Memories in the wind Part 2

Everything around us can be described as an illusion. When a person comes and tries to free us from that deception we often feel confused. 'If this wasn't reality, then what is?' Can you without a doubt believe in someone else's words? We all try, but in the end we create our own perception, our own way of going against this so-called 'reality'.

Somewhere along the line we end up losing who we are. But some memories still remain.

"That depends on your definition of kindness. People define kindness differently. What about you, Allen?"

Allen looked at her with wide eyes. 'How am I supposed to answer this question, I never thought of it before?'

Before he could even voice these thoughts out, the girl burst into laughter.

"I am joking, you don't have to look so serious about it."


Despite her words, Allen sensed her tone. She is lying, that definitely isn't a joke.

Unfortunately, he isn't the type of person who would call her out for lying. If she doesn't want to tell him, how could he possibly force her?

"By the way, do you notice anything different about me today?"

Huh? Allen looked at her puzzled.

A deep sigh passed Lyn's lips and she pouted. "Forget it. Let's head back inside before the winds get stronger." She marched past him, not before he saw how upset she was.

'What was that all about?'


Wind Kingdom, Main Palace.

He only realises something is strange a day later. He was greeting some guests who came to pay respects to his parents, when Lyn came down the stairs.

"Good morning--" Allen paused mid-sentence seeing the girl's attire. His eyes widened seeing the red off shoulder western dress, that showed off not only her shoulders but gorgeous legs. What kind of clothing is that? He knew the western trend was shifting, but why are they creating such revealing outfits?

Allen turned to the guests he was greeting and noticed their gaze on Lyn. He frowned and walked over to the girl.

He pulled her with him into the kitchen where he pressed her against the wall with one hand.

"Why are you dressed like that?" he demanded.

Sumire frowned at his words.

"You," she responded.

Allen didn't expect that reply.


She nodded and turned her head away. "I bought this new dress yesterday...and yiou didn't even notice."

"I didn't pay much attention." Allen admitted.

This only led to the girl sighing. "I know, and that's why it irritates me. I wish I didn't know what type of person you were."

Allen didn't know what to say to those words. For him, Lyn always looked pretty. So what difference does her clothing make?

"Does Allen find the dress pretty," she asked shyly. "-on me?"

Allen paused and looked at her, as in really looked at her.

The dress she wore did hold her body nicely, but it showed off her figure too much. She looked innocent and yet there was something mature looking about her too. That something is what led to the lecherous gaze of other men. How dangerous, she is only young too. For her to look like this now, what will it be like in the future?

"Yes," Allen immediately replied

He saw her cheeks turn redder at his words. Her gorgeous blue coloured eyes sparkled a little. 'Is she that pleased? I only agreed with her statement.'

"I wanted to look pretty for Allen today," she admitted.

Allen blinked hearing her reply. Was that what it was? She wanted to look pretty. For him?

He didn't really understand why. She was beautiful all the time to him, so why go out of her way? But, seeing her expression Allen knew better than to say that. If he uttered those words she would surely be angry with him again.

He leaned forward and lightly kissed her forehead, and draped his cloak around her shoulders.

"But now you are too pretty."

Lyn blinked and burst into laughter. "Aha."

"This isn't funny." Allen trailed off. "I have business to attend to, today. Are you--going to stay like this the entire day?"

He was very concerned. Just now when she stepped out, there were many lecherous gazes on her. Even the servants and soldiers who were normally well behaved, all had an unusual look in her eyes.

Lyn rolled her eyes. "Yes, this is my attire for the day."

'I want to tell her to change. But, that would make him sound possessive.'

His thoughts break off when Lyn points to the cloak on her shoulders. "However, I can include something extra. Don't you think this would make a good shield?"

Indeed, everyone has seen him wear that cloak before. If she is wearing that, no idiot should try to approach her. Allen relaxed a little.

"Will you be staying in the manor or looking around town?"

"Mm around town, can you arrange an escort for me? I may get lost."

Allen blinked, surprised hearing those words. This is unusual, with Lyn's personality normally she would use this time to persuade him that she is better off alone. He scans her up and down.


"You are hiding something."

At those words Lyn flinched and he frowned. Lyn isn't a very good liar, at least if somebody directly confronts her she won't be able to hide what she is doing. Before he could inquire anymore however, Naoki suddenly rushed over.

"What do you want?" he demanded.

Why does it seem like whenever he wants to have time alone with her, somebody interrupts.

"There's some stuff you have to do right now!" Naoki handed icer what seemed to be a stapled report.

Allen scowled and took the report in his hands and began to read it. But that irritation vanished, and replaced with a serious gaze. He didn't show it but he was seething inside. How ridiculous, for something like this to happen on Wind Kingdom lands.

"Are you going to get them? " Naoki asked with a smile.

"Of course."

A matter like this, he cannot hand it over to anybody else. Allen knew how most nobles treated the lower class. In the past he was the same, but after he met Lyn, he started to change his mind. He often went into town and observed their life style. The members of the lower class were not bad people at all, and yet the upper-class treat them as some type of monster.

He turned to the girl who was looking at him concerned. She must have sensed his shift in emotions. Allen bent down and placed a light kiss on her forehead.

She seemed startled and her face turned red again. But he didn't pull away immediately, his lips lingered there for a few extra seconds.

"Behave, and you must be back before seven. There is the ball later on."

"I-I know."

She still appeared nervous to him but Allen knew that he ought to get going. 'I will assign a reliable escort to her.'
