There is a reason why she became Queen

"The issue I find the most pressing is.." Lyn took a dramatic and long pause; everyone was anticipating her answer. Depending on what she said, the fractions in the audience would base their next actions. "The divide in our kingdom, the different factions trying to tear each other apart. I called this meeting to solve that issue. " For the next few moments nobody spoke, they were all speechless and processing what she just said in their heads. The answer that left her lips was not the one anyone in the audience expected. Rather than speak about the famine or snow kingdom matter, or her knight's issues- she brings up a topic completely unrelated.

Unrelated huh? But it isn't when they told her to call a meeting to address certain issues. Lyn debated about what she would address first, and this came to mind. Before they can even think of fighting a war, they should sort out the war, the conflict within their own people, she spoke up, "May I hear your thoughts?"

Lyn sat back and watched as the elders started to bicker amongst themselves. Well, she should have known. It's not like these meetings end up solving the issues addressed; it always ends up like this; though they seem to be fighting even more than usual. Lyn did not bother adding anything else; she already stated the reason for why she called the meeting. It's up to them whether they wish to speak to her about it.

A massive bang sound is heard, and everyone stopped talking. Lyn sweat dropped and glanced over at the source of the music. Allen had not said a word since the meeting started, nor did he greet anybody else; so Lyn thought he would remain quiet the rest of the time. But it was not like that; he wore his signature indifferent look - however like earlier it felt more dangerous.

Lyn called out to him, to appease him, "Does King Allen have any opinions?"

"Yes, only one. The people in this kingdom need to learn how to respect their Queen, " The chilliness in Allen's tone seemed to increase by the very minute as he continued, "A debate is necessary to let everyone express their opinions. It cannot be avoided since there will always be those with different opinions. However, when the person who points out the issue is off higher noble status, one should pay the utmost respect."

Lyn sweatdropped, though Allen's speech seemed grand. Lyn felt like he was about to drop a bomb and sure enough, Allen continued, "In short do not act like buffoons when your Queen is speaking, " Allen said this with an expression and tone like he was scolding a child.

The elders who were speaking ill of her just moments ago; and the people bickering immediately quietened down. They all looked away ashamed. One elder cleared his throat, "Then Queen Lyn, if this issue is the one you think that needs addressing the most. How do you suppose we go about it?" It was a somewhat vaguely worded question, and the man's tone contained uncertainty.

How to deal with it huh? Queen Lyn already had a few ideas in mind. But she wanted somebody else to come up with a plan. It's easy as the Queen for her to order them to do things, though they act this way- if she were to give them a direct order. Nobody would be able to refuse. But that is not what she wants; it would be pointless to do that. They have to learn that they are the issue; otherwise, forget fighting the snow kingdom.

The smug look seemed to return to Nicholas' face when he saw she couldn't answer. Lyn, however, brushed it aside and closed her eyes. Is nobody going to speak up?

"It is like the Queen said." The voice came from somebody on the upper seats outside the table. Lyn opened her eyes and spotted that it belonged to Lord Elland, a young nobleman who belonged to house Bennet. Unlike most nobles, Lord Elland focused on helping the poor and spent most time interacting with commoners. But other nobles don't look down on him. Instead, they seem to respect him perhaps because he's young, promising and has a high noble background.

"Lord Elland." Lyn said, "Please express your thoughts." Lyn's only issue with this person isn't anything to do with him, but more like the fraction that wishes for him to be king. Yes, amongst the nobility many young men are pushed as her suitor- even after she got married. It does not help how her husband disappears half the time.

Lord Elland nodded and stood up, "We can not fight the snow kingdom when we are bickering amongst ourselves. I understand that we all have a different mindset on how we should proceed from now onwards. But after the recent incidence, we should all put aside our selfish wishes and combine our strengths. Now is the time to act."

Despite the selfish comment, Lord Elland's words seemed to be getting to people. They didn't break into a squabble like they did before. Her lips curve to a smile, what an interesting person.

Lyn spoke up, "To combine our strengths, we must be in agreement. I realise that's difficult due to all your rivalries. But think about the people and the kingdom. They do not have anybody to rely on but us. We are their only hope. If we fail them, what do you think is going to happen? Who will they rely on?" her words appeared to affect people since she noticed a change in reaction.


A few hours later

Lyn slumped on the couch not too far from the meeting hall, but far enough that nobody would see her. As a Queen, she can't show weakness even just for a moment, but she's awfully tired right now. Lyn shook her head; she can't. Though they finally managed to come to a decision, there are many who will surely rise up and protest. Which is why her gaze fell on the stacks of documents on the table. She better keep at it.


Though the meeting was a success, Allen noticed a few people who appeared dissatisfied. So he sent some of his men to watch over them, as well as speak with them. They had their guard up with him because of what happened with Sir Nicholas. However, Allen still got the information he needed. They expressed masked discontent and ill intentions.

Allen hurried down the hall, where did Lyn go? She had no guards with her and judging from what he heard; many feigned their signatures on that treaty she created. Of course, Lyn is a smart woman; she most likely knew that. Thankfully he found Lyn after walking around for a few minutes. The woman was fast asleep with her head resting on the table. Many people look unsightly when they are sleeping, but despite her sleeping posture, Lyn looked elegant. Allen was about to make his way over when he noticed somebody else there. Not too far Lord Elland was standing by; he did not approach her. But he clearly looked at her.

Allen watched for a few minutes to confirm his thoughts, before he walked over, "Lord Elland, is it not?"

"King Allen." Elland greeted.

"Do you have intentions towards the Queen, watching her the way you have?" Allen decided to get straight to the matter.

"Just like any other man in the country, yes I have intentions. Romantic ones, I do wish to court her properly."

"You have a King," Allen reminded. He was surprised how blunt this man was. Though it just proved that he's a good ruler and person. He used to treat those who chased after Lyn with suspicion before. But after meeting Kazuya, Allen learned that not everybody had bad intentions.

Elland nodded, "Which is why I will do no such thing. But if the opportunity does arise and our dear king does not appear before then," Allen understood the meaning behind his words. If Kazuya isn't found. Allen did not want to deem the man missing, but their last correspondence left him wondering.

"The Queen surprised me in today's meeting."

Allen raised his eyebrows, "How so?"

"She is far more stronger than I thought. Pardon me for saying so but, " Elland paused, "I thought her to be more fragile and delicate like her appearance suggests."

'That's not wrong' Allen wanted to say, but he kept his mouth shut. There is no need for an outsider to know that about Lyn. Instead, Allen said, "There is a reason why she became Queen."

"Strong, brave, intelligent.." Elland listed a few things and nodded, "Indeed, no other person can match or be worthy of her."

Nobody except that man, except Kazuya. That fool, where is he right now?