The Cursed Love (1)

"Will you tell me one day?"

That's right; it doesn't have to be right away. The two of them have more important matters to deal with, while issues regarding their relationship should come first. Right now, they have to prioritize the Kingdom matters.

Her sentence fell short when Kazuya buried his face in her chest, "Lyn, don't hate me. You know I love you," her gaze turned soft at his words. Yes, yes, she knows that. The decision to bring her and Rhys together probably wasn't an easy one for him.

"I know you were thinking about my best interest. You didn't want me to be lonely."


As Lyn stood by the window lost in thought. Her gaze fell on her husband, Kazuya, who fell asleep. Lyn was about to walk over when she felt approaching footsteps.

Lyn looked up and saw a man with ash blonde hair. "Luxin."

"I came to deliver a message. The Witch poisoned Rhys."

Her eyes go wide in alarm, and her face broke out into sweat. For a spilt second, Lyn wanted nothing more than to rush out and help Rhys. Turning a blind eye to those who are on the verge of death or sustained a severe injury. Lyn has never been able to do that.

'No, there is something more, but I cannot act on those emotions. There is only Kazuya for me, I have to repeat this to resolve myself.'

"You will not go see him?" Luxin asked.

"Just now, that reaction was out of instinct because I can't turn a blind eye when an innocent person is harmed. But that is far as I shall go," Lyn muttered, "Though my heart is in pain. I will not follow this," indeed, something must have happened before. The moment she heard the words Rhys getting poisoned, something inside her triggered.

"Do you take me for a cruel women?"

"Most people who end up being the Queen have a level of cruelty inside them," Luxin trailed off, "However when it comes to you. You are especially cruel, but only when it comes to Rhys. Pardon me for saying so. But I have to ask, is it deliberate? Leading him on the way you have. If it's you, illness or not, you could have escaped a long time ago. Why did you make him believe he stood a chance and stayed here with him?"

Luxin is a man of little words, so for him to say this much. Lyn understood that he must have held all this back while he silently observed the situation.

"I wanted answers, but it seemed like he was going to be stubborn on this matter to the very end. While the past is something I can't erase, what happened did happen. I cannot reciprocate his feelings for me now," Lyn nodded to herself. No matter how close the two of them got - in her heart there is only Kazuya, "You see, it's not like I don't appreciate it. I'm very grateful. Despite his methods, Rhys has always treated me very well. But whenever he was kind to me, I would always remember Kazuya. His acts of kindness always reminded me of Kazuya. I could never love him. Even if I had a thousand lives, I'd give my heart to one person and one person alone."

No matter what happens, she already made her mind up a long time ago.

Yes, she shouldn't have used Rhys, that was wrong of her. However at least this way, Lyn knew Rhys would understand. No matter how close they got to each other. In the end, her heart cannot be moved by him.

"The matter of the heart is a fragile topic. But you have already decided. Even that stubborn Rhys would understand this," Luxin said.

Lyn softly laughed, "If he doesn't, I won't be surprised if he ends up hating me."

"Even that won't change your mind?"

Lyn shook her head, "It won't. I only love Kazuya; I'll do anything to stand by his side and his alone."

"I heard your stubborn answers loud and clear," a voice muttered in her ear. A pair of warm and familiar arms wrapped around her from behind. Lyn knew right away who it belonged too.


"Luxin, leave us."

Luxin nodded and quickly left the area, leaving her alone with Kazuya. Since he was hugging her from the back, Lyn felt his breath trickle down her skin. It felt soothing to her. Kazuya is so close, right now he's next to her. Right now, he is beside her.

"You are stubborn. Poor Rhys,"

"I don't care what he thinks, your the most important person to me," Lyn murmured.

Kazuya laughed, "Really, my dear wife. Your still madly in love with me?"

"If we're talking about the one who fell in love first that would be you," Lyn said.

"Indeed, that's true. Hey, turn around,"

Lyn does so, and Kazuya bent down and pressed a gentle kiss on her forehead, nose, and lips, " You are so very precious to me Lyn, don't ever leave me."

"That's my line if you leave me again. I'll get very angry."

"So, I guess that means you'll be coming with me?"

"Yes," Lyn nodded. Though she said all that stuff about being righteous and not acting based on her emotions. Lyn understood full well that she was only lying to herself. When she saw Kazuya broke down. The last remaining piece of resolve she had immediately shattered, "I'll go with you,"

"They will get angry at you."

"It's okay; the moment brother finds out I'm gone, he will rush back. And Allen is still there."

Kazuya hold on her tightened, and Lyn laughed, "Dear husband, why are you more bothered about Allen than Rhys?"

"Natural instinct."

How stupid. She is sorry, Pupilllam, and everyone. But Lyn hoped they could wait for her for a bit longer. Just a bit longer, let her stay with Kazuya. Her thoughts break off when she hears the sound of a chime not too far away. It was the wind chime Rhys attached in front of the door.

'I thought you would like to see something pretty when you wake up.'

Lyn clenched her fist and buries her face in Kazuya arms even more. No, do not think about Rhys. Do not think about him. Despite her firm and strong refusal, her heart was wavering. How much longer can she continue lying until somebody notices? How much longer can she contain her longing to see him and rush to his side?

Or has somebody noticed already? She raised her face to look at Kazuya. Does he know?


XXX Town Central Manor

"Why? Why is Rhys not dead yet? Isn't the antidote you sold to Princess Kaede fake?" Ayah screamed at the man in front of her.

He was the town's local medic assistant. Princess Kaede didn't know. But Ayah already spoke to the local medic that Princess Kaede frequently visited. The old man, however, wouldn't budge so she had to bribe the assistant to slip in the fake antidote.

"Indeed, it was Madam, but that man is stubborn. He won't die."

Why? Why won't he die? As long as he is alive, Luke will never take her in as his wife. Luke still doubts her. Luke still thinks something is going on between her and Rhys. That man has to die brutally by her own hands, otherwise...