Getting closer

'I knew he would, but when I saw the results with my own eyes. I felt guilty for leaving for a long time.' No matter what anybody says, it was selfish for her to leave for a long time. But, the only reason she could so easily was because Allen was here. If Allen hadn't visited, she would have hesitated to leave.

Lyn sighed deeply. Even now it seems like she is taking advantage of his kindness.

"I see, he can only do something like that because he knows you very well."

"Mr Knight, you almost sound jealous."

"Maybe I am." Rhys trailed off. "So, what about this potion in the crystal bottle?"

"Mm, it's a love potion."


"I mean, it's embarrassing to admit. But, I was trying to make a potion for you to drink. However I ended up mixing all sorts of ingredients and it ended up like this."

"Huh, if I didn't know any better I would think you were trying to seduce me." Rhys sniffed the bottle. "This ended up being a heavy asphoric."

"I-it was supposed to be a potion that helps with your sleep."

"My sleep?"

"The lights have been on your room the past few nights, and your always up early to train. So I figured I would do something for you."

"If I didn't know any better I would think you cared for me."


Lyn bit her lip hearing those words and she got off his lap and looked away. This is a bit difficult after all. It makes sense that he is behaving this way after her harsh treatment of him but this is troubling.

'The last few days we have gotten closer, but Rhys probably thinks I am only doing this because I am bored.' She could easily dissolve this tension if she explains that she has her memories back.

But doing so would be unfair on Kazuya, she wants to reconfirm her feelings. Which emotions were stronger? In the years since she last saw Rhys, Kazuya and her have gotten very close. The level of understanding they had of each other far surpassed back when they first dated when she was still a Princess.

However, where does that leave Rhys? It seems like back then she picked Rhys over Kazuya. But, she still doesn't understand why. She may have regained her memories but her emotions from back then have yet to properly return to her.

So until she has regained everything, she doesn't want either side to misunderstand.

"I don't hate you Rhys."

"Ha, I have heard this before."

Uh, Lyn panicked. Did they have a similar conversation in the past?

The problem with regaining her memories so suddenly is this. It is hard to focus on key events and conversations.

Her thoughts break off when Rhys placed his hand on top of hers.

"Well, since you don't hate me you should at least allow this much."

"I suppose."

"The last few days, I haven't been sleeping because I was observing the changes in the Kingdom. Although I have made a few trips back and forth as the ambassador. I haven't stayed long enough to observe."

"So, you have been going out into town?" Lyn asked amazed.

Even though it was expected, Lyn still found it strange. The Rhys she remembered was always cautious towards others. He would subconsciously put a barrier between him and other people.

"Yeah, the atmosphere has certainly changed. The town is more lively, and the nobles treat the commoners with respect. There are no more slums either. To achieve all of this within a short amount of time, you have done a good job Lyn."

At those words she felt her heart beat increase and heat crept onto her cheeks. Lyn had to avert her gaze again. As she thought, those memories she regained are not fake.

At the beginning she thought she was simply seeing an illusion, due to the guilt of treating Rhys badly. But as the days went by she finally understood. Those visions she has been seeing every night since her return are real, and these strong emotions are due to the 'love' she had for him.

"Now, the war with the Snow Kingdom was unavoidable."

"It was?"

Rhys nodded.

"But me and Jen-"

"Regardless of your friendship, Queen Jen would have waged war a long time ago."

"But didn't she only just get possessed by the demon-"

Rhys shook his head and frowned. He did not reply immediately almost like he was choosing his words carefully.

"I discovered this from the former King, but it's a tradition in the snow Kingdom royal family for one member of the family to eat the organs of a demonic creature from birth."

Lyn listened to Rhys but her face gradually lost colour as he explained more details.

According to Rhys, they do this in order to obtain the protection of the snow dragon. To show that they do not discriminate against demons, and will even offer to become one with them.

"So, are you saying Jen was already possessed?"

"If you think about your time in the academy, it would make sense right? All those people disliked you, but why? Lethia spread rumors? No, she never had any power in the academy. But your friend did."


"Sorry that was insensitive. I forgot that your memories are blurry of that time frame."


Indeed, she cannot tell him that she remembers everything now. It would be difficult to approach the topic.

"I see so Jen was already possessed. So even back then she may have been planning to betray me all along."

It's strange but she supposes it makes sense. Recalling the memories she saw the past few days, she recalled how Jen behaved in front of the people who disliked her. Jen acted neutral, but if she was truly her friend she would have defended her.

'It seems like a petty thought but if I think about it, the people who were hostile to me back then were those close to Jen.'

It was so obvious and yet she stupidly trusted Jen. No, a part of her already understood what was going on. But, there was a lot of other stuff on her mind. Even if it is pretend friendship, at the very least Jen is not cursing her like everybody else.

If Rhys hears these thoughts, he will surely get mad at her.
