The Promised Flower (6)

Kazuya was very concerned about the girl's wounds, so he didn't allow her to hug him for long. As much as he enjoyed the girl's embrace, the priority is her injury, "Ah, ah, such a clumsy girl. Did you trip?" Kazuya said as he lifted her feet.

Lyn said nothing, but she moved her feet away and hugged him again.

"Lyn, your injuries."

She shook her head, "I haven't seen you in so long Kazuya, let me say my part first," Lyn trailed off, "Please don't leave me alone anymore. Let me go with you," Lyn murmured.

"Geez, you don't make this easy for me.." Kazuya sighed hearing her words,

It pains him, seeing Lyn like this. Since she became Queen, Kazuya hasn't seen her weak side often. She's grown up to be refined and dignified, but Kazuya understood when he left the first time. He spoilt her so much back then, and now if he isn't around, she gets like this.

"Lyn," he spoke her name carefully, "You know that's impossible now."

His wife immediately burst into tears like a child, "Wahhh wahhhh, no don't leave me again. I won't let you go, Kazuya."

In front of the people, she is calm and collected. But in front of him, Lyn still shows him this childish side. She hasn't changed at all, Kazuya held her tightly, "I'll stay for a few more days, okay?"


When Lyn fell asleep, Kazuya used that chance to examine her wounds.

Kazuya frowned when he examined the wounds on her arm; he saw the marks on her neck when she hugged him earlier too.

"Do you get it? Just take her with you," Rhys entered the room silently.

"What about the Kingdom? I have people chasing after me, too; it isn't safe," Kazuya shook his head, "It's too dangerous in Lyn's current state."

"Current, huh?"

"Did I pamper her too much? Is it because of me that she refuses to open up to others?" Kazuya muttered.

Rhys looked down and sighed, "I don't know about how things were when you two got married. But when she was a Princess, you did pamper her a lot. You two were lost in your own world, and neglected others," Rhys paused, "But well, it wasn't an awful thing. Back then, she needed it. To feel that love, even if it only came from one person. No, the Lyn back then would not have been able to handle more than one person's love. That's why don't make that stupid face."

"Yeah," Kazuya replied. He looked at her wounds and paused, "You called a doctor?"

"It was somebody I trust, don't worry. I'm not stupid enough to leave any tracks, and you?"

Kazuya nodded. "I'm the same."

Even though he came here in a rush. He wasn't stupid enough to let anybody follow him. His gaze flickered to Lyn on the bed, and he pulled her into his arms. For some reason, she looked cold and lonely just laying there, so Kazuya picked her up. The moment he did, the pained look on the girl's face vanished, and she seemed more relaxed.

"She, still loves only you," sensing the pain in Rhys voice Kazuya turned to him.

'It must be difficult for him,' Kazuya thought. Honestly, he knew it was a gamble asking Rhys to watch over Lyn. It was a gamble considering what the two shared before. The only reason why Lyn married him was because this Kingdom needed a King. If Rhys hadn't run away, Rhys would have become the King and Lyn wouldn't have fallen in love with him again.

If that happened, then the current situation would be different.


Following Morning.

One habit he happened to pick up during his time away from Lyn, was waking up early and doing some training. In the past, he wouldn't even consider getting up this earlier. Even before he came to the Mist Kingdom and became the ambassador, he was swamped with work in the Sound Kingdom. So he treasured his sleep. When he became King, that workload increased, and he enjoyed sleeping because he had his wife beside him.

"Morning," Kazuya greeted.

"Dummy, dummy, idiot, stupid,"

Kazuya laughed, "This is some greeting my dear wife."

"You didn't sleep next to me last night."

Of course, she mentions this, "I didn't want to disturb you," if he cuddled up next to her, there's chance her wounds would reopen. He didn't want to take on that huge risk.

"I know, but I still think you're stupid."

Well, he supposes this is her way of scolding him. He deserves it. Dangers or not, he should have found a way to contact her no matter what. Lyn isn't a weakling. She is plenty strong. She is stronger than him.

However, ever since he met her and learned more and more about her - Kazuya's always wanted to lift the burden from her shoulders. He turned the girl around and dropped the wooden sword that landed on his feet with a clatter as he pulled his wife into his arms and inhaled her sweet scent. He hasn't held her like this in such a long time. Yesterday she was too emotional to talk properly.

He has a lot he wants to tell her, but right now, "Lyn, I missed you."

"Stupid, you're the one who left me, remember?"


"But, I missed you Kazuya. Don't ever leave me again," unlike yesterday, however, Kazuya noticed that there was something different about her.

Kazuya suddenly felt the girl's lips on his, ah? "This time around I was terrified, even more so than usual. Don't do this again, okay? Even if I can't come with you, please contact me often."

His gaze softened at her words, now that Lyn was thinking more rationally, she isn't acting selfishly like yesterday. But the two of them both know that the words she said yesterday are her real thoughts.


The two of them just remained like that for a while, before they laid back in bed.

It didn't take long before Lyn fell asleep again. While he wanted to chat more, it can't be helped. She seemed worn out and tired. Kazuya wonders if Lyn recalled the moment they first met yet. Though back then she vaguely recalled them meeting before - he wonders if she remembered how he was covered in wounds, and marks that weren't normal.

His gaze fell on his wife - instead of falling asleep too, Kazuya decided to watch her for a bit. It's been a long time since he last had her in his arms like this. He was honestly tempted to do something to her. Since they got married, Kazuya's actually held himself back a lot. Rhys told him before 'If you love her, you'll want to touch her all the time,' Kazuya always thought that his friend was unreasonable towards his approach regarding his wife. But he quickly understood when he started to date her, and even more so after the two of them got married.