The Flower Of Separation P1

When Prince Andrew heard the words that escaped his wife's lips, he silently cursed and turned to Pupillam. But the girl understood the situation and quickly excused herself.

Knowing she may use this opportunity to escape, he gave some instructions to a group of guards. That quickly followed her. Andrew turned to his wife Gabrielle, from her deadly pale complexion. Even he understood why she said what she did. But Andrew could not accept it. He couldn't accept this situation. Like he told Pupillam, the marriage he had with Gabrielle was strictly a political one.

"I'm sorry."

Andrew knew he should make his wife's last moments a happier one. He knew he ought to keep this charade up to the very end. But Gabrielle always knew and yet she went along with him.

Andrew always wondered about it, his duty as a Prince or himself? Love a single individual or the country? Over the years, he grew older and he finally had to choose. Andrew convinced himself of many things. One of those things was that he would prioritize the matters regarding the Kingdom. No matter what happened, Andrew would choose duty over anything he wanted. That's why he married Gabrielle. He knew Pupillam would not be suited to become a Queen.

Whether people accepted her or not - Andrew never wanted to take on the risk. With the difference in their social status and her upbringing. She wouldn't fit into the circle when he uncovered that he held feelings for the young girl. It took him by surprise.

The age difference between them is very little, and his mother most likely wouldn't have minded if he married Pupillam after all his father's background does not match hers. He heard rumors how Mother despite the opposition of those around her married her father.

Somebody with his Mother's lineage could have married somebody better. But instead, she married Father. Andrew, always wondered why that was. But now he understood. His Mother has a sharp tongue, is fierce and strong. However, she's also a woman, if there's somebody she loves she will fight to be together with them.

People always said he inherited his Mother's characteristics. Indeed, in contrast to his siblings, Andrew knew he inherited the most traits from his mother. However, unlike her, he is terrible at love. He cannot sacrifice his duty to be together with the person he loves.

Pupillam may not be sunshine and laughter like his sister, or strong and courageous like Gabrielle. But he loved her very much. He wanted nobody so badly before. The reason he disappeared on Pupillam previously was because Andrew wanted to draw a line.

He wanted to separate The Prince him and the person she got to know. Andrew quickly realized how he adjusted into the role of a commoner Andrew rather than Prince Andrew.

Generally, in situations where he gets caught, he has a fabricated identity planned out as do most members of the elites. A fabricated name and personality. Though he doubts there is a need for the second one. It's not as though anybody would be willing to investigate that far, anyway. The name, however, is important, one must not reveal their name. No matter who it is, it's too much of a risk, and yet he told her.

When she started to work at the castle, it surprised him. He heard rumors about the girls household rising to power. But did not comment. His mother was the one who decided. Of course, he knew who she was, he investigated her after their first meeting. A simple family, no lousy background.

So when her family rose to power, Andrew knew he would meet her again. But not so soon, and not as his sister's aide. It was better for him to turn her down than to promise the things he couldn't give her.

Andrew walked towards the bed, and this is the woman who he gave everything too. Everything he wanted to provide Pupillam. But couldn't do so.

"I mean nothing to you. I always knew that, but all these years I did my best to become a perfect wife for you. I fulfilled my duties and rose above people's expectations. Even though you didn't ascend the throne as you should, I didn't leave you," Gabrielle cried, "I knew you loved somebody else. I knew the reason you refused the throne. Back in your mind, you still wanted to continue pursuing a love without boundaries. Regardless, I hoped to change your mind. Even though my parents opposed," she said the last line so quietly.

But Andrew heard her loud and clear.

"Your parents?"

"They wanted me to become the Queen," Gabrielle drawled as she tapped her pale fingers, "When you refused and gave Lethia the throne, despite knowing it was temporary - they were already wary of the situation. But when they saw how you practically helped run the country with her. It silenced them. However, when others discovered Lyn's, and she underwent her Knight training. My parents sensed something wrong. They figured it out, but until it happened, they remained hopeful. But you crushed their ideals."

"Then, why didn't you leave?"

Gabrielle bitterly smiled, "Why would I? I love you. I never wanted to tell you these words like this though..."

His eyes go wide as he registered her words.

It widened more when he saw the tears that desperately fell from her eyes. This was a first for him, seeing her cry in all the years since he met her. Andrew never saw her cry before. She's always remained strong around him, no matter what the situation was. She didn't waver even once. But now that very same woman is crying.

She loved him? Of course, she does.

Is he stupid? A young woman like her who was practically raised to be his wife. It's natural at some point she became self-aware of him, and those feelings changed to love.

Elite marriages since childhood differ from regular elite marriages. Most elite marriages start as political ones and end that way too. But for elite marriages since childhood overtime, the two spend a lot of time in each other's company, and that changes. Whether they become very good friends or end up falling in love, it ends up becoming a good marriage.

"You never loved me."

"Do not say such things!" Andrew said. He saw the confused look on her face.

This woman, she does not understand, does she? "Gabrielle," he softly called out her name, "A marriage of convenience it may have been at the start. However, overtime..."

Gabrielle's eyes widened, "No, no. No," she repeated. "Don't tell me this now my Lord. Please don't; it's too cruel. Not when I'm dying."

"But," Andrew stepped forward and pulled the woman into his arms. She seemed so much more frail than usual. Is it because he finally saw her tears? "That changed during Lethia's reign. I gradually harbored feelings for you. Yes, Pupillam is my first love, and I never forgot her. But the only other woman I gave my heart to is you. I love you, my dear wife."

He didn't give this woman everything.

His protection, his name - and title simply due to this being a marriage with political purposes. If he never liked her at all, Andrew would never have gone this far.

He wouldn't have consummated his marriage with her.

Andrew felt offended that Gabriella would think that he would sleep with her, without any feelings. But he supposes it's not uncommon for most elite marriages.

However, this is a marriage since birth, "Silly girl, did you really think we would only remain friends?"

Gabrielle continued to cry, but he knew her tears were out of joy.

"I love you; I loved you so much for the longest time. And I will continue doing so, forever."

Andrew clenched his fist at the last line.

Just when they confessed their feelings, fate will tear them away from each other. He already sent somebody to search for the assistance, if she only resigned the other day. The woman should still be in town. He did so secretly, that not even Pupillam noticed.

He may still harbor something lingering for the young girl. But the feelings Andrew had for his wife is something much more. This woman is the woman he wanted to grow old with.