The Flower Of Separation P3

They spent the remaining days in each other's arms, learning and loving each other more. Then that day came.

On the 20th of the Diamond Month, a child was born.

A male.

But this is the moment; he dreaded all week.

Andrew gripped the woman's hand tightly, "Gabrielle, you can't leave me."

"Dear, dear...the child. Is it a boy?"

When he heard that line pass her lips, he clenched his fist. Even now she's thinking of his heir. This woman gave her life away to be with him. She sacrificed so much to become a good wife.

Andrew turned to the Butler, who instructed the servants to fetch the child. Most elite children go through a cleansing ritual after entering the world; the same sent for this child.

The elder in charge of the ritual entered the room, "Your child is blessed, mam."


"Yes, he will become a great asset to the Mist Kingdom. No to the entire empire in the future."

Gabrielle's eyes welled up with tears, "Thank you." she turned to the boy, "Dear, what about a name? Let's name him together.."


A name? Blessed? Right now he doesn't care. There's not a lot of time left. He could tell from the color quickly draining from her face.


"Take the child away..."



Gabrielle nodded, and the others quickly left the room. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her, "Don't...don't leave me. Please, Gabrielle."

"I'm sorry Andrew. I should have consulted things with you before."

He shook his head, "This is my fault for not being attentive."

"Don't say that. You've been very kind to me and now knowing I held your heart for so many years, I can rest at ease now."

"I can't...I can't let you go," Andrew murmured.

Gabrielle weakly brushed her lips against his, "Andrew, don't make me worry. You will be okay, and I know you'll be just fine."

"I need you."

"I'm happy; you love me this much. In our next lives, I wonder if we will recognize each other and this time properly fall in love?"

What is she saying now, "You know Andrew, this past week has been the happiest moment of my life. Of course, we've done things like this previously, but it's different now we are in love with each other."


"Even before you told me today, I felt like I already knew before. Tell me, Andrew, even if you move forward. Will you remember me forever?"

She's saying such stupid things, so very stupid. Move forward? With whom? He wants nobody else to be his wife but her. He won't get married ever again. As these thoughts passed his mind, he felt her presence grow weaker. His eyes widened in alarm, and he embraced her even tighter. He can't lose her.

"Andrew, I have to go."

"You mustn't leave me."

Gabrielle shook her head, "It's just a matter of time. Hey, can you kiss me? Make it long. You've held me several times over the years, and I've always liked it. Your kisses and the way you call my name."

"Gabrielle, I love you."

"I love you."

After the long kiss, Andrew knew in the last minute she passed away. With tears in her eyes and yet a bright smile.

His dear wife.


He attended the funeral.

But he isn't sure of the events that transpired. All he could recall was her figure in that glass coffin covered in her favorite flowers — the sea of people wearing black, the rain - the dreaded sound of rain. Two days passed already, and the rain has yet to stop. Since then Andrew locked himself away in their home in the Rose Palace. He buried himself in the covers she used, her belongings.

He took it harder than he thought he would. From a young age, Andrew has acted indifferent to most things. The reason is because he understood his position. From a young age, even before Andrew underwent his formal lessons. Andrew knew he didn't belong to a simple family.

He took this harder than his mother's death.

Or his brother who passed away due to illness.

Or his sister's disappearance.

His thoughts broke off when he heard the door. Andrew ignored it; it's not like anybody can enter here.


This man is his father, the 44th King Daichi. Judging from his soaked cloak, he only just got here.

"Forgive me; I didn't arrive on time."

Andrew knew that he couldn't say anything to that. It's not like his father could have done anything.

"Son, go see Lyn."

"Lyn?" he murmured.

Daichi nodded, "Pupillam already left. But they are quite nearby here, there in Yasufu in the town of the lions."


"Andrew, did you have regrets?"

"Regret?" Andrew repeated in a trance.

His father wore a weak smile, and Andrew understood. "Unlike you, I had regrets. There were many things I never told your mother, and I didn't treasure our time together. I wanted to shut down all those rumors as quickly as possible. I wanted to prove to them I could stand by her side. But who would have thought, huh?"

"Father, Mother."

"We never found a body; I don't think she's dead. But, the fact that she hasn't returned.."


Father's situation is a lot worse than him. At least he was able to make memories with Gabrielle, even before she discovered his feelings for her. The two of them spent many eventful days together as a couple.

"I'm sorry.."

His father laughed and patted his head, "Don't mind too much. You're like me, not good with women and expressing your feelings."

"I really loved her."

"If there's a next life, you two will meet again. Did you know? There's a flower that ties peoples fates together."

"The red spider lily," Andrew answered, "It was her favorite."

Father nodded and walked over to the window and opened it. His eyes widened alarmed as he rushed over to close it. He wanted to preserve it, her scent... Just for a while longer. The scent of his deceased wife.


"Andrew, this isn't healthy."

"I...I don't know what to do anymore."

He doesn't know. Andrew knew his father spoke the truth; this isn't healthy at all. But it felt like if he stepped outside, he would go crazy.

"Andrew, there's magic for this type of thing. You don't have to haul yourself up in here in her memories. I'll leave everything as it is using my magic okay? As long as I give you the access spell, you can use it anytime. Most people use this for ceremonies for important individuals. Gabrielle was your wife, the wife of the Mist Kingdom's First Prince - this honor is hers."

Honor? He doesn't care about that at all. He wants her to return. He wants to hold her in his arms.

His father patted his shoulder, "Go see your sister. She needs your help remember?"


As he recalled what Pupillam said about that woman Somina, the one responsible for poisoning his wife. A dark shadow crossed his face. That's right. That woman, it's because of that woman that his beloved wife is dead. He can't allow his sister to get


On his way out, he hears his father talking and found him in the baby room. As the word baby popped into his head. Andrew frowned, that's right. The baby, since he spent a few days isolated. Andrew hasn't seen the child. Even when it was born, he didn't want to see it. If she didn't have a child, then she could have survived long maybe long enough until somebody found a cure. The thought made him sick. It's because of that baby - the reason Gabrielle died.

Once his father had left the room, Andrew silently went inside. Thankfully, nobody else was around. Not too far from his and Gabrielle's room is the baby room. It felt strange, walking, truly walking after being cooped up for so long.

Memories flashed through his head when she first made this room appeared in his head as he entered the room. It left a bitter feeling in his mouth, knowing she wasn't here to....He strode across and looked at the baby. Andrew reached out; it's because of this that she's no longer around.

'A child born out of our love.'

As he recalled those words, Andrew drew his hand away from the child's neck. He can't. Just can't. As cruel as a man as he was. He cannot harm his flesh and blood.

He knows it's not the baby's fault. Even if she had longer to live, there's no guarantee for the antidote. His thoughts broke off when the child grabbed hold of his finger. Andrew stared at it with wide eyes, the young child slept peacefully, but this time it held his finger.

Andrew broke down, Gabrielle - this child is just like her.