner is finally starting to show. I figured it would eventually happen. But it feels as though this is happening too soon."

"You have every right to be concerned. Did you not think of a possibility of there being a spy? I know your kind dear Lyn but.."

"I understand. But it's not a spy. For a while even before this matter, there has been a certain group amongst the elder council, are not satisfied with my ways. It would not surprise me if amongst them..."

Allen sighed, "If you are aware, why have you not done anything yet?"

"Because I wish to lay a trap first."

"... As cunning as ever."

Lyn laughed, "That's true. Ah, wait, you should eat something. I'll call them and tell them to prepare your food."

"You make it."

Her gaze softened knowing he was taking advantage of the moment, how childish of him. "I'll use the kitchen here. Don't want to alarm the maids."

"Go ahead."

Lyn stood up and put the letters down. She made her way over to the kitchen area.


"Madam Miley, making that face for so long is unsightly for someone with your status," Pupillam commented.

"Is spying with a glass cup anymore unsightly?"

Pupillam used a glass cup against the door, to listen in.

"I'm only concerned!"

"It's not as though they'll do it or anything, so nothing serious will happen."

Do it. Pupillam's cheeks reddened, how vulgar! Doesn't this child know manners?

Lan chuckled, "Now, now Madam Miley, a young girl should be more delicate with such matters."

"I'm just saying. The head advisor fusses about the Queen and the wind kingdom king too much."

Does she? Pupillam hadn't realized, she puts the cup down and deeply sighed, "I'm slightly guilty for what happened back then. I knew of King Allen's feelings for the Queen, but did not say a word."

"Is that not only sensible? You have no right to say it." Lan said.

"Yes but, I believe that the reason the Queen fell for King Kazuya first is that he confessed to her first."

Lan suddenly paused and nodded, "I see, so the Queen wanted somebody to love her."

"But all the men her age, the ones people forced her to meet did not genuinely harbor any feelings for her. They only wanted title, money, and fame. That's why I've always felt guilty towards King Allen. He may not have liked her in that manner at the start. But he did long before King Kazuya."

If she told the Queen much sooner, would the outcome have been different?

Miley spoke up, "Regardless the Queen is with the King now.. right? Even if you feel guilty, you can do nothing now."

Pupillam said nothing to that comment. It's not as though the Queen felt nothing for King Allen. But she did not realize what those feelings were.


After Lyn made him food, Allen easily fell into a slumber. She chuckled softly; he is foolish. As Lyn recalled the conversation from a few days back, A deep sigh passed her lips. It's not as though she didn't expect it. However, Lyn believed that because he understood his present circumstances, he wouldn't comment on it. She's fully aware that after she turned down Allen and married Kazuya. The people of the wind Kingdom have not been fond of her as one would expect. She broke a long time agreement just like that and left their King without his Queen.

If it was any other Kingdom, it might have fallen apart already. But Allen's skills are beyond any average ruler, because of that even if he had no partner, it was fine. However, she heard the recent rumors of the people of the wind kingdom celebrating Allen's new engagement.

He did not need to hide it from her; it's not as though she had any right to stop him. Also, this may be a good thing. He deserves to be happy. He deserves to remove himself from the shackle that is her. If she were to tell him these words though, Allen would surely get mad. She walked over to the balcony and opened the doors and stepped out, eyes shut. A trial, the final trial she has to face as a Queen. War with her best friend and then it will be time for the empress selection: many other candidates, queen, princess, duchess.

They will grant any female with a title the rights to take part. She dislikes mingling too much with the elite females for obvious reasons. Lyn isn't sure exactly if she has the resolve to be the empress either. However, many people believe in her. For now, that feeling is the strongest in her heart; besides the longing, she has for that person.