I can't surrender these feelings

It was not that he couldn't get any other women. Because even now, women flock him left and right. But Rhys didn't want any of them. For him the only woman in his eyes is the woman named Lyn. The so-called Queen of the Mist Kingdom. However, for him, he's never wanted, anybody but Lyn.

Rhys was getting déjà vu, didn't a situation happen like this happen before? No, for sure this happened in the past. No matter how much this woman changed, there are traits of her that remain the same. This carelessness and heading straight into danger without thinking it through is exactly like her. When he saw that she was questioning the people and not just entering, Rhys thought to sit back and leave it up to her. But Lyn immediately let her guard down the moment they mentioned Kazuya. He waltzes over and grabbed hold of the girl's wrist, a deep frown on his face.

"What are you doing now?"

Despite the 'fight' they had, Lyn didn't remove his wrist and looked at the store, "I was going to head inside."

Yeah, he could see that. Rhys cursed, she becomes so difficult to handle when she's like this.

Before Rhys could scold her, the woman Lyn was speaking with called out to him, "Rhys?!"



After he confirmed who it was, a woman he used to know in the slums called Celica. A woman with mid-length short hair with an elegant hairstyle contrary to the somewhat revealing clothing she wore. Only after he confirmed did he allow Lyn inside the sop.

Of course, he came with her. His gaze landed on the girl - no the 'woman' in front of him. Lyn was walking a few steps alongside the shop keeper 'Celica' who was explaining things. Lyn was nodding and listening while looking at the surroundings. Rhys carefully observed Lyn; his gaze didn't wander away from hers even for a moment. She certainly has changed. He hasn't seen her in so long and yet he recognized her right away, even under that cloak disguise. For some reason, Rhys knew it was her. How odd, why would she be here? That thought only flashed through his mind briefly when she called his name out and when he saw the lonely look in her eyes.

Even before she told him she was searching for Kazuya, Rhys knew the fool hadn't gone back to her yet. That lonely look in her eyes; it resembled the one she often had when they first met. A deep sigh escaped his lips as he ran his hand through his dark locks, what is he doing even now? Lyn made a point, chasing after a married woman is already bad enough. But the Queen? He has to get a grip. He's already twenty five and still not married.

Before Rhys met up with Kazuya, he made a short trip back home. Not to the Sound Kingdom but the Rain Kingdom. Surprisingly the elders over there including his brothers were making plans for his marriage to god knows who. Rhys understood it's natural for people his age to get married. But even with the return of his Prince status, he doesn't stay in the Rain Kingdom.

However, for some reason on his last visit home, everybody was rushing. He clicked his tongue annoyance at the mere thought of the events. Annoying, after being pestered for a whole day. Rhys didn't bother staying another day or two as he intended and returned to the Mist Kingdom. Because of all that happened back then, he became the new ambassador of the Mist and the Sound Kingdom replacing Kazuya who became the King of the Mist Kingdom.

So Rhys often remained in the Mist Kingdom. Despite this though, he had not seen Lyn -the Queen since she was eighteen. Rhys didn't attend the wedding, unlike the girl's former fiance Allen. He did not have the heart to see the women he liked married.

'The wedding that should have been mine.' He tried not to think of it that way, because if he did then his resolve would crumble. It took all his will power to stop himself from returning to her side.

'If she knew about the dragon stealing the vision in his right eye, would she get upset?' He knew that dragon became one of the girl's familiars. The reason he left was this.

'I had every intention of marrying her.' But, after the dragon stole his vision he knew he wouldn't be able to support her properly.

Lyn turned around and met his gaze briefly. "Stop looking at me." She murmured.

Huh? Oh, is he making it that obvious?

Cecilia laughed at their exchange; the sight amused her, "Should I leave you two alone?"

"No!" Lyn exclaimed.

Rhys looked at Lyn with an irritated expression, what's with her? Damn. They may be older now, but this part of her hasn't changed at all. She doesn't hesitate to show her dislike of somebody.

The scent and sensation of the girl's lips and her body against his from that kiss earlier remained firmly in his mind. If it weren't for Cecilia, he would have kissed her again, so maybe Lyn is right - they shouldn't be left alone.

After a few minutes they arrived at what was supposed to be a relaxing room for staff. But the place was turned upside town. A old velvet couch in the corner by the window was torn, pieces of it scattered on the right by the ledge of the window or under the table. The wooden table split in half, the walls covered in graffiti. Pipes, old cards and bottles scattered on the ground. Cecilia carefully removed the bottles and told Lyn to take a seat in the chair - the only decent looking one.

Lyn sat down and Cecilia pulled out a foldable table from the side, and set it up, "Pardon us for the mess. A few days ago, we had a group of rowdy people here engaged in illegal activities.." Cecila spoke slowly, before she nodded and said, "Queen Lyn."

Lyn didn't seem surprised and sighed; she slipped off her cloak revealing her long curly black hair. Porcelain white skin and eyes, "I figured if you knew Rhys, you would guess who I am," she shot him a glare then, and Rhys looked away.

Well, it's true the only one he is kind too is her.

Cecilia laughed, "I thought I was witnessing an affair for a moment but then remembered you inquiring about your husband."

"Kazuya, really came here?"

Cecilia nodded, "He came. It was quite recently. But I could tell he had been out of town for a while."

"Was he with a young woman?" Rhys asked. Lyn glared at him again, but Rhys shook his head. Contrary to Lyn's words. He knew the girl wanted to know. If she can't bring herself to ask, then he may as well.

"He was. But she seemed a bit too young; I don't think you have to worry."

Lyn exhaled deeply, "Whether Kazuya is with another girl is hardly a concern of mine. Just because he's with another female doesn't mean he's cheating on me. I will not restrict him and say he's not allowed even to stand next to another girl. Besides, I know his personality well. Whenever he sees another person in trouble, he helps them."

Rhys wanted to laugh, how futile. He can't even twist rumors, she already knows. Of course, she does. This is the woman Kazuya fell in love with and the same one who captured his heart too. She's a little naive and foolish at times. But her strong belief and honest attitude draw people to her, including him. Rhys sighed, might as well tell her.

"Kazuya said he wanted to bring that girl back to her family," Rhys casually brought up.

If she weren't giving him a cool and menacing look already, Rhys would have thought she was merely keeping up a calm facade.

Cecilia noticed the tense atmosphere and stood up, "I'll leave you two alone, we can uh discuss the rest later."

Lyn didn't say a word at first, and the room is engulfed in silence. During this time Rhys just stared at her, capturing the girl's features in his mind.

"Rhys," Lyn spoke up.


"I know you like me still; I cannot stop that. But the more you pursue me, the more I will push you away. Even if I don't like you, we're still friends, so that's a hard decision of mine to make," Lyn's words cut through his heart like a knife. Rhys didn't think it would do much damage to his heart, but it did. After not meeting for so long, he thought he built a resistance. Several sighs passed Lyn's lips.


Is he that bad? Can he not compare to Kazuya no matter what he does? He can't accept that.

'You have an inferiority complex towards Kazuya.

You may be good friends with him and care for him.

But that's a double-edged sword.

A part of you is envious.'

Is that what this is? Rhys doesn't understand. He knows for sure though that he doesn't want to give up on Queen Lyn. Queen or not, he can't surrender these feelings for her.