Gradually Falling Apart

When Rhys didn't get a response, he looked up and found that the Lyn had fallen asleep. He looked at her stunned, and a deep sigh passed his lips. Well, she must be tired, she was traveling since earlier, and the moment she got here; he started bothering her. Even Rhys acknowledged that his actions were only going to cause her further harm. But even so, he walked over and picked her up. She felt way too light in his arms causing his frown to deepen.

She lost weight. When Rhys last saw her, she wasn't like this. She was bubbly and filled with energy. When Rhys saw her like that, he decided it would be better to leave her alone to enjoy her married life with Kazuya for a while. He didn't even help out with the battle three years ago and provided support from afar.

He brushed his hands on her pale face, "Lyn...."

Why wait for Kazuya?

He isn't coming back.

"Coming back tomorrow?" A voice from behind him said, Rhys looked over and saw Cecilia had entered through the backdoor.

Rhys nodded, "I'm sure she wants to hear the details regarding this place. And don't give me the side business nonsense, this place was just fine before otherwise Kazuya wouldn't have come here," he trailed off, "Well I guess she realized that too."


The following morning, before heading over to the shop. Rhys accompanied Lyn around to get more information from other people. The problem is, they weren't alone. General Teo accompanied them. Even back when this guy was a lieutenant, the two of them never got along. So it was awkward to say so the least. As he watched Lyn inquire about the status of the town casually, making light talk without drawing too much attention.

His lips curve to a smile, if she weren't the Queen, then she would actually be cut out with this kind of work. When Rhys got to know the woman named as Lyn, after the open castle day event. He found her company not only pleasant but more suited to a dangerous line of work. The type of work he engaged in. It surprised him considering how it was difficult to keep

Even now he recalled how Lyn asked him for a favor, 'I want to learn more about the Kingdom, personally.' Rhys figured he would amuse her. At the start, he meant nothing by taking her around when he was going to the main town or other areas in the Mist Kingdom. He thought she was joking. But after spending a lot of time with her, Rhys understood she was serious. Rather than change the Kingdom as a Princess, Lyn wanted to get rid of corruption as 'Lyn.'

"Do not stare at our Queen in that manner, it's unsightly," Teo spoke up.

Rhys sighed, caught eh? "What do you mean that manner General? Care to clarify?" he challenged. While many people fear this man, Rhys is not afraid. After all, he knows that it's all a front, this tough act of his.


"No need to clarify, just don't stare at me at all," Lyn commented. Damn this woman; she's brutal when it comes to persistent guys. Is she like this with her old fiancé too? Almost like she understood his mindset, Lyn added, "Allen isn't like you."

Isn't it already bad enough for him to overcome the Kazuya hurdle? Don't tell him; he can't even match up to the former fiance? How irritating. To his surprise though Lyn suddenly reached over and patted his head, "But, thank you," she laughed softly, "Even if you are a brute, you won't take advantage of me too much."

Rhys recalled what happened after he took her back to the hideout. Did she wake up? Then she must have seen his inner dilemma. Seeing her fast asleep so defenseless like that, drove him crazy.

He grabbed hold of her wrist, and gently kissed her fingers, "There are other ways to do so after all."

Lyn frowned and pulled her hand away, "Don't be foolish; let's get going you two."


When he says Kazuya isn't coming back; it's just speculation. It's got nothing to do with his feelings for Lyn. The young woman Kazuya found and is traveling with now reeks of suspicion. Rhys doesn't think she belonged to the enemy side, but she's no normal existence either. Rather than Kazuya not returning, it's more like it will be difficult for him to return.

"Say, Rhys," Lyn spoke up.


"This town it's engaged in illegal trading right?" Lyn asked, and he nodded, "But for illegal trading, don't the people seem too happy?"

For a moment Rhys thought she was going to naively say they don't need to do anything since the town people are happy. But then he saw the dark shadow that cast on her face. He sighed deeply, "The reason I'm still stuck here is because Kazuya told me to keep an eye out on things. You see this isn't happiness. This is fear," Rhys paused and caught movement from one of the buildings, over there, huh? He shifted closer to Lyn and pulled her into his arms.

"R—Rhys? Unhand me?"

"Shh, they're watching," he whispered.

Lyn followed his gaze and murmured, "Magic?"

Rhys nodded, "Everybody is being watched in town by a magic sphere. The level of magic itself isn't high but since the summoner can use it to watch everybody makes it dangerous. Normally magic spheres have restrictions regarding the amount of things you can watch, this one, however, watches all movement and yet there's a flaw."


"To be exact close body contact with another person."

He watched her put two and two together, and she murmured, "I see, this job is going to be more annoying than I thought."

"Milady, if it's as he said then--"

Lyn nodded and pulled herself away from him, "Let's go to the town hall for a bit; I want to send a message."

"The Townhall is monitored too.."

However Lyn shook her head, "There are loopholes everywhere you go," Even though she said this without being close to him, indicating anyone could overhear Lyn continued, "I will send for a specialist."

A specialist? Regarding this type of magic and work— Rhys paused in mid-thought, and a larger sigh escaped his lips. It seems like it will be difficult for him to chase after her with all the watchful eyes. The most annoying person is coming here.


Year 4019 Mist Kingdom Main Castle - Queen Throne Room

People filled the usually silent throne room, many of the Mist Kingdom's officials, knights, great houses and the general public spoke people gathered in the room.

A deep sigh escaped the woman named Pupillam's lips since the Queen left the one who in charge is the furious King from the Wind Kingdom. While she understood that nobody else but him could take matters into his own hands. Pupillam never liked his methods; it was one of the reasons that made her support King Kazuya more. But as brutal as his plans are, Pupillam knew it was the only way to deal with the current affairs.

"Head Advisor, you have a message."

"Can it wait? I'm a bit busy here," Pupillam said. Currently, she was busy sorting out through the execution list King Allen formed.

No, he isn't just executing people randomly. After the Queen left, things were peaceful for a while. But then incidence after incidence occurred in the Mist Kingdom. The reason for King Allen's anger is the people behind the incidence. One traitor is bad enough, but several? The Queen was right, forget fighting the Snow Kingdom. If their own Kingdom is in disarray like this, they'll die before they head out to battle.

"It's a message, from Queen Lyn."

At that comment, King Allen stopped barking orders and looked over, "Lyn?"

It's a message for her and not him, Pupillam wanted to say but refrained from doing so. A message from the Queen, did she hear of the circumstances here and is heading back now?