The Most Beautiful Mage (2)

There are a few things people always fail to mention around her. One, a blown out analysis of another person's personality. For a mage like herself, knowing the other individual completely is necessary since it affects her magic. Say she was with a person with negative emotions and mindset. Kristy would have to cover herself in a cloak of slightly dull colored magic. Unlike most mages, her abilities were on an unprecedented scale. The emotions of those around her affected her magic. If she doesn't cover herself in the necessary cloak of protection, then it starts.

Thankfully, her instincts are a lot sharper now in contrast to before. Because of this, even if she encountered unexpected situations like this, then she is more than prepared. Sensing the slight fluctuation in General Teo's emotions, Kristy quickly covered herself in a dull cloak. It was the right move since he angrily slammed his fist onto the table.

"I no longer wish for those two to be connected in any way."

Kristy looked at him with a complicated look on her face, "I don't think it's possible. You see, Miley killed Lan's fiance."


"Don't you think it's strange that a prestigious family like the Xiao household is only just setting up their oldest son on blind dates?"

"Now that you mention it.."

Kristy scratched her hair, "It was brief. But I think I met her before the academy. At the time I simply thought she was his girlfriend, I didn't think they were engaged or anything. And when she disappeared later on. I figured that it was that. She was only a girlfriend, and they broke up, that's why I stopped seeing her around, but," Kristy trailed off, "It turned out she died. I recall Lan being sent on a long mission then. The girl went after him. Lan's mission must have involved Miley."

"His eye injury."

"Most likely a side effect to whatever affect other her magic has. It's not a physical injury but an internal one. With Lan's reflexes, I doubt Miley hit him and caused his partial blindness."

"Then are you saying there is something about Miley's magic other than fire?"

"If her mother is really who we think it is, then there's a chance she has another type of magic. This other type leads to Lan's eye injury and the death of his fiancee. If so, then I think I should report this to Queen Lyn," Kristy paused, "I didn't report it right away. Because of her current situation and I'm looking out for you as well. You trusted me with the information of the bond you two share after all."

Though Kristy noticed that the two were close to each other, she didn't think much of it at the time, anyway. So when the General called out to her and revealed it, it took her by surprise. She would never have expected it. But then Kristy recalled how kind the General was in the past before he became General. Back when his wife was still around, and his daughter.

The two girls Miley and Cyann are completely different from each other. But at the same time, the General must see some similar traits between the two. It's not like he's treating Miley as Cyann's replacement. He wouldn't do something like that; however, there is no doubt that the General treats Miley like his own daughter. That must be why this situation is hard for him. The General is probably like the Queen in this aspect; he probably wishes for Miley to head a normal life. A life away from the horrors of the battlefield.


After he asked her a few more questions, he stood up and left without so much of a 'goodbye.' Sensing his mood Kristy didn't bother with her usual teasing remark. Whenever he acts this way, not even she would dare to cross him. Once he left, Kristy returned to her meditation. However no sooner had she sat down in that position, she frowned. She sensed all sort of turbulent emotions in the area of the castle where Lyn stayed.


On her way down to Lyn's quarters, she found the girl surrounded by a group of leaders of specific households.

"Queen Lyn, you must..."

Lyn interrupted the man, "I'm already on it, where was the fire? How many casualties?"

"There was one on the east side of town. And then the west. The attacks are random. We cannot pinpoint where they are coming from, and it's not just fire attacks. Some of the town people's behavior is starting to get affected."

"High-level magic then," Lyn murmured, "Then I'll deal with it myself."

One of the older men rubbed his forehead with his hands, "I wouldn't go. Is it not clear that they are setting a trap for you, my Queen? I heard of the brief report on your journey, and it's clear as day what's going on to anybody. You must remain more vigilant. What would happen to this Kingdom if you were gone?"

Kristy recognized the group of people Lyn was with then. It's the Pro fraction. No wonder they seem concerned about her. Though whether they are worried because they care is another story. All these people want is a ruler; somebody to lead them. A problem involving a high-level of magic? That's her cue she supposes. Kristy leaped down from the steps and landed in front of Lyn. The group seemed startled at her sudden appearance, but Lyn didn't flinch.

A deep sigh passed her lips, "You overheard?"

"Yes, I'll wait for you to boss me about ~" Kristy teased.

Lyn exhaled, "I'd rather not for a reason. If this is following the same pattern as before then the real target of this is you."

Kristy smiled, "Even more the reason for me to go," Kristy said. She couldn't figure out why the Snow Kingdom is bothering to aim for the Queen's personal circle. Most people would have the same as the man from earlier. They'd think it's a trap to lure out the Queen. Kristy does think that theory holds some truth to it. But something else is wrong here. There's a deeper meaning to all these attacks. Besides, in the end, Somina never showed herself in front of Pupillam, which broke the theory of the Snow Kingdom trying to prove their strength by sending their best people. So if it's like that, "Let me figure it out, my Queen."

Her friend looked conflicted, but she nodded, "You won't go alone. I'll go with you."

"But Queen Lyn--"

"And I shall do the same," another voice interjected.

They all turned to the source of the voice and saw Lan. Kristy's lips broke into a grin, "As expected," not even she sensed him.


Mist Kingdom - Central Town, forest-

It felt odd actually, despite how excited she was a few moments ago before they left the castle. During the academy, the three of them would often get sent on jobs together.

The pro fraction group insisted on more guards, but Kristy dismissed them and said she and Lan are more than enough to protect the Queen. They have the strength of all several people combined. Besides, it would be difficult traveling in ignito with so many people. Her gaze fell on Lyn who walked ahead; her friend had to wear a cloak with a hood to mask her appearance. In the past when people didn't recognize her, it was easier for the girl to walk around town. But it's different now. Everybody in the Mist Kingdom knew who Queen Lyn was.

They traveled through the forest route - but even with this conspicuous path.

Many people still walked down this way, so the disguise is necessary.

A man with dark hair and a scar across his eye parted ways with a gaudy looking woman. Kristy did see him come together with Lyn and the others when they returned. But she hasn't seen him since then.


Rhys turned to them; he raised an eyebrow, "Investigating?"

Lyn nodded and hurried over, "You as well?"

"More like. I got caught up in the incidence. I was having a few drinks in that place when it started. Oh, the woman you just saw was the hostess. She seemed a bit shaken up, so I gave her some money to reassure her."

Kristy knew that despite Rhys blunt way of putting it, he simply meant, 'now she can re-open her establishment.' Though the two of them weren't particularly close with each other, Lyn told her a lot about Rhys. For somebody who claims not to like him. Lyn got along unusually well with Rhys. Kristy used to think the two would make a good couple.

"Don't worry; I didn't get hurt."

Lyn looked down at her feet, "I'm not worried or anything. Like if you haven't realized, I keep bringing my knife out around you lately."


Kristy looked at the exchange between them and sighed, seems like nothing has changed here. Suddenly feeling malice, she looked around for traces of anonymity. But instead Kristy couldn't find any, or rather the malice Kristy felt it was close by. She turned to the silent Lan behind her and sweat fell as she confirmed her thoughts. Now that she thought about it, Lan doesn't like Rhys, does he?