The Most Beautiful Mage (1)

Before she gets into a long explanation about herself - let's talk about the woman who changed her whole life first.

The current Queen of the Mist Kingdom, Lyn.

From their fateful meeting at the academy, Kristy knew her life would change. Despite the harsh circumstances Lyn was raised in, she shone brighter than any sun. Lyn was more enthusiastic, lively and elegant than anybody she knew.

Kristy thought back to the talk they had upon her return. It was brief and blunt. But the girl didn't falter. Usually, when a person hears that, they'd hesitate - they'd panic. But Lyn remained calm the whole time. Though the girl is somewhat of a helpless drunk, when she saw the strength behind her words and eyes, Kristy knew she couldn't win against this person. A part of her knew that from the moment they met each other. But who would have thought, that even after so many years had gone past, she would be continuously reminded of that?

Continuously reminded of the fact that Lyn no longer needed her to work behind the scenes. The present Lyn doesn't want her to do that anymore. Not that she ever actually agreed to it.

Lyn only entrusted the job to other people, but as for her, Lyn told her it was okay to focus on her dreams. Lyn doesn't need her to continue playing that supporting role anymore. What Lyn wants from her and the other knights, is all the same.

What Lyn wants to do now is create a peaceful world and ensure that there are more people like her out there.

Talk about mission impossible. Kristy doubts that there will ever be another Queen of Lyn's caliber; she's one of those one of a type kind of Queen. Despite the slight similarities she has with her Mother, Orthez.

Kristy knew Lyn is someone who will continue basking in their own light. Somebody who will continue spreading joy and happiness to the world.

The present Lyn is completely different to how she was before. Not only is she thinking of 'love' but she's also thinking of the importance of her friends. It was the same back before they met too.

Kristy heard the details from Pupillam; the girl cared for her friends and the one she was in love with. However back then there was a distance, a sort of wall that nobody could cross. That wall too appeared from time to time during their academy days; but the more encounters she had, the more time her best friend spent with the man named Kazuya, the more it disappeared until it's in this present state, where there's no trace of it at all.


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"I honestly don't understand it myself. During the last second before I disappeared, weren't you calling out to me desperately? It really made me think, I'm glad. You'd be able to live. Even if it isn't easy to pick up the pieces of the war, you'd survive and be happy. "

"Lyn, your so silly. How could I possibly be happy when you weren't beside me? And anyone else I was fond was already gone. I should have died alongside you all."

Her sentence falls short when the Lyn placed her hand on top of her own. "Hurting one another isn't fighting. There are times when you discover something precious. I think everyone's fighting to discover that something," Lyn softly smiled.

"Lyn. ."

"I'm fine now; I was given more chances with the person I love and built up so many memories with him. As well as you, my good friend who's been beside me this entire time. "


Kristy recalled that conversation all too well. It was during the first time Kazuya started disappearing on Lyn a lot before Lyn knew the reason. It worried Kristy, so she often paid a visit. The two only just got married. It made her sick to the stomach knowing Kazuya was leaving Lyn alone like that. Kristy remembers how she spent endless days.

Her thoughts broke off when she hears a light knock on the door. It was faint, but Kristy knew who it was. She stopped meditating, and the light around her faded. Kristy walked towards the door and opened it.

There stood an awkward looking General Teo. It was clear from his exhausted looking eyes that he just woke up,

"My, my this is rare. I didn't think you'd visit me."

General Teo looked uncomfortable, and she laughed, "Come in, it's about Miley right? I'll tell you what I find out."


"There's a connection with the Kingdom of Stone?"

Kristy nodded, "If you think about it, the place you found Miley was the Kingdom of Stone. Sure it was a remote village but.."

"The girl's powers, however, are fire."

"That's why it's strange. According to the Stone Kingdom's royal family history, there is no trace of anyone with a fire ability."

"And the regular families?"

Kristy shook her head, "There isn't any."


"Most likely scenario? Somebody kidnapped Miley from the Land Of Fire. But the Kingdom of fire's royal family history was swept clean long before Miley was born. So this is the part I'm stuck on. I investigated and found that the Princess was actually missing. She wasn't amongst those found along the dead. If you think about the Princess age and Miley's then.."

Teo frowned, "She's most likely Miley's Mother."

Kristy nodded, "Yes. I don't know who the Princess married and how she even survived. But, all the factors point out to Miley being royalty."

The distressed look on Teo's expression grew, and Kristy sighed, "I understand your concern. But did you really think Miley was a normal girl?"

Honestly, it surprised her too. But a part of her noticed it. Even though Miley acts the way she does, brash and reckless. At times there seems to be an elegant aura around her. The first one to notice that was Queen Lyn.

'That child resembles how I used to be in terms of mannerism. Just a coincidence? I was a reckless child, but even then people could tell I was a noble. I didn't understand why but later on the years I found that nobles have a different aura.'

Miley, a noble. Kristy laughed when she heard it, but after thinking it through - it fits. The Princess is most likely Miley's Mother. But if it's like that, "There's no trace of her anymore. I dug around a lot, and I did find out where she stayed for a while. But..."

"Let me guess, the village we found Miley?"

"Judging from what Miley said when she first came here. She traveled between villages after the first incidence. However, at some point she must have gotten kidnapped - or at least her real Mother brought her over to the village in the Stone Kingdom. Whatever it was, at some point the Mother and daughter pair got separated from each other and Miley became independent. It turned out the first time she used her powers on that other village; it was a small place near the old fire Kingdom's trading ports."

General Teo placed a hand on his head, "This is a bit chaotic... So let's shorten it. Are you saying that they were on the run?"

Kristy nodded, "That's right. Even without her Mother, Miley must have recalled those words and moved away after the first incidence. But then the Mother and Daughter pair both ended up in the Stone Kingdom...Honestly, this is the part I'm stuck on," she paused. Is it okay for her to say this next part? Kristy looked at the General's eyes. The aura around him reeked of danger.

Her sweat fell; this isn't going to be easy. "You see, Lan..."

"What about that man?"

Since it's come this far, she might as well say it.

"I think Lan knew Miley before she came to the Mist Kingdom."