My heart belongs to Kazuya, I cannot give it to somebody else.

"Is it too late? Completely?" Rhys asked.

Lyn's thoughts broke off at his sudden question. She didn't expect him to ask this again after what she said earlier. Lyn turned to leave, but Rhys grabbed hold of her wrist, "Lyn, please."

She turned around and shook her head, "It's impossible, and you know that."

Rhys was silent for a moment, "Is there a chance if Kazuya doesn't return?"

Her eyes go wide in alarm realizing the meaning behind his words. She immediately grabbed hold of his collar, and harshly said, "You know something else? Tell me?!"

"I didn't think I should tell you. There are rumors that people saw Kazuya near the South, but accompanying another girl," Rhys trailed off and sighed, "Of course the people who know this don't know he's the King. But how many people do you know that match Kazuya's description? None right?"

Kazuya and another girl.

Lyn immediately burst into laughter and Rhys blinked, "Uh, shouldn't you be overreacting?"

"I'm not the jealous type, at least not anymore. After I married Kazuya, I realized that the petty jealous I felt towards other women were foolish and naive. After all, Kazuya loves me, and I love him. For the two of us who lived the lives we did and still found each other. Our love is a miracle," Lyn spoke fondly.

After speaking about Kazuya and her own feelings like this, Lyn didn't expect what was coming. However, Rhys lips were suddenly on hers. Her eyes widened; what is he doing? Her brain couldn't process what was happening right now.

A long time ago this happened too, during the first day she met him. It was too risky to be with Kazuya during the open day Castle event. So he asked Rhys to accompany her. Lyn recalled how things quickly escalated after she tripped over and fell. A group of people called out to Rhys; she thought they were his friends. Before she knew it, Rhys was kissing her like this too. The reason for the kiss back then differs from now. Back then, that kissed contained no feelings.

This one did, that was a problem for her. Rhys hungry and passionate lips felt like they were crushing hers. Lyn shut her eyes, and a yellow light appeared in her palm, and she punched Rhys in the stomach. That opening gave her a chance to break free.

"Ly-" she shot him a glare.

Lyn raised her hand and slapped him, "How dare you.."

Rhys sighed deeply, "Well, I take whatever chances I get. I understand how you feel about Kazuya. But right now he isn't around. I know how lonely you get."


Her sentence fell short when she heard a knock on the door, "Little Lyn? What do you want for dinner? I'll head to the market."

"Let me come with you," Lyn managed to say.


Lyn turned to the door and didn't bother looking at Rhys anymore. What an unreasonable person.


A few hours later, Lyn noted though they were shopping for food. The General was going around asking questions in the town.

"Earlier, did something happen?"

Lyn froze and looked down, did she make it too obvious?

"I know that young lad still has feelings for you child. He hasn't seen you in so long but recognized you amongst a sea of people."

"Were you watching?"

Adrien nodded, "I felt it wasn't wise to leave you alone, so I remained close, while I sent Teo to ask."

So that's it. Lyn looked down at her feet and sighed, "As a married woman, I thought I wouldn't have to deal with such matters anymore. As someone important to the Kingdom, I do not have time to deal with such matters," Lyn avoided speaking about

"But the young lad never treated you by your title, even from the start." Lyn sent the former General a harsh glare, and his sweat fell, "Well I understand where you're coming from. You're already married. Having to deal with this must be a bother for you."

"It's not like I hate him," Lyn said.

That's right, contrary to Rhys attitude. She knew he was a kind person. But, "My heart belongs to Kazuya; I cannot give it to someone else."

She already decided it a long time ago. The moment she realized her feelings for Kazuya in the Year 4015. The budding feelings that emerged from the moment they met, since then she has not thought about another person. Her thoughts broke off when Uncle Adrien reached over and patted her hair, his gaze soft, "Yes, I understand. Though I still have my issues with that kid. He's become a fine King; otherwise, I wouldn't have entrusted you with him."

"Thank you."


While Uncle Adrien spoke to a group of shopkeepers by the side stalls, Lyn noticed Rhys following her from the corner and sighed deeply. Geez, what is he doing? Recalling what happened earlier though, she shook her head. Don't pay him any attention. Though she already set a clear boundary then, it seems like he still doesn't want to give up. That's his choice; she can't force someone not to like her. But Lyn could do her best to make them lose hope.

People used to say that she was a merciless woman unless it came to the man she loved or the people she cared about. Even for the latter people said, if those she cared about did something wrong, she wouldn't show them any mercy. Perhaps it was like that.

Before she could fall and make a fool out of herself; however, somebody caught her. Lyn frowned when she saw Rhys and moved away from him. Instead of thanking him, Lyn walked away in the opposite direction.

"Hey, listen. I'm sorry."

Lyn sighed deeply, "I know you like me. But I'm married. I know you have experience chasing after married women. But I'm not just married," Lyn didn't have to finish her sentence. 'Not just married, I'm the Queen.' Is Rhys still pursuing her because he wants to be King? Most people would think that. However, she knew him well, "You're not interested in it are you?"

The throne, Rhys doesn't care about it.

"I'm not," Rhys drawled, "I just want you."

"But, my heart belongs to Kazuya. I cannot give it to you," Lyn spoke these words firmly with no hesitation. Rhys said nothing in reply and Lyn started to walk away.

She doesn't have time for this; she came to this town to search for any more hints regarding Kazuya. Because of what happened with Rhys earlier, Lyn didn't get a chance to examine the room. Knowing Kazuya if he was in this town, he would have left traces everywhere.

For the next few minutes, Lyn followed the General's example and asked the storekeepers questions. Eventually, one woman spoke up, "That man? I saw him here a few days ago."


The woman had her hair tied up in a ponytail and was smoking, carrying a slender pipe in her fingers, a deep sigh escaped her lips, "Asking for information and prying around, and actually paying money then use my services."

"Oh hush, our side business isn't official yet." The woman's companion called out.

"Like that matters during these times," the woman turned to her, "Are you his girl? He said he had one who was pretty, cute, intelligent and strong, so he didn't need me. Such harsh words."

Her cheeks turned red, even after she married Kazuya. Whenever he complimented her in any way, she would end up getting embarrassed. This occasion was no different too.

The woman noticed, and her lips curve to a smile, "How about this you pay off the debt he owes me, oh I don't need money, but we could use some hands here."

Lyn examined the store; it looked worn down. With the slightly broken rooftop, damaged storefront. The windows had posters plastered on to it to prevent others from seeing the large hole. It looked like a fight broke out and destroyed the outer interior quite a bit though the people did their best to hide it.

She stared at the place doubtfully, "That depends, what sort of help do you need?" Lyn asked. If it were the past her, the young naive her of sixteen, Lyn wouldn't be asking this. But things are different now; she's the Queen. Even if nobody has recognized her so far, it won't be long until somebody does. Depending on what help these people needed, Lyn didn't know when somebody will see through her disguise.