The Flower Of Separation P2

They found the woman.

And the antidote.

That news should have been good. But Andrew quickly realized that the antidote was temporary. At most his wife had an extra week to live.

He called for the best doctors, and mages all across the world.

He even sent for his sister's head mage, but even she repeated the same things as the others.

Nothing. Nobody can do anything about this situation.

Gabrielle will die, and nobody can stop it.

"Prince Andrew?"

Hearing Pupillam's voice, he turned to her and frowned. A look of pain appeared on his face. If he didn't waste so much time on a love that was never meant to be, he could have made good memories with his wife. Perhaps this situation would not have happened. Yes, the Snow Kingdom's Secret Agent Somina wished to get back at Pupillam. The woman knew of her connection to him, as indirect as it seemed. This is because of Somina's knowledge of the relationship he shared with Pupillam.

"Tell me something; how did she know?"

His tone cold and menacing, as he sent the girl a harsh glare.

Pupillam, however, didn't shrink back, "I told her."

Andrew raised his hand, but before he could hit her she blocked it, Pupillam looked at him calmly, "I realize how frustrated it may seem since you finally realize you love your wife. However, you're partly to blame are you not? Why did you send me that letter? Sure the way I handled it was indirect. But my silence and indifference were to break off any connection between us."

Andrew paused, contrary to his rage. The girl's words still registered in his head. She's right, isn't she? They both share the blame on this one.

"Prince Andrew, the lady is calling for you."

His old butler informed him, he wore his usual blank expression despite stumbling on to such a scene. Andrew nodded


Andrew hurried down the halls, as he recalled what the butler just passed him. It was a message from his father, the 44th King - King Daichi. He seemed to have heard of the situation and passed on some words.

He couldn't believe it, but in circumstances like this, there's no need to lie. And elites do not lie at all.

Dear my eldest son

I realize you are going through harsh times now, that's why I must convey these words to you. So you no longer have any more regrets.

In the past, part of the reason you distanced yourself from Madam Gabrielle is because you believed she wanted your brother and not you correct? Let me clarify it.

When we chose amongst the candidates on who

It was Lyn who chose her for you. She pointed at the picture and said that Gabrielle is perfect for you.

Even though she was only a mere child then, people took her seriously. After all, some already considered her a genius at that age and some adults found it cute how she chose for you. The reason why there were some unsettling rumors was because Kotaro hung around Lyn all the time. Gabrielle dropped by a lot, and you can imagine what people thought.

In other people's eyes, that area is secluded, and nobody is around. It's natural for people's imaginations to go wild. Clarifying it meant exposing Lyn's identity.

That girl from the start has always been yours.

I shall try to make it as quickly as I can.

Your father, Daichi.

Allen rushed down at startling speed, even passing his lilac hair third command who tried to call out to him. He would have to explain it later. The First Prince found her, Gabrielle peered into his study, before pacing back and forth in front of the door. Does she not realize he isn't in there?

Andrew chuckled, certainly interesting. As he made his way over to her, "What are you doing?"


His sudden appearance surprised her since she almost fell back. Till he easily catches her, their eyes met briefly, and that was all it took for him to engulf her into an embrace.

This really is unlike him.

A guy who discarded his emotions a long time ago has no right to be with her. Someone like him doesn't deserve her. But in the end, he was only thinking about what he wanted and not what she wanted. He didn't think to listen to her.

From the start, the one that has not changed in his life is her. The one who stood beside him the longest is Gabrielle.

"Dear, I wanted to ask..."

Andrew shook his head and stopped her.

"Please hear me out; I believe there has been a grave misunderstanding between the two of us."


Gabrielle said nothing, but she nodded.

"I have a lot of things I want to say. But first, let me apologize again — this entire time I've misunderstood everything. I was always under the impression that the one you were in love with was Kotaro. That our engagement was a mistake - a cover- until Kotaro got older - until he returned from his duties. I believed that's how things were meant to be. Even when he passed away, I thought you were still in love with him. And even when you moved forward, a part of you still desired him. I understood that I could never be the one you truly love. So I saw the engagement as merely a political matter."

Many elites end up in political marriages without love. So whether she loved him shouldn't have bothered him. But it did gravely.

"Even if it is not me, you had plenty of other men who harbored feelings for you it was something I understood quite well when I met you. That although you are royalty, you differ greatly from all the others. Yes, your in another league of your own. Even if I wished to get close to you, I could not. I could only watch you from a distance. I was content with just that. I was wrong; I was so so wrong. I should not have done that. I should have told you straight what I was feeling, what was going on. We should have spoken about it together."

She did not say a word at first, and Andrew played with the idea of her actually holding a grudge. But eventually, she spoke.

"The one I love is you, Andrew, I should have clarified the rumors myself. But my family thought it was a good opportunity. Considering you never stated whether you'd take the throne. I cannot blame them completely, as their daughter. I'm equally to blame."


"But, forget about our regrets. We could talk about that all day if we wanted to. I wish to spend my last few days as the wife you love."

Last few days. The reality of the situation hit Andrew hard; he doesn't want to let her go. Why does he have to? Andrew hugged her tightly. Don't take her away from him. Please don't, don't take her away.

"Don't tremble. It's all right; you'll be fine. You won't be alone. I shall leave behind something just as precious. A child born out of our love."

Their child.

When he first consummated the marriage with her several years back. Gabrielle had a miscarriage. She went home to her parent's place and fell down the stairs. Andrew always thought it was deliberate; she didn't want his child because she still harbored feelings for his brother. He convinced himself for the longest time, but deep down he knew. Something's wrong.

He saw how she took care of herself, even hired more people to assist her. Gabrielle is the type who seldom relied on the servants. That's why her taking that action, surprised him. She cared for the child so lovingly.

After what happened last time, she hardly went home. This time around, when her parents asked to see her, she refused them and secluded herself inside the castle. She wanted nobody to disturb her till she safely gave birth.

If she didn't love him, then there would be no need to go so far. He truly made a mistake then. His thoughts broke off when she gently kissed him, "I wish to go to the seaside. Will you take me?"

"I will, anywhere you want to go. I will take you there."