The Sound of the Waterfall

Kazuya was torn between his friend and Lyn. Both of them love and treasure her. Kazuya does not doubt that Rhys feelings wouldn't lose out to his. Indeed, Rhys has proved that on more than one occasion already. If it's Rhys, Lyn will be just fine. Honestly, Kazuya was surprised. He's been gone for so long now and yet Rhys only just returned to Lyn's side.

He thought Lyn was like the wind, even her footsteps. They were light and delicate. Just like the wind, eventually, she would leave him. No matter how much a person claims to love another person, feelings are fragile and can change just like that.

Lyn always remained in his memories, no matter how much time passes by. No matter how much he doesn't see her, Kazuya has never forgotten her. Lyn always carried a scent of desperate longing. Her presence was so weak that it was as if she wouldn't be there after a second. Yet at the same time, her presence was so strong, so powerful like a flame. Her presence would remain firmly engraved in his head. He could never forget his wife.

"Apparently, there are loads of rumors about me abandoning her," Kazuya recalled her disturbed expression earlier. When they saw each other again after so long, Lyn held onto him so tightly and told him never to leave her again.

Heisuke paused and nodded, "Mainly because of Xia; I won't deny that. I already told her to stop, so there shouldn't be anymore."

"Xia?" Kazuya raised his eyes at the culprit. He figured it was someone who saw their group and misunderstood.

"Don't tell me you didn't realize?"

Kazuya recalled how the girl reacted, and how she's been since Lyn got here. Now that he thought about it, a knowing ah escaped his lips. Heisuke, however, kept shaking his head.

"Unbelievable, I can't believe you didn't notice a thing."

"How was I supposed to know?"

"Your clueless on this matter, but you get jealousy easily."

Kazuya flinched.

Kazuya has always seen the third Prince as his biggest rival. But there was never any indications of jealousy, though there were some signs with other men before. Kazuya tried to avoid displaying his jealous side too much. He didn't want to bother Lyn.

"Why do you look so relieved?"

Heisuke smiled, "Well, you're expressing more emotions now than before. In contrast to when they first met, this is without a doubt a good thing."

Kazuya said nothing to that and drank another cup. He certainly hopes Lyn doesn't wake up and sees him drinking; she would most likely lecture him.

"In other words, your jealous.."

"That's normal," Kazuya murmured.

"Normal indeed. Then don't you think it's fine? Because your not the only jealous one."

"Xia is a friend."

Heisuke fiddles with the cup in his hands, "A friend eh, a friend with clearly more benefits than others."

Kazuya sighs, "This is stupid, I already discussed this with her," he and Lyn have already spoken about the things that bother her. What's been happening since they were apart. Their relationship hasn't changed at all; they've always been honest with each other.

"Is that so? I didn't know," Heisuke said, causing his Kazuya to sigh deeply.

"Since Xia is causing Lyn so much trouble, I already plan to send her back. These days she's getting in the way rather than helping anyway."

"Quit it, Xia is a kid. It's disturbing. Why would I go for a child?"

Heisuke paused, and before his friend could say anything, Kazuya chucks a pillow in his direction.

"I'm kidding; I know you've never treated her as a woman. But your kindness can mislead a child."

"I didn't think much of it; Lyn always told me to treat people with kindness," yes, the only reason he was kind to the girl in the first place is because of the words Lyn told him. "If my wife didn't tell me to act nice, do you think I'd do so?"

"Indeed, you're usually the brooding type."

Kazuya deeply sighed. "Quit it," his gaze flickered towards the outside. The snow in this place was the same as ever, still falling continuously, "I've always wondered how the people here survive under such conditions."

"Um," their conversation fell short when they hear a faint voice coming from the doorway.

"Kazuya, she is here."

Kazuya glanced up but coldly averts his gaze, as though he wasn't interested. It's not like he wanted to treat her coldly,

"Go to sleep already Lyn. It's late."

He tried to act indifferent, but honestly, it was difficult for him to keep up an act like this. But Kazuya figured the only way for Lyn to willingly leave before a month is him being mean. The plan sounds stupid in his head, but what choice did he have? Even if he wants to be selfish and keep Lyn

"Kazuya….stay with me? "

Now, now pal, how can you resist when she's asking you cutely like that? Clearly, this made him withdraw a bit. Lyn looks so cute asking her like this. What's with those clothes she's wearing too? It just looks so dammed good on her and that face she is making now. After what he just did with her, Kazuya had to admit that he was still horny, he wanted more from her. That was part of the reason why he stood up and left. Kazuya didn't want to break the self-control he built these last few years. But this is Lyn he is talking about,

"I, won't be able to control myself if I'm beside you. No just seeing you…I.."

Lyn faintly smiled, "It's …alright… I'm alright now so, please…. touch me."

Is his wife kidding, it's apparent that she is forcing herself. But even so, the reason why she is doing so is because of him. Kazuya took a deep breath, he stood up and made his way over, scooping the girl into his arms. Whenever he held his wife in his arms, he would feel safety and assurance that he never felt before. There really is something about this girl that is different than all the others.

"Why is it, that even now your still so stubborn…?'

"Kazuya also, stubborn and an idiot," Lyn mumbled.

Kazuya recalled what happened earlier and laughed, "My wife, it's your fault for being adorable," this comment of his earned a hint, "You don't think so?"

"Quiet idiot."

"But I'm serious," Kazuya's tone turned serious, and he cupped her cheeks, "You are my wife, I love only you and you alone. Nobody else can stand in our way, even if they do I'll get rid of them."