The Dream We Shared On That Day

Year 4019 Mist Kingdom

Lyn knew what leaving the Kingdom even for a short while entailed. But she left the place in Allen's care, so she didn't worry much. However, as expected there's a limit to what somebody from another Kingdom can do, let alone another Kingdom's King. Lyn deeply exhaled, her gaze fell on the clock. "Break time," she murmured.

She usually would have Pupillam here; however Lyn instructed for her to take a few days off to look after the child. The child, huh? When Lyn heard the name, it surprised her. Her nephew's name is Spero; it means hope. She wanted to cry when she heard it. Her brother and Gabrielle must have decided on it before she passed away.

Children huh, Lyn never thought about it much before. Having a child. Since she became Queen while things had been relatively peaceful aside from that battle three years ago. Things were hectic, her sister's brief reign caused a lot of problems. It dissatisfied many people with her sister as Queen. It never occurred to her how much hate her sister had. None of the citizens seemed to like her. The elder council will always have a bias, but even the friendly members disliked her sister.

When she asked her Eldest Brother before, he always told her that Lethia's personality was quite twisted. 'The child bears a lot of unnecessary resentment, too many people fed her lies during her younger days.'

Lyn immediately understood, in the academy, she met Kristy and J. When she was finally exposed to the world; she had people beside her. However, her sister had no one. People must have used and manipulated her.

Her thoughts broke off when she hears the sound of the door opened. Lyn looked up surprised when she saw Allen.


"You must eat."

Lyn laughed, "How about you? Did you eat yet?"

"I thought this would be a good excuse for us to dine together, no good?"

Her gaze softened, "No, it's oka-" her sentence fell short when the doors burst open, revealing Pupillam.

"Queen Lyn, Miley is causing problems in the academy."

Her sweat fell. It seems like Miley finally snapped. Well, she supposed it was about time.

She turned to Allen, "I apologize, it seems like breakfast will be delayed. Do you mind?"

"I'll come even if you don't ask."

Lyn knew what he meant; he's too worried about her. Then again, she did just returned, and she hasn't held a meeting to explain everything yet. It's only natural that he worries about her. Lyn nodded.


When they reached the academy, the scene didn't surprise her at all. Miley in the center and a group of girls lay on the ground. Judging from the cut on her cheek, it was clear what happened here. A deep sigh passed her lips, well at least she didn't beat up a group of teachers - that would be more problematic. Allen saw the situation and said he would speak with other teachers to keep the matter under wraps. Lyn nodded and made her way over with Pupillam.

"You're as lively as ever."

Miley turned to her, the girl's eyes watered in a similar fashion to the guards at the gate when she first arrived yesterday. Her sweat fell, what's with this reaction?

"Wahhhhhh Queen Lyn, they've been bullying me here!" Miley threw her arms around her.

She giggled, bully? It's the other way around. But still, there's no doubt that they have been signling Miley out. As careless as the child is, she won't harm people without reason. They most likely provoked her in some way. Well, she supposes she can find the reason later.

Lyn hears footsteps and looked up to see a woman with dull forest green hair, and glasses.

"It seems like you don't change huh? Madam Adriana."

"Queen Lyn, I do not believe that girl deserves to be in your circle of Knights," Madam Adriana looked at Miley, disgust filled her eyes.

Lyn sighed, what sorts of things did Miley do since she came here to harbor such hate? Then again, this woman has always disliked those who came from regular backgrounds.

"I thought you getting demoted to this place would change your attitude. But it turns out you're still as shrewd as ever," Lyn didn't hesitate with her words. She's the one trying to pick a fight with Miley. Lyn didn't have to examine the girls on the ground badges to know that they are Madam students. "You should know better."

The demotion Lyn spoke about was something that took place during her sister Lethia's reign. They demoted this woman due to well, "You didn't learn your lesson with me, and now you're directing your anger at Miley?"

