The Cursed Love (2)

But how can she kill him? Even Ayah understood it. That man has unbelievable luck; he won't die so easily. Is there something she can do? Perhaps use Queen Lyn? As these thoughts ran through her mind, her attendant appeared by her side.

"Lady Ayah,"

"What?!!" Ayah snapped. She wasn't in the mood. Her head felt like it was spinning; she was dizzy - she most likely needed to rest. Ayah knew that the last time she went to sleep was a month or two ago. Though she used magic to suppress her tiredness, there is a limit to it. It seemed like she finally hit it. Ayah placed her hand on her head and exhaled deeply as she asked.

The attendant whispered a few things in her ear, and Ayah's eyes widened.

"Is that true? She left the town?"

"Yes, she was with a young man."

Young man, "The King?" Ayah muttered she couldn't think of anybody else who would be able to convince Queen Lyn.

"Madam Ayah, that means Prince Rhys is left alone. There is a limit to how much Princess Kaede can protect him."

Her lips curve to a smile as she heard those words. It would have been troublesome for her to face the Queen head-on, even though she made that gamble, Ayah understood what the consequences would be. Facing King Kazuya is dangerous too. Ayah knew the limitations to her power while she was a lot stronger now. There are certain people she is better of avoiding.

Rhys, now that your dear Queen Lyn has abandoned you. Ayah would like to see what he would do and see his reaction.


Year 4019 - Snow Kingdom

It didn't take them long to reach the Snow Kingdom. Or rather Kazuya used the secret portal. He did not want to have her travel so far in her condition, and they wouldn't be able to leave without being seen. At least this way, even though they left, they are not exposed to the public's eyes. At some point, she must have fallen asleep, because when Lyn woke up, she found herself in an unfamiliar room.


No response. Lyn frowned as she scanned her surroundings. The place was relatively small, so Lyn could tell there would not be a lot of rooms to search. She can detect Kazuya when he is nearby anyway. So Lyn knew he was still around somewhere. With that in mind, Lyn stood up. Shrugging of the weak feeling in her body, she opened the doors.

Where could he have gone? In the corner of her eye, she spotted somebody, but it wasn't her husband. A girl wearing a flower print kimono. 'This must be her,' Lyn thought. The girl people said Kazuya was cheating on her with. Just now, when she woke up, she felt that there was a malice aura, it must have come from the child. Lyn was about to call out to her and ask if she saw Kazuya but decided against it.

She turned the other way and walked down the corridor. Thankfully after she approached the end, she hears familiar voices coming from the last door At the very end. Lyn made her way over and noticed that the door wasn't fully closed.

A man with grey hair and wearing glasses was lecturing her husband.

"I can't believe you brought your wife here! What were you thinking? We aren't going to travel in luxurious conditions."

"Lyn doesn't care about luxury, you know. Besides she's going to sleep beside me, she won't take up much room,"

"I'm talking about food rations…"

"Then can we just escort that girl to her village already?"

Lyn stood silently outside the door and listened. Well, she figured this wouldn't be easy. Why would it? Kazuya was traveling with companions; obviously, they wouldn't accept her right away. Lyn felt a headache coming along, but she shook her head and opened the door.

"Kazuya," she called out.

"Lyn!" he immediately rushed over and wrapped his arms around her, "What's the matter? Did you hear? Don't mind it."

"Kazuya, it's okay if I don't eat. I can use magic to stop the hunger," Lyn said.

Kazuya sighed, "Don't be stupid, Lyn. You can't use that magic in your current condition. What are you doing up? I told you to rest."

"I can't rest without you."

Laughter passed her husbands lips, "Right right."


Room -

For the last few minutes since they returned to the room. The two of them laid in each other's arms, Kazuya gently caressing her hair.

"Kazuya, that girl is the one from the rumors?"

Earlier when she just woke up, Lyn felt that somebody's piercing gaze on her. When she walked out, she spotted a girl from the corner.

Kazuya nodded, "Sorry, I think I overdid it and treated her with too much kindness," he looked down with a guilty expression

Lyn laughed, "You don't have to explain. If you had something going on with her, I would have noticed right away,"

"My wife is very clever and is very pretty."

"As long as you know."

"What would you do if I did get taken away?"

"There is no 'what if's' that's impossible. You're helplessly in love with me, but let's see if by chance some fly does get too close," Lyn smiled, "I'll crush her."

"My wife is getting scary. Why don't I console you?" Kazuya said and wrapped his arms around her.

"This isn't consoling but bribery."

"My wife likes getting bribed."

Lyn laughed again; he's so silly. But it's so warm in his arms. Her gaze softened as she snuggled up to him, "Kazuya, was it irresponsible of me? To leave the Kingdom?"

"It was."

"Was it cruel of me to abandon Rhys?"

"That's up to you. But you don't have to worry about him too much. Rhys won't die even if thousands of men surround him," Kazuya explained.

That's true. Rhys has always been able to get through any situation. No matter what happens.

"Kazuya, since we met up. You have done nothing to me."

At that comment her husband's face turned beat red, "You know my dear wife, there should be a limit to your carelessness," Kazuya paused, "You understand right?" his troubled look only made her smile.

"Well, don't I have the right to ask?"

Kazuya ran his hand through his hair, "Lyn, we aren't alone. Otherwise, I would have done something."

"So Kazuya you're the type to take advantage of me when I'm defenseless?"

"Oi, you're messing around too much."

Lyn laughed, "But you really are far too fun to teas--" her sentence fell short when she burst into a fit of coughs.


"It's okay," Lyn assured him.

But Kazuya shook his head, "It really must be near though. Until it ends up in your hands, the ones who have it can use it against you. This is one of the reasons why I didn't want you to come with me," Kazuya trailed off, "But, at the same time I can't guarantee they wouldn't simply ask somebody from the anti-friction to use it against you. This way, I can protect you."

"I don't need your protection," Lyn started but she smiled when she saw his panicked expression, "Rather than protect me, I'd rather fight alongside you,"


She gently reached out and caressed his cheek and leaned forward till their foreheads brushed against each other.

"I will fight alongside you and ensure that nobody harms you Kazuya."

"Why do you always say lines that guys are supposed to say?"

'I'm serious,' Lyn thought. Even though he's right, the man should be saying those words. Lyn wanted to fight together as husband and wife. Like before, the dreams they envisioned on that day - she wants them to take flight properly.