The Promised Flower (7)

While Rhys brought Kazuya here to reassure Lyn, he still intended to continue his advances. However, when he saw the sight earlier - he froze in shock and since then has not moved an inch. Rhys was lounging around on the grass deep in thought when he saw Lyn wake up and greet Kazuya. Rhys knew he should already be used to it, he saw it back then didn't he? The two flirting with each other all the time. However, for some reason, this was more painful.

As much as it pained Rhys seeing Kazuya and Lyn together, it relieved him to have his friend around. This way, he didn't have to worry and could sneak out as he pleased. After his talk with Luxin, he knew it would be better to deal with the matter alone.

His gaze fell on Lyn who had woken up and was staring at Kazuya curiously.

Seeing her bright smile as she stared at his husband, Rhys turned away and walked down the path exiting the grounds.

It truly is over between them isn't it? Isn't this what he wanted? He was the one who erased Lyn's memories after the jade war three years ago. He erased the feelings they shared and their beautiful memories. This is what he did, so why does he regret it so much?


A few days later - Spiral inn -

For the last few days, Rhys spent his time in Spiral inn. Another day spent with gaining bits and pieces of information, surrounded by drunken men and slutty women who threw themselves at him left and right. Tonight, however, he wasn't here for work. The other day he ran into some old friends, and today he accompanied them for a drink. But amongst those friends was a man he wanted to get acquainted with.

A man named, 'Taka' a direct subordinate of the man named Joe who is planning a rebellion. A man with enough influence to demand his presence. Unlike his master, this man is not merely shrewd, but he has enough charisma, and strength to make even lords obey his every command. Nobody challenged his authority too.

This man is a noble, judging from the way he disguised his name. However, he follows a commoner man who recently obtained a noble status. While that's not an unusual story in the Mist Kingdom, Rhys didn't understand why a man like Taka would obediently follow somebody with fewer skills. Other than being shrewd, Joe possesses no particular characteristic/talent that would make him stand out. So why would a man like Taka overflowing charisma and skill, follow him?

His thoughts broke off when Taka commented, "You have not been drinking much, Rhys," Indeed, for the last few minutes since they sat down. Rhys had been playing around with the food.

"Do you dislike sake?"

While Rhys had been doing a good job disguising himself and blending in, he is sure others not just Taka have noticed how he avoided drinking the alcohol. He heard from Luxin that the sake in this place contains traces of witchcraft. The sake would taste normal. But one would not get too drunk, that's why people would keep asking for more and more. But what others don't realize is that your body slowly becomes paralyzed the moment you drink. Somebody with this knowledge would not drink it, especially those like him. He is the type of person who wouldn't settle for a few glasses.

"I am unaccustomed to such richness," Rhys replied. It was not exactly a lie; this town is famous for its excellent food and drinks.

One of the serving women approached him, "Rhys, your presence is required by the Princess," a tall woman with dark raven hair and silver-colored eyes whispered in his ear.

With such distinct features, Rhys recognized her as a woman who belonged to a clan in the Sound Kingdom. It struck him as odd, however, to see someone from that group here. While relations between the two Kingdoms have now been patched up due to Lyn and Kazuya's marriage. Many refused to step foot in Mist Kingdom soil. Many who could not forget the grudge from the past.

The Princess she just mentioned, however, must not belong to the girl's clan. In the Sound Kingdom, there are several other noble families other than his own. But these noble families have a hierarchy, seldom could freely carry and use the 'Princess title.'

"The person I am speaking about is Princess Kaede."

Kaede, a few years ago, he met the girl when she was a mere child. A lot of time has passed since then, so she must have been in her mid-teens - at most sixteen years old. Definitely of marriageable age, and old enough to take charge of her household.

"She wishes to meet with me?"

"Yes, it is urgent," the woman paused and whispered, "About the woman who came with you," despite the vague terminology Rhys understood.

He quickly stood up.


Rhys wrapped his arms around the woman, and turned to Taka, "This woman offered me a good price for a good time. I'll amuse myself for a bit,"

"Boo, Rhys gets all the fun."

"Don't come back, you jerk," the others jeered at him. But Rhys noticed how Taka had refrained from replying. Rhys did not wait for a response and closed the door behind them.

Once they were a safe distance away, he lets the woman go, and she led him to another room. The room was located on the fourth floor of the establishment, right at the center. The woman knocked on the door, and a soothing voice replied, "Enter,"

Inside the room was a lovely teenage girl with maroon-colored hair and pink eyes. For somebody with eastern blood to have eyes like jewels truly struck people as odd. The girl's parents were pure eastern, and no traces in the family history show Western blood. 'She's a beauty,' Rhys thought. The girl was overflowing with charisma and elegance. But even he could tell she was no flower; she sat in a dignified manner - overflowing with strength.

Rhys nodded, "It is an honour to meet you, Princess Kaede."

"It is a pleasure Prince Rhys," Kaede replied. For a split second hearing, the Prince title made him flinch. It is common knowledge amongst the people living in the Sound Kingdom that he disliked his title with a burning passion. However, he supposes this girl does not know about it.

Rhys nodded.

"My mother offers her apologies; she is helping some clans move out before the war starts," judging from what she said. The girl's whole clan was here. Quite some time has passed since he was in the Sound Kingdom, so it shouldn't be too surprising to hear other families moved here, "But of course that is just a formality, Mother is searching for any traces of the spies. As you know, the anti-council has recruited quite a few people who are dissatisfied with the Mist and Sound Kingdom's merge."

The contents of the conversation aside, Rhys had to admit he was impressed with the way the girl spoke. 'She does not act like a teenager, she resembles Lyn when she was younger,' Rhys thought. What sparked his interest to come here was this girl's resemblance to Lyn, "That's not why you called me out here, Princess Kaede, you saw me with Queen Lyn?"

The girl stopped playing with her fan and placed it down. A serious look appeared in her eyes, "You are aware this town is mainly under the Snow Kingdom's influence?"

"The Snow Kingdom? Is it not just under the Witch command?"

Kaede shook her head, "The Snow Kingdom's Queen J has frequently come here."

The Snow Kingdom's Queen? She came here?!