The meeting with the elder council

"I keep falling more and more in love with Kazuya."

Once Lyn finished saying those words, somebody came in and told her it was time to go to the meeting. Allen leaned back on his chair ignoring the mountains of paperwork he has yet to finish. That took him off the guard; he didnt expect her to say something like that to him. She's happy huh? Indeed those words are genuine.

Even if he cannot become her lover, even if he isn't the one she loves. At this point all he wants is her to be happy. It truly is odd for him to be thinking something like this. After all back then he always turned a blind eye to her relationships with other guys. ' I am her fiance, she will come around sooner or later.'

Allen truly believed that given enough time she would truly come to his side. But he was wrong, no matter how tender her feelings towards him were, those feelings aren't love at all. He was wrong; he should have taken action then instead of waiting around. Come to think of it, didn't his brother say the same thing before?' There's love, but you're thinking that you shouldn't force your thoughts on others and that you can't make excuses for your own actions, binding yourself in the process. Isn't your love making the world even narrower. '

Although Allen loved her, because he realised that Lyn would never look at him as a potential love interest, he never once thought of enforcing those feelings. Not being able to make a excuse for his own actions, he merely stood and watched her slip away from another guy to another. During the time she is the most fragile, why did he not step up and help her? Why did he not step up and show her, that he would love her in place of Kazuya? When Kazuya first left - and stopped contacting her, why didn't he do anything and wait until now?

' Actually, love won't be shaken by the excuses and interests you're fearful of. It can let anyone have the strongest motive in doing anything. It's a really amazing thing.'

As annoying as his older brother can be, Allen now understood the meaning behind those words. Back when Allen first heard those words, he merely dismissed it as being part of the lecture. However, now he understood. Allen understood it better after watching those two. After watching Lyn and Kazuya, he understands exactly how strong 'love' can be. Being apart for so long, and yet when they need. Allen stood no chance; he knew that. But just for now, let him remain by her side. Allen quickly got up and left the room to chase after her.


Mist Kingdom Castle, Meeting Hall

While Lyn insisted that there was no need for Allen to attend the meeting, he still accompanied her. Allen emphasised that it would be best if he were there, so the elders don't pick on her. Lyn does understand his concern, though she held that meeting in a haste regarding the punishments. In the end, they could not come to an agreement. The meeting hall was in the old training center building; the place had high ceilings and was fairly spacious. Rows of benches spreading across formed outwards. In the centre was a round table, where normally her knights sat. However, because today's meeting was an elder council meeting. The elders sat in the center table.

Already from where she was sitting, she could see the look on Elder Nicholas face. Elder Nicholas was part of the fraction that supported Uncle Albert's son as the most Kingdom King. While they mainly aimed at Kazuya, because she acts indifferent to Uncle Albert's son. The fraction acts condescending towards her. Do these people really think that's how to persuade someone?

"There you are, a Queen shouldn't be tard---" Elder Nicholas lecture fell short once he laid eyes on the person behind her, "King Allen."

"Quite some time has passed since we last met has it not?" Allen wore his usual calm and composed smile. But Lyn felt the sudden chill in the room and shuddered. Allen can be scary when he wants to, or rather Allen is known for being scary, " I've heard some unsettling rumors lately. They say house chandelier is involved in some illegal trading with other countries."

Impressive, even if this is a coincidence. Allen makes it sound as though he knows all the details. Lyn patiently waited for him on the sidelines, her seat and Allen's weren't side by side. But they were on the same row, with her chair in the very center of the round table. So Lyn decided to wait. She watched in amusement, Elder Nicholas prideful expression from moments ago disappeared completely. Instead, the man's face color turned pale.

Nicholas spoke up, his words came out as a stutter, " I can assure you those rumours are false. Why would we trade recklessly during these havoc times?" Lyn rolled her eyes, hearing the last line. In other words, Elder Nicholas is trying to reshift the blame on her.

"Regarding Lyn's choices, she is doing an excellent choice in keeping things together. If you are upset with her decisions regarding the recent incidence, then don't be. Even General Teo was sent off to contribute to the war effort; the young child Miley is going to learn etiquettes and manners, adding to the noble ladies…" Allen trailed off, "Need I say more? Instead of shifting the attention to matters already settled. Please settle your own families affair first."

Lyn tugged on Allen's arm; she whispered, " I'm happy that you want to protect me, but I still want him present for this meeting."

Allen nodded and brushed off the matter with confidence, that left elder Nicholas feeling completely difficult. Lyn chuckled as they walked to their seats, " No hesitation I see?"

"I am simply dealing with them as I see fit."

"I see, then I…" Lyn looked towards the assembly of elders that were taking their seats one by one, "I shall do the same."


The meeting started with a welcome, general greetings and summary of present affairs/condition of the town. All of this was said by the fourth elder. Though normally she would do the greeting, Allen told her to stay put today. So Lyn patiently sat back in her seat and waited until the speech was finished. To her surprise it finished up quite quickly and she was called on to the stage. Lyn found several pair or eyes on her and sighed deeply. All these eyes are looking at her, are mixed with disgust and loyalty, even the later eyes contained hesitation.

Lyn took a deep breathe, "Everybody here came because they wish to voice complaints. I am aware of all these issues even before you explain them to me. Before you ask why, need I remind you I am this kingdom's Queen. Your concerns and worries, I know it all. I shall address the matter I believe is the most concerning."

Everybody's gaze seemed to harden, whispers filled the hall. Everyone asking the same thing, which matter did their Queen deem the most concerning?