Concealed regrets

Two hours later

Kazuya's gaze fell on the woman fast asleep before him. When he recalled what happened almost two hours back, he screams internally in his head. To think they finally did it. He hasn't touched her at all since their wedding night. Honestly, he was holding back a bit. Naturally, he would hold back. With the girl's condition, physical activity isn't the wisest decision. Unlike Rhys, he's always been patient with her. Romance doesn't have to revolve around being intimate, anyway. They expressed their love in different ways.

He suddenly recalled what Lyn said earlier and deeply sighed. It's not like that. Kazuya understood that Lyn was bitter that one of the reasons he left so long was because of Rhys. However, Kazuya genuinely felt terrible about what happened back then even though Rhys and Lyn were already dating, no they were already married

During the jade war, Lyn ended up severely injured and while Rhys was healing her. He saw her memories of Lyn longing to see him and how their relationship was only a formality. Rhys didn't want to get the girls hopes up because he wasn't ever sure that he would return, so he erased her memories. The memories of the two dating, and her strong emotions towards him.

'I was the one who broke up with Lyn, even though I was trying to fool Lethia. I shouldn't have gone along with that plan.'

Rhys and Lyn got together shortly after. It didn't surprise him, for the longest time it felt like the two had been holding themselves back for his sake. If Rhys didn't lose his eyesight due to the battle against the dragon, he would have surely remained by Lyn's side.

It bothered him greatly, and he couldn't get rid of the disturbing feeling in his heart. Before Kazuya knew it, he was leaving more often. It became a habit that he couldn't break. Kazuya was afraid that if he stayed by her side, then one day Lyn would realize that she still liked Rhys. Kazuya was afraid that she would remember how cruel he was then, and that Rhys was the one who stood by her side.

Lyn stirred in his arms, for a moment she had an uncomfortable expression on her face, but when she found his hand, she smiled. 'Silly girl,' Kazuya thought. She should hate him for leaving her for so long. For not being a good husband to her, but instead, she shows him that even now, she still loves him.

But, eventually she will remember and when she does, he has to prepare himself.


When Kazuya stepped out of the room and made his way to the foyer, he noticed that somebody else was there too. "Heisuke."

"Sit down." Heisuke said.

In the next few minutes, Kazuya hears Heisukes report regarding the situation. That girl attacked a few days back, and only just woke up today. The people who attacked the girl were indeed members of the Snow Kingdom.

"So? About your wife, you do realize that.." Heisuke started slowly and Kazuya immediately cut him off.

"I know, I know. I'll send her back," Kazuya sighed."Honestly, this isn't easy at all for me. I haven't been a very good husband to her. Lyn was patient with me these last few years. No matter how many times I disappeared, she didn't say anything. She had to run the entire Kingdom all by herself. While that's not uncommon. Usually, the main ruler has somebody who can help her out. Lyn didn't ask anybody for help; she just shouldered the burden all by herself."

"It's been hard on her, and she even came this far to find you. I feel bad, too, but the Mist Kingdom is in chaos. She can't stay here for too long. At most another month, maybe even less. For now, we can take advantage that both sides are in chaos."

"Both sides?" Kazuya repeated.

"Queen J has supposedly locked herself away in a secluded temple."


"Alone," Heisuke nodded, "The head knight is taking charge of the palace affairs. But, even then, he has not made a move."

That's strange, that guy should be more than capable to keep up the attack and charge towards the Mist Kingdom. But they suddenly stopped? How odd. After a few drinks and discussion, Kazuya was prepared to head back inside, but Heisuke suddenly asked.

"By the way, I've wanted to ask. How did you fall in love with her?"

Kazuya looked at his friend dumbfounded; this was not the kind of question he was expecting.


"I mean, you and your wife aren't the same? Personality-wise your other companion would be more suitable for her."

Kazuya sighed, "Well, it's a long story."

"I'm all ears."

For the next two hours, Kazuya tells Heisuke the details of how he met Lyn. He didn't leave anything out. To his surprise, Heisuke sat there and listened to him. Once he finished, Heisuke nodded.

"I see," Heisuke trailed off, "I figured it was something like that."

What's with that vague wording?

"I'm just saying this because I feel like you really like her..."

"Huh? Isn't that obvious?"

Heisuke shook his head, "It's challenging to tell your feelings. Just because you aren't aware of it though, doesn't mean you didn't have a feeling? You're the type of person who pushes away those who get too close. Once you get too attached to someone, the more you'll push them away."

"Ha," Kazuya laughed, "You understand me too well."

"Kazuya, Queen Lyn is your wife. You should talk to her properly. I can tell you that she loves you a lot."

"Lyn and me," Kazuya closed his eyes and an image of Lyn when she was a Princess appeared in his head. She was wearing one of the dresses he bought her and holding a flower towards him, "..were destined to be apart. I was her enemy; I was supposed to force her to submit to me and divorce her afterward. The elders made it clear that they didn't want me to take it seriously since my engagement with the Princess was still ongoing then."

"So you disobeyed them?"

"In the end yes," Kazuya nodded, "When they picked me up from the facility, I was very grateful towards them; finally I could be free. But in the end, my freedom was still limited. People were still keeping tabs on my actions, and I had to follow disturbing orders. No matter what happens, though, I can handle it. However, when the order about Lyn came, I immediately wavered. They noticed that and so they asked Rhys. But Rhys, he really fell for Lyn, and even if it meant sacrificing his own happiness, he let her go."

While the two of them had an unusual friendship, considering how this was the first time Rhys was serious about a girl, Kazuya always thought that he would try to steal Lyn back. Not only did Rhys not do that, but he also stayed away from her and hasn't seen her in years. If he didn't tell Rhys to take care of her, then he would most likely stay away from her even now.