Yes, the reason why this person got demoted in the first place was because she was causing her trouble. Lyn paid no attention to it initially, why would she? It's just one person out of the many who sent her hate messages since her existence was revealed. Though many people were glad that there's another heir - meaning that the Kingdom will be stable for a long time.

There were those who expressed their hate. After all, another heir also meant another person to fight for the throne, the creation of another fraction. It was already bad enough with her brother and eldest sister's fractions fighting against each other. Let alone her in the picture.

As the second Princess, her standing should be casual like her brother. She should simply be a reserve, but it was not like that. Her fraction quickly grew to the same level as her sister's. She threatened the balance that people built this whole time.

This woman was part of her sister's fraction, hence the apparent dislike. During her days in the academy before she got demoted, Madam Adriana ensured that every day was a living hell for her. She sure did a lousy job at it though. A sigh passed Lyn's lips as she recalled a few things from the past.

Miley overheard and frowned, "It's one thing to mess with me you old hag! But even the Queen?" The girl wasn't happy.

Lyn smiled and patted the girl's hair, "Thank you.

Though she trusts the guards in the palace, since she hand-picked them, those who belong in her circle of knights are like family to her.


"Pupillam, give me the next bottle."

"Yes, my Queen."

Currently, the three of them sat down on the steps in the inner courtyard, as she treated Miley's wounds. Thankfully, they weren't too serious. So she didn't have to use her magic.

"You really are a careless child," Lyn murmured, "While I don't have the right to lecture you. You should at least take care of yourself better. Your still a girl, getting too many cuts and bruises all the time will damage your skin."

"Queen Lyn, how did that person hurt you?"

Lyn's gaze softened, as she sensed Miley's concern.

"Don't worry about it. It happened a long time ago during my academy days."

Miley looked at her confused, "Didn't you attend a military academy?"

"Like I said, Madam Adriana got demoted. It was after she was caught messing with me when my eldest brother visited me."

Miley burst into a fight of laughter, "She deserves it! So that's why she acts so shrewd whenever I bring out my blades. She's bitter regarding the past. She probably lost all her abilities being cooped up in a place like this."

Lyn applied the ointment on the girl's arm where a fresh red wound was, and Miley flinched, "And you probably deserve this too. Goodness child, do you want to fight so badly?"

"I see you fight."

Miley said it faintly. But Lyn heard the girl loud and clear. So that's how it is huh?

"You know Miley I don't like war or fighting."

"But you're strong."

Lyn nodded, "That's true. I'm strong. But the only reason I'm strong is because of all the people who helped me. Without them, I would have lost control of my strength and done a lot of damage. A person with a lot of power is not strong. But those who can control that power? They are the powerful ones," she paused when she saw shame-filled Miley's features. She knew the girl was thinking of the events that happened recently. "But somebody truly strong? Is someone who doesn't take on matters by themselves, somebody who balances out relying on others. Miley, the current you is very weak. The reason I sent you here isn't just for that matter or your punishment. I want you to learn just like I did."

"Will I truly become strong here? In a place like this?"

She stopped treating the girl and stood up. Lyn walked a few paces ahead of where she sat moments ago and took a deep breath.

"I can't answer that. You must learn and experience it yourself. But many people do this, and still, nothing changes. Why do you think that is?," Lyn questioned, "It's because people refuse to utilize what they've learned. They still try to question it. It's up to the individual what they do with the knowledge and experiences they've shared. There are those who will manipulate it into their own version of reality. Whether it's good or bad. But at least they use it. It's a double-edged sword. You can use it for something good. Or you can use it for something bad. In this Kingdom Kazuya and I are trying to build, we want more of the good than bad. We want experiences to shape a person and ensure that they chose the path they want with nobody questioning them. A place where people can be free."

That's right, that's what they said to each other. Alongside their wedding vows, they expressed their dreams for the Kingdom. A fleeting dream it may have looked like at the time. But as they grew older, they found ways to make that dream a reality. If J and the Snow Kingdom continue to obstruct them, then she will use whatever means she can to put a stop to it.

'Even if it means sacrificing yourself?'

A faint voice seemed to whisper in her head.