Hidden Feelings

At The Restaurant, 8:00pm

For somebody who said he didn't get a chance to look around the last few years. He knew about more new places than she did. Then again unlike when she was a Princess it was difficult for her to sneak out. The place Rhys brought her too after they walked around was a restaurant inside a cave, with a perfect view of the ocean. There were red parasols hanging beside the wooden sofas and beautiful red spider lily trees. There was a red gate surrounding the edge of the cave, and right below was the ocean.

Lyn was too busy admiring the view of the ocean so Rhys ordered for them.

"I thought you've been too busy to go out."

"Yeah, but I found this place when I was meeting a few clients."

Lyn flinched at the familiar term. 'Clients? Is he meeting other women like he did before? That's what Rhys used to call those other girls.'

"It was a man by the way, not a woman."

"I-I don't care about that."

"I see." He didn't seem convinced and she kept averting her gaze.

This is a bit awkward after all. Since they reunited she has treated him badly. For her to suddenly treat him well, it's no wonder he keeps looking at her with a confus-- Lyn paused seeing the confused gaze turn into a gentle one.

Lyn stirred the contents of her drink with her straw. "Say, can-can you tell me more about your travels?'

"Hm? Are you interested in me?"

"I'm interested to know why the so called ambassador never reported to the Queen."

At those words Rhys laughed. "Well you got me there." He trailed off. "I always made my reports to Kazuya though, so it's not like I didn't consult with the rulers of the Kingdom."

Lyn frowned when she heard those words. This is so unfair, Kazuya made it sound like he had no idea where Rhys has been this entire time. Then again, wasn't she the one who said 'who cares about that guy?'

She sighed deeply cursing her past self. What has she been doing the last few years? It seems even without memories she felt frustrated that she couldn't see Rhys.

"I went to many places, and met many people. But even when I did, I realised how much I missed the Mist Kingdom. I wonder if it's because I spent a lot of time here, but although the rest of the Kingdoms had more knowledge and prettier lands. I was longing to be in this place."

Her eyes widened when she heard those words.

"I always thought my attachment to this place was you, and while that is the main contribution. I realised in my journey's, that this is the place I consider 'home.'"

"Then," Lyn slowly raised her voice. "-then why don't you stay here?"

She had to stop herself from saying 'stay by my side.'

At that comment his eyes widened. For a moment Rhys was staring at her but that did not last long before he reached over and flicked her forehead.

"It seems like you still haven't changed, you still say such misleading things. Even if you want to joke with me-"

She slammed her hands on the table then and leaned across the table as she grabbed his face in her hands. Lyn took a deep breath before exclaiming.

"I told you to stay by my side, why is it so hard for you to believe that?"

Initially she had no intention saying these words but hearing his reply frustrated her.

Rhys' eyes widened. "So, you want me to stay with you all the time?"

Lyn felt her cheeks redden hearing those words. She didn't phrase it like that and yet when Rhys said those words. Images of flushed bodies appeared in her mind.

N-now that she thought about it, back then Rhys and her seemed to engage in intimate actions a lot. If she admits that his words are correct, it would be the same as implying that she wants to engage in those actions with Rhys,

"Since I made a promise to be your knight, I can certainly fulfil that request."

Her flustered gaze immediately turned to a surprised one. Wait a minute, why isn't he teasing her? Lyn waited a few extra seconds but no teasing remarks escaped his lips. Is he truly serious about this? Aah, what on earth happened to him? In the past if she said a line like this he would certainly tease her because he would immediately understand the hidden meaning.

But it is not like that at all now, there was only a serious look in Rhys eyes. This is frustrating, since when did Rhys become like this? Before they returned to the Mist Kingdom, he was so haughty about making her like him again.

Her thoughts break off when the waiter places a glass cup in the center. It was a red coloured liquid with a cream and a red cherry on top. But what startled her was the heart shaped straws.

"Here is your couples float."

Rhys thanked the waiter and her shock quickly turned to embarrassment. She thought it was strange that he wasn't ordering something, so this is what he was planning.

"Now my Queen, you must be thirsty. You ate so much, so your throat must be parched."

T-this man! He hasn't changed after all. He still has a bad habit of teasing her whenever he gets the chance. Lyn looked at the heart shaped straws, indicating that two people could drink from it. B-but what if the straws break-

Lyn looked at Rhys eyes and recalled his expression from moments ago. If this is what it takes to make him change his mind, she took a deep breath as she started to drink from the other straw.

Rhys looked at her with wide eyes. "You know your really something."

Lyn didn't reply to that and concentrated on the drink. T-this is very embarrassing. If the straws break her lips would no doubt make contact with Rhys. Right now his face is very close to her.

In the past he would have teased her, but she knew even without looking that he wore a serious gaze on his face. If he keeps looking at her like that, she won't be able to control her emotions anymore. These deep feelings, she has to keep it hidden.
