
"You know," Rhys trailed off. "-I am surprised you are taking this so well, shouldn't you question me or get mad?"

"There is no need to do that, right now we are in the middle of war. As I speak, thousands of people are dying. The reason why Jen suddenly attacked, is it due to the living conditions in the snow Kingdom becoming harsher?"

"That is correct. The climate in the Snow Kingdom has become a lot harsher the last few years. Unfortunately we do not know what the cause is, if we could find that out maybe Queen Jen would stop. No, she wouldn't. If you think about it, it's unfair. The Mist Kingdom should be in a similar situation with the deadly mist, but there is rich soil that can grow crops regardless of the deadly mist."

"Ah, that's because of the cave that was blessed by the original saintess."

'If I recall correctly, me and Rhys found that place when we were running away. The sparkling water incident- I had previously gone to that cave before. But, I hadn't realised the importance and benefits it would bring the Kingdom until then.'

"It's also because you became the ruler. Your body is blessed with holy power enough to bless the entire land. Of course you had to work hard to use this power to help, and I'm guessing the blessing wasn't enough to get rid of the poverty?"

"Right, there were lands that were in such bad shape that even with the blessing it didn't have much impact. There were areas where the sun did not shine and the ground was charcoal black. It took a long time, but me and Kazuya found seeds that would grow on those lands."

When she thought about the hard work Kazuya and her put in, Lyn recalled the many memories they made together. As she thought, even if she has her memories back of her time together with Rhys. She cannot push Kazuya away so easily like she did in the past.

In the past she could only do that so easily because the memories and emotions they shared weren't that strong. But now that she has made plenty of memories with Kazuya, how could she possibly just abandon him?

However, the memories she made with Rhys won't lose out either. The last few days she has spent more time with him and confirmed that she still has the same emotions towards him.

That is, she probably, no she still 'loves' Rhys.

"Seeds huh? I wonder if we can find anything that would grow in the Snow Kingdom lands. But I think the first thing we should do is find out what is causing the bad climate." Rhys trailed off. "Hey Lyn, are you listening to me?"

It is not unheard of for her to have multiple husbands. Or rather for a while the elders have been nagging at her to marry another person to further secure the royal blood line.

Even her mother had four husbands.

But the thought of marrying multiple people always sounded wrong to her.

If she married Rhys first, it would indeed make him the first King. Moreover, they never annulled their marriage either. She simply 'forgot' and he ran away after slewing the dragon.

Her thoughts break off when she realised how close Rhys was to her face.

"You look a bit pale, I think you should lay down."

She is laying down with several blankets on top of her and cushions surrounding her.

"R-Rhys, this is too much."

"But it's cold. It's been a while but I forgot what the winter season was like here."

This person hasn't changed at all, he never listens to her. Lyn sighs and resigns to her fate. She closed her eyes attempting to get some sleep but her heart couldn't calm down knowing he was still in the room.

She could hear shuffling and knew he was reading some documents.

"Rhys?" Lyn called out.


"I'd like it if you got a bit closer." She mumbled this part quietly. But after a few minutes she felt Rhys sit on the spot on the bed beside her.

"Is this close enough for you?"

"I think so."

She could already imagine the complicated look on his face as she heard him sigh.

"I do not understand what you are trying to do, Queen. The past few days your behaviour has been so strange. Why do you keep inviting me to your room?"

"A-aren't you my knight? You should stay close to me."

"If that's all this is then fair, but what about the lap pillows-"

"It-it's just more comfortable to rest like that!"

She knew how stupid her own words sounded and immediately regretted it afterwards.

Rhys sighed deeply. "I don't understand why you're being stubborn about this. It should be easy for you to coldly brush me off like before."

"D-don't over think."

"I suppose I'll take advantage of this. Tonight, do you want to go with me to town?"

"To the town?"

"Yeah, like I said every time I came here I was busy working, I didn't get a chance to look around. Now that I do have time I want to see what has changed."

Indeed she hasn't specified what she actually wants him to do.

"Why at night?"

He should have some time during the day.

"-because nights in the Mist Kingdom are beautiful."

'Oh, somehow it makes me feel happy hearing that. To hear that Rhys likes the Kingdom. Why does it make me feel like this?'

"So, can we go together? Or do you have work?"

"I should be fine."

Because of Kazuya insisting that she rests, she has only had to sign a few documents in the comfort of her own room the past few days. It would be nice if she could go out for a bit. If it is for a short while, it should be okay.

"Then," Rhys suddenly lays down on the bed. Before she could question what he was doing, he grabbed hold of her arm. She is laying with her head resting on his chest, and his arms wrapped around her waist. "-your responsible for keeping me company."

Lyn stared at him dumbfounded at his behaviour. What nonsense is this-? She waited for a few extra seconds for him to let her go but Rhys didn't do that.

"Stop fooling around." Lyn paused.

What time is it? Normally she instructs the maids to clean her room at a certain time of the day, and she would use that chance to take a walk.

Although she had boldly invited Rhys to her room the past few days. The reality is, she doesn't want people to misunderstand.

'I remember bits and pieces of our time as lovers and my old feelings for him. But, it's too soon to jump into a relationship again.'

Moreover on that altar, with Kazuya. She vowed that she would change the state of this Empire with Kazuya and Kazuya alone.
