Marry again

After she pondered on it for so long, Lyn intended to find Rhys and apologize. 'My actions don't make any sense.' It's only normal for him to get angry and walk away. Lyn didn't understand what she was trying to do, either.

Lyn didn't leave her Kingdom to fool around with feelings she had in the past. She left her Kingdom to find her husband, and to bring him back. But if that's what she intended, then why did she come to find Rhys? Sure he got hurt for her sake. But Lyn understood that it wouldn't last long. She intended to find him.

Before Lyn could, though, some bandits ambushed her. Now Lyn understood why those bandits were strange. They didn't intend to take her life or steal anything from her. They simply wanted to lead her away from Rhys place and into the forest.

Her gaze fell on the group of people standing in front of her. All of them wore the purple Mist Kingdom cloaks. A deep sigh escaped her lips.

"What do you call this Lord Sa?" Lyn frowned. "Cornering your Queen like this."

"You misunderstand, we simply wish for you to go back."

Lyn laughed. "You brought so many people with you. This isn't a simple escort mission back."

But she does not sense any malicious intentions. So it's not like they intend to kill her, and yet Lyn felt uneasy. They wouldn't come here to fetch her with such a huge crowd.

"Indeed, we plan to have you get married along the way."

At that comment, her eyes widened, but she was only stunned for a moment. Lyn had a feeling they would eventually do something like this. Many of the elders disliked Kazuya. They compared him to the previous King, her father.

He was never around and left her alone a lot. He wouldn't show up to formal ceremonies either. It was like she was running the country alone. But little did they know, half of the plans she put into motion for the Kingdom was his idea.

These people don't realize how amazing their King is and how much he did for the Kingdom. Indeed, not being around was certainly inconvenient. She understood why they thought he wasn't suited to be King. But, most of their reasons for disliking him comes from their prejudiced ideas.

"So, who do you propose I marry?" Lyn said with a smile. "Do you think I would accept just anybody?"

"Actually, it's more like we want to reinitiate him as your husband again. Your first husband, Prince Rhys."


Right at that moment, they hear the sound of a horse. Lyn glanced over and spotted Rhys. He wasn't alone, though; there was somebody else on horseback with him. Lyn immediately recognized the woman even though she had changed a lot.

'Melissa.' Lyn thought.

Rhys rushed over with a distressed expression. He immediately stood between her and the nobles. He draped his cloak around her. "You're wearing such little clothing."

"I was in a hurry. I wanted to find you."

He nodded and grabbed her hands. "Your cold."

"It's okay."

Rhys shook his head and frowned. He turned to the nobles with an angry expression. "What are you guys thinking? I don't know what kind of crazy plan you have for her, but she is still your Queen. If you wanted something, you should have just spoken to her at the residence."

"Sir Rhys, we did this for your sake."

"That's right; we came all the way here for you two."


"You see, we think it's high time you regain the throne, as her first husband."

The aura around Rhys grew heavy, and Lyn felt the atmosphere grow tense. This suggestion didn't please him.

"Do you know what you're saying right now?" Rhys snapped.

"Of course we do. You married her first, isn't it normal for you to be the King?"

Clearly, the other nobles didn't sense the aura around Rhys. 'Why would they suggest like that, though?' If Rhys didn't tell her before, then Lyn would be very shocked right now. But because they discussed it, Lyn was prepared.

Since he told her, Lyn vaguely started to recall things from back then.

It was a vague ceremony, but she married Rhys.

"It's funny your all saying this now." Rhys snapped. "Weren't you the ones who kicked me down and said I don't deserve her? You're the ones who dragged Lyn back after I escaped with her. You're the ones who said that I don't deserve her. So why on earth are you saying this now?"

Rhys was furious, and she understood why. Indeed, they were the ones who told Rhys to stay away from her. So she doesn't understand their intentions now.

Lyn buried her face in his arms. "Calm down. It's okay." She mumbled.

"Lyn…" Rhys protested. "But these people--"

"It's fine."

It's okay, in the end, these nobles don't know anything. All of them are mere figureheads. They feel the need to bring Rhys back even though they like him less than Kazuya. The reason is the current situation. The Snow Kingdom's power is growing as each day passes by. All of them fear death. Rhys didn't like her reply and bent down to whisper in her ear.

"You sure? I can deal with them."

Lyn knew he could - Rhys could successfully send them away. But, she shook her head. "They are pawns too."

The after-effects of her sister's rule still lingered, despite so many years going by. Eldest sister Lethia strongly influenced these people.

Rhys sighed. "You're far too nice if it were me I would have---" His sentence fell short when he saw her expression.

Lyn couldn't help but look over at Melissa, who was by the horse. Rhys followed her gaze and pulled her into his arms. "Don't misunderstand."

"I'm not."

She is curious, though. Didn't that woman run away and leave him? How come she is back now? It was the first time for her seeing Rhys that way. For a long time, he would have nightmares of that woman leaving him. Lyn always felt very bad about it. She knew that person most-likely left because of the feelings Rhys had for her.

Nobody would like to see their loved one pinning so strongly after another woman. Back then, she was far too immature and could not Rhys go. But now? Now can she do that?

Rhys probably understood what she thought since he held her tightly. "Remember what you promised me, Lyn. Do not go back on your words now."