Memories in the wind Part 1


From the moment they met, Lyn made it clear to him that not only was she using him for information. But she would not sit back and do nothing while the whole country falls apart. Allen remembered thinking how he wished she was a simple woman. He was tired from that banquet. Allen was not used to the air and the atmosphere in the Mist Kingdom. The people here spoke too much. In contrast the people in his Kingdom were quieter and a lot more reserved.

Allen felt his eyelids turn heavy.


A few years ago.

"--allen, Allen, wake up!"

He felt somebody shake him awake. Allen slowly opened his eyes to find none other than his fiance the Mist Kingdom second Princess Lyn.

"If you sleep here you will catch a cold and I would end up having to do all your work."

At that comment he laughed. "I thought you wanted to learn?"

"I do, and that is why I sneak into your study." Lyn trailed off as she draped a cloak around him. "But I have some questions, just answer it as subtly as you can."

Allens lips curve to a smile. It seems like she is starting to learn his ways. Only a year has passed since he first met her.

"Do you like it here?"Allen asked. It was not easy to persuade the girls parents for her to come visit his Kingdom.

"Yes I do, the weather here is very nice. Blue skies, and sunshine. Though it is a bit windy."

"You went out?"

"A few times." Lyn nodded. "But only in the morning."

Allen understood that the girl still had reservations about going out. "I shall take you out."

Lyn shook her head. "You have a lot of work to do."

"A stroll in the gardens will not harm anyone." Allen stood up and picked up his cloak from the side. He wrapped it around him and grabbed hold of her wrist. "Stay close to me."

Lyn chuckled. "Alright."

The two of them exited the room. Allen wonders what Lyn is thinking right now. Does this girl truly understand the current situation?


The place Allen brought her to was the large meadow at the back of the castle. As one would expect there was nobody there.

"The wind feels so pleasant." Lyn bent down and her eyes brightened. "There are so many different flowers here."

'Why does she look so happy?' Allen observed her reactions the past few days. This is the happiest he saw her. What did it? The flowers? Or maybe…

"This is the first time you have asked me out on a walk."

Indeed since she came here this is the first time he asked her.

"Once in awhile, it is nice." Allen mumbled as he looked away from her. There was something about Lyn today that seemed different.

Allen always pinned himself to be a man whom had self control and restraint. Of course one such as himself could not act like the other guys his age, even as a kid he was raised to act older then he's supposed to be.

But even he has emotions, even someone like him has desires. A kiss, he hadn't kissed her at all since then. Not since last summer where he completely lost it after she broke of contact with him for a bit. Back then he lost control of himself. Even if it was just for a split moment he caved in to those desires that he had been resisting for such a long time.

'I didn't see her for awhile after that. In fact her visit here is the first time I saw her since then.'

As a child Allen believed those other boys his age and those who were older were disgusting individuals. Boys who did not consider the proper ways of courting a woman. Of course he had no experience, but he strongly believed that acts of affection should be done subtly.

That's why he always sighs whenever he saw such actions being displayed so openly and boldly in the streets. Allen he did not approve of such behaviour. Even his elder brother would not act in a subtle manner when it concerns his fiance.

'Am I the only one who thinks this way?'

'Maybe I don't understand what public displays of affection are.'

So whenever he waltz in his brother and a woman, he would casually and subtly dodge the matter.

But perhaps for him, stuff like that had no meaning at all. Certainly for one of his status, he did not care much about glancing over at other females.

'Not being interested in girls is strange. But then again with your personality, the person you go out with will most receive difficulties. Though I really do believe the second you fall for her you won't be able to resist anymore.'

Which is why when he received the notice about having a fiance, he instantly knew it was his brother trying to test his theory.

That was fine, he would play this game. It was something Allen decided and yet, he hadn't expected to fall for her the second he saw her. There was certainly something different about her then other females, that's for sure… Was it the tears? Perhaps he is weak to woman's tears.

But ever since then Allen has had this desire to protect her from harm. To wrap his arms around her and not let her go anywhere else. Despite knowing since the second meeting at the banquet, that she was anything but fragile.

Even then, he still desired to protect her. During that time Prince Andrew took her out to the front lines, he never once stopped thinking of her. Allen rejected all the other fiance candidates that people forced on him when they thought she was dead. It was something he would not believe.

Allen extended his hand out and removed a a cherry blossom petal from her hair. Lyn looked up and covered her mouth, as she laughed softly.

"Allen, your being very kind to me today."

He raised his eyebrows at her words. "Aren't I always kind?"