Wait for me


Rhys didn't know what he expected to see. So many years have passed since he dealt with something like this, so what did he expect? A gruff looking man had pushed down a beautiful woman and was currently undoing her clothes. The woman was weak and she tried to push him away, but it did her no good. The entire room smelled of alcohol. Judging from the rooms state, tattered beddings and blood on the ground. Rhys knew what kind of person this guy was.

One of those old abandoned nobles with barely any money left. They go to places like this and release their frustration on young females. In the past he often had to deal with people like this because of Mel, the girl's clients were crazy. He lost count how many times he had to intervene.

Rhys reached over and yanked the man by the collar and threw him across the room.

"Are you o--" Rhys paused when he saw who it was.

It was the woman who ran away from him, despite promising him that she would help him. 'I will help you forget her, I will make sure you fall in love with me. But even then I will not leave your side.'

She too seemed surprised to see him.

"Sir Rhys.."

Sir Rhys? He couldn't forget how it was Rhys before she ran away from him. This woman was a former courtesan, the one who he often saw. The reason why he bothered with such places. The woman named Melissa.

She seemed startled and quickly stood up to leave. But Rhys grabbed hold of her wrist. "Mel."


"Don't run away, I haven't seen you in so long."

How many years has passed since this person left him? Rhys already knew the arrangement he had with her was a strange one. But he didn't think she would leave him.

"I've missed you, please...please don't go." Rhys mumbled. He didn't realize how much he missed her until she finally left. He didn't realize how important she was.

It's true that he likes Lyn a lot, even now Lyn is still the one he wants. But he can't deny that he may at some point had feelings for Mel too. It was comforting being by her side. They spent so much time together after she left the establishment. So it was only normal for him to obtain some type of feelings for her right?

Rhys didn't realize that Melissa had turned around. The kiss was brief and Rhys didn't get a chance to react because she quickly pulled away. He extended his hand out. "Come with me."



"Rhys," Melissa mumbled. "I've missed you greatly. I've waited for you to come around this entire time. It was a sheer coincidence that we met here. I heard the rumors that you came back, and wanted to meet you. But my teacher told me to wait for awhile."

"Teacher?" The two of them were holding hands as they walked down the cooridoor.

"Yes, she is a very nice woman. She was the one who found me. I ran away carelessly and quickly ran out of money. She was the one who helped me."

"I see."

"Are you still upset with me? I truly didn't want to leave you Rhys."

"Why did you go?"

Melissa bit her lip before she spoke up. "Please don't be angry."

"Angry?" Rhys repeated. "From your tone, I can guess somebody forced you to leave. If I find out who that person is--"

"Sir Kazuya came to see me." Melissa interjected.

Huh? Wait what? What? What did she just say?


"He told me that he is very sorry. 'But at this stage, Rhys might fall in love with you. I can't have that. I need him to be there for Lyn, if something happens to me. So please, please go. Lyn likes Rhys more than she thinks. She won't disregard him.'" Melissa paused. "At that time I thought it was very selfish of him. I didn't want to leave you, I wanted to be with you no matter what. But, when I saw that sincere look in his eyes. When I weighed down the situation, I understood."

At that comment Rhys pushed the girl towards the wall and snapped angrily. "Are you stupid? What weighed down the situation?!! Why didn't you think of my feelings."

To his surprise Melissa didn't look away from him. "I thought of your feelings Rhys. You liked Princess Lyn a lot. With the current situation, even if you fell for me, you would leave me for her if you got the chance."


She brushed her forehead against his. "Even now I care for you deeply. Your the only one I love. But, I was going to meet you to confirm your state of mine. You still like the Queen."

"I do." Rhys admitted. "But you.."

He doesn't want to lose her after not meeting her for so many years. Just now when he saw her again, Rhys recalled the first time they met and the last time he saw her.

"I shall wait for you, please end things with her properly. If you decide that you can't do that, then I will stay by your side as your friend for the rest of your life."

That's too cruel, he can't do that to her. But Melissa is willing to sacrifice her feelings just for him. This girl, he didn't realize how much she loved him until she left. A perfectly good girl who liked him. In his eyes he only saw Lyn, he disregarded anybody else. Even when he was in the Sun Kingdom and noticed the Princess affections for him.

Melissa brushed her lips against his. "I know this is not the time. But could you kiss me like how you used to?"

His eyes widened and he felt the tears well up in his eyes. Melissa's gaze remained gentle. "Rhys, I never blamed you. Please kiss me, I've missed you so much."

He didn't hesitate. In the back of his mind, there was a voice telling him this was his chance. If he accepted Melissa again, then he could finally end things with Lyn. This was his chance, a second chance for him to redeem himself.

Rhys wrapped his arms around the girl's waist and kissed her. He kissed her lightly at first but it quickly became passionate. "Mel." Rhys mumbled. "Wait for me."

"I shall